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Russia’s Regions Work to Expand Foster Care Programs

The Tomsk Oblast Duma has adopted new legislation as a result of more than four years of cooperation with USAID’s Assistance to Russian Orphans (ARO) program. In the short-term, the new legislation, which was signed on May 26, will increase the number of regional, pilot foster care sites from four to seven. In the long-term, the Oblast will introduce foster care models in all Tomsk orphanages and implement new organizational and staffing guidelines for the Oblast’s child welfare system. ARO has worked with Tomsk Oblast officials to develop a regional family-based care system for abandoned children and to provide expert advice on child welfare issues. On May 29, nearly 450 people also participated in a one day program of events to promote foster care issues in Smolenskaya Oblast. The events were organized by USAID-sponsored Kidsave International and included a one kilometer walk between historic Smolensk landmarks and several community-based activities in Smolensk Central Recreation Park.

Participants in the Smolensk Miracle Walk for Foster Care
Participants in the Smolensk “Miracle Walk for Foster Care”

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Mon, 19 Dec 2005 15:05:30 -0500