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Section 508 - Accessibility banner is the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state and local government web resources and services.
Why create an accessible website?

Imagine sitting in front of your computer to check the news, get your weather forecast, catch the latest sports scores. You may be using your computer to shop or even find a new job, we take the convenience of the Internet for granted. 

Now imagine your monitor doesn't work - or the mouse is unplugged. 

For those who are blind or who have motor impairments, these limitations are real. Other individuals with disabilities simply avoid the Internet because it can be a frustrating experience for them.

Common web tasks such as reading, searching for information, and making purchases are often difficult, or in some cases impossible, for a person with a disability to perform. Many sites are not accessible to large populations of the disability community, particularly people who are blind, deaf or hard of hearing, or are mobility impaired. As the Internet continues to become more interactive, those with physical disabilities may have even more difficulties navigating the Internet. 

The benefits brought about by the Internet are indisputable. From the convenience of ready access to information, to shopping, to entertainment, the Internet has brought the world into people's homes. Perhaps no group can benefit more from the Internet than people with disabilities.

To next page - How Many People with Disabilities Are There?

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Page last modified: 20-Sep-2005 2:15 PM
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