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Selected GLORIA Publications and References 

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

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GLORIA Publications and References

U.S. Atlantic East Coast GLORIA Mapping Program

U.S. Gulf of Mexico GLORIA Mapping Program Background

U.S. Pacific West Coast GLORIA Mapping Program Background

USGS CMGP InfoBank Geology School: GLORIA


  • Geology of the United States Seafloor: The View from GLORIA, 1996, Gardner, J.V., Field, M.E., Twichell, D.C. editors, Cambridge University Press, 371p.
  • EEZ-Scan 84 Scientific Staff, 1986, Atlas of the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone, Western Conterminous United States: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series I-1792, 152p., scale 1:500,000.
  • EEZ-Scan 85 Scientific Staff, 1987, Atlas of the U. S. Exclusive Economic Zone, Gulf of Mexico and eastern Caribbean areas: U. S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations I-1864-A, 104 p., scale 1:500,000.
  • EEZ-Scan 87 Scientific Staff, 1991, Atlas of the U. S. Exclusive Economic Zone Atlantic Continental Margin: U. S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series I-2054, 174p.

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Amery, G.B., 1969, Structure of Sigsbee Scarp, Gulf of Mexico: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 53, p. 2480-2482.

Antoine, J.W., Bryant, W.R., and Jones, William, 1967, Structural features of continental shelf, slope, and scarp, northeastern Gulf of Mexico: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 51, p. 257-262.

Cashman, K.V., and Popenoe, Peter, 1985, Slumping and shallow faulting related to the presence of salt on the continental slope and rise off North Carolina: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 2, p. 260-271.

Chavez, P.S., Jr., 1986, Processing techniques for digital sonar images from GLORIA: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, v52, no. 8, p. 1133-1145.

Dillon, W.P., Paull, C.K., and Gilbert, L.E., 1985, History of the Atlantic continental margin off Florida: The Blake Plateau Basin, in Poag, C.W., ed., Geologic evolution of the United States Atlantic margin: New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., p. 189-215.

Dillon, W.P., and Popenoe, Peter, 1988, The Blake Plateau Basin and Carolina Trough, in Sheridan, R.E., and Grow, J.A., eds., The Atlantic continental margin, U.S., v. I-2 of The geology of North America: Boulder, Colo., Geological Society of America, p. 291-328.

Dillon, W.P., Risch, J.S., Scanlon, K.M., Valentine, P.C., and Huggett, Q.J., 1993, Ancient crustal fractures control the location and size of collapsed blocks at the Blake Escarpment, east of Florida, in Schwab, W.C., Lee, H.J., and Twichell, D.C., eds., Submarine landslides: selected studies in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone: U.S.Geological Survey Bulletin 2002, p. 54-59.

Dillon, W.P., Valentine, P.C., and Paull, C.K., 1987, The Blake Escarpment--A product of erosional processes in the deep ocean: Symposium Series for Undersea Research, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Undersea Research Program, v. 2, no. 2, p. 177-190.

Field, M.E., and Pilkey, O.H., 1971, Deposition of deep-sea sands: comparison of two areas of the continental rise: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 41, p. 526-536. Freeman-Lynde, R.P., 1983, Cretaceous and Tertiary samples dredged from the Florida Escarpment, eastern Gulf of Mexico: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 33, p. 91-99.

Garrison, L.E., Kenyon, N.H., and Bouma, A.H., 1982, Channel systems and lobe construction in the Mississippi Fan: Geo-Marine Letters,. v. 2, p. 33-39.

Hill, G.W., and McGregor, B.A., 1988, Small-scale mapping of the Exclusive Economic Zone using wide-swath side-scan sonar: Marine Geodesy, v. 12, p. 41-53.

Kenyon, N.H., 1992, Speculations on the geological causes of backscatter variation on GLORIA sonographs from the Mississippi and DeSoto Fans, Gulf of Mexico: Geo-Marine Letters, v. 12, p. 24-32.

McGregor, B.A., 1987a, A sonar view of the floor of the Gulf of Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Yearbook, Fiscal Year 1986, p. 62-65.

McGregor, B.A., 1987b, Diversity of processes and morphology on the U.S. Atlantic Continental Slope and Rise, in Folger, D.W., and Hathaway, J.C., eds., Conference on continental margin mass wasting and Pleistocene sea-level changes, August 13-15, 1980: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 961, p. 21-35.

McGregor, B.A., 1988, Mapping the EEZ: The first million square miles: U.S. Geological Survey Yearbook, Fiscal Year 1987, p. 64-68.

McGregor, B.A., and Hill, G.W., 1989, Seafloor image maps of the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone: Hydrographic Journal, v. 53, p. 9-13.

McGregor, B.A., Kenyon, N.H., Rothwell, R.G., Twichell, D.C., and Parson, L.M., 1986, Sidescan sonar mapping of the sea floor in the Gulf of Mexico: Geophysics, v. 51, p. 1515.

McGregor, B.A., Rothwell, R.G., Kenyon, N.H., and Twichell. D.C., 1993, Salt tectonics and slope failure in an area of salt domes in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, in Schwab, W.C., Lee, H.J., and Twichell, D.C., eds., Submarine landslides: Selected studies in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2002, p. 92-96.

McGregor, B.A., and Schoonmaker, J.W., 1986, Image processed sidescan sonar data: An aid to geologic interpretation: American Congress on Surveying and Mapping and American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Annual Meeting Proceedings, v. 5, p. 223-232.

McGregor, B.A., and Twichell, D.C., 1985, U.S. Geological Survey Gulf of Mexico GLORIA program: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 85-465, 18 p.

O'Leary, D.W., 1993, Submarine mass movement, a formative process of passive continental margins: The Munson-Nygren landslide complex and the southeast New England landslide complex, in Schwab, W.C., Lee, H.J., and Twichell, D.C., eds., Submarine landslides: Selected studies in the Exclusive Economic Zone: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2002, p. 23-39.

O'Leary, D.W., Hughes-Clarke, J., Dobson, M., and Williams, S.R.J., 1987, GLORIA sonar survey of the New England-Nova Scotian continental margin: The rise revealed: Geotimes, March, 1988, p. 22-24.

Paull, C.K., and Dillon, W.P., 1980, Structure, stratigraphy and geologic history of the Florida-Hatteras Shelf and inner Blake Plateau: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 64, p. 339-358.

Paull, C.K., Spiess, F.N., Curray, J.R., and Twichell, D.C., 1990, Origin of Florida Canyon and the role of spring sapping on the formation of submarine box canyons: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 102, p. 502-515.

Paull, C.K., Twichell, D.C., Spiess, F.N., and Curray, J.R., 1991, Morphological development of the Florida Escarpment: Observations on the generation of time transgressive unconformities in carbonate terrains: Marine Geology, v. 101, p. 181-201.

Popenoe, Peter, Coward, E.L., and Cashman, K.V., 1982, A regional assessment of potential environmental hazards to and limitations on petroleum development of the southeastern United States Atlantic Continental Shelf, Slope, and Rise, offshore North Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-136, 67 p., map scale 1:1,000,000.

Popenoe, Peter, Schmuck, E.A., and Dillon, W.P., 1993, The Cape Fear landslide: Slope failure associated with salt diapirism and gas hydrate decomposition, in Schwab, W.C., Lee, H.J., and Twichell, D.C., eds., Submarine landslides: Selected studies in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2002, p. 40-53.

Scanlon, K.M., 1984, The continental slope off New England: A long-range sidescan-sonar perspective: Geo-Marine Letters, v. 4, p. 1-4.

Scanlon, K.M., and Masson, D.G., 1992, Fe-Mn nodule field indicated by GLORIA, north of the Puerto Rico Trench: Geo-Marine Letters, v. 12, p. 208-213.

Schlee, J.S., and Robb, J.M., 1991, Submarine processes of the Middle Atlantic Continental Rise based on GLORIA survey: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 103, p. 1090-1103.

Schoonmaker, J.W., and McGregor, B.A., 1986, GLORIA processing: From digital data to film mosaic: American Congress on Surveying and Mapping and American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Annual Meeting Proceedings, v. 5, p. 213-222.

Schoonmaker, J.W., and McGregor, B.A., 1987, Sea floor mapping using GLORIA digital techniques, in Positioning the future, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Marine Positioning, Reston, VA, Oct. 1986: Dordrecht, Netherlands, D. Reidel Pubs. Co., p. 259-264.

Schwab, W.C., Danforth, W.W., Scanlon, K.M., and Masson, D.G., 1991, A giant slope failure on the northern insular slope of Puerto Rico: Marine Geology, v. 96, p. 237-246.

Schwab, W.C., Twichell, D.C., Nelson, C.H., Lee, H.J., and Kenyon, N.H., 1991, Depositional processes on the Mississippi Fan: Sedimentology and transport mechanisms: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 23, no. 5, p. A386.

Schwab, W.C., Danforth, W.W., and Scanlon, K.C., 1993, Tectonic and stratigraphic control on a giant submarine slope failure: Puerto Rico insular slope, in Schwab, W.C., Lee, H.J., and Twichell, D.C., eds., Submarine Landslides: Selected studies in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2002, p. 60-68.

Stubblefield, W.L., McGregor, B.A., Forde, E.B., Lambert, D.N., and Merrill, G.F., 1982, Reconnaissance in DSRV ALVIN of a fluvial-like meander system in Wilmington Canyon, and slump features in South Wilmington Canyon: Geology, v. 10, p. 31-36.

Teleki, P.G., Roberts, D.G., Chavez, P.S., Somers, M.L., and Twichell, D.C., 1981, Sonar survey of the U.S. Atlantic Continental Slope: Acoustic characteristics and image processing techniques: Proceedings Offshore Technology Conference, no. 4017, p. 91-102.

Somers, M.L., Carson, R.M., Revie, J.A., Edge, R.H., Barrows, B.J., and Andrews, A.G., 1978, GLORIA II-an improved long range sidescan sonar, in Processings of the Institute of Electrical Engineering on Offshore Instrumentation and Communications, Oceanology International Technical Session J: London, BPS Publications Ltd., p.16-24.

Twichell, D.C., and Roberts, D.G., 1982, Morphology, distribution, and development of submarine canyons on the United States Atlantic Continental Slope between Hudson and Baltimore Canyons: Geology, v. 10, p. 408-412.

Twichell, D.C., 1987, Geomorphic map of the U.S. Atlantic continental margin and upper rise between Hudson and Baltimore Canyons, in Folger, D.W. and Hathaway, J.C., eds., Conference on continental margin mass wasting and Pleistocene sea-level changes, August 13-15, 1980: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 961, p. 14-21.

Twichell, D.C., 1988, Erosion of the Florida Escarpment: Eastern Gulf of Mexico: University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, Ph.D. Dissertation, 173 p.

Twichell, D.C., Parson, L.M., and Paull, C.K., 1990, Variations in the styles of erosion along the Florida Escarpment, eastern Gulf of Mexico: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 7, p. 253-266.

Twichell, D.C., Kenyon, N.H., Parson, L.M., and McGregor, B.A., 1991, Depositional patterns of the Mississippi Fan surface: Evidence from GLORIA II and high-resolution seismic profiles, in Weimer, P., and Link, M.H., eds., Seismic facies and sedimentary processes of modern and ancient submarine fans: New York, Springer-Verlag.

Twichell, D.C., Paull, C.K., and Parson, L.M., 1991, Terraces on the Florida Escarpment: Implications for erosional processes: Geology, v. 19, p. 897-900.

Twichell, D.C., Valentine, P.C., and Parson, L.M., 1993, Slope failure of carbonate sediment on the West Florida Slope, in Schwab, W.C., Lee, H.J., and Twichell, D.C., eds, Submarine Landslides: Selected studies in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2002, p. 69-78.



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