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Control of Emissions of Air Pollution From Nonroad Diesel Engines and Fuel [[pp. 28577-28603]]

 [Federal Register: May 23, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 100)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Page 28577-28603]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]
[[pp. 28577-28603]]
Control of Emissions of Air Pollution From Nonroad Diesel Engines 
and Fuel

[[Continued from page 28576]]
[[Page 28577]]

United States for resale, and all other actions to comply with the 
requirements of this part constitute actions or activities covered by 
and within the meaning of 28 U.S.C. 1605(a)(2), but solely with respect 
to actions instituted against the foreign nonroad equipment 
manufacturer, its agents, officers, and employees in any court or other 
tribunal in the United States for conduct that violates the 
requirements of part 1039, including such conduct that violates 18 
U.S.C. 1001, Clean Air Act section 113(c)(2), or other applicable 
provisions of the Clean Air Act.
    (f) The foreign nonroad equipment manufacturer, or its agents, 
officers, or employees, will not seek to detain or to impose civil or 
criminal remedies against EPA inspectors or auditors, whether EPA 
employees or EPA contractors, for actions performed within the scope of 
EPA employment related to the provisions of this section.
    (g) The commitment required by this section shall be signed by the 
owner or president of the foreign nonroad equipment manufacturer 
    (h) Sovereign immunity. By submitting a notification of its intent 
to use the flexibility provision under Sec.  1039.625, or by producing 
and exporting for resale to the United States nonroad equipment under 
this section, the foreign nonroad equipment manufacturer, its agents, 
officers, and employees, without exception, become subject to the full 
operation of the administrative and judicial enforcement powers and 
provisions of the United States without limitation based on sovereign 
immunity, with respect to actions instituted against the foreign 
nonroad equipment manufacturer, its agents, officers, and employees in 
any court or other tribunal in the United States for conduct that 
violates the requirements applicable to the foreign nonroad equipment 
manufacturer under this part, including such conduct that violates 18 
U.S.C. 1001, section 113(c)(2) of the Clean Air Act, or other 
applicable provisions of the Clean Air Act.
    (i) English language reports. Any report or other document 
submitted to EPA by any foreign nonroad equipment manufacturer shall be 
in the English language, or shall include an English language 

Sec.  1039.630  What are the hardship provisions for equipment 

    If you qualify for the hardship provisions specified in 40 CFR 
1068.255, we may approve your hardship application subject to three 
additional conditions:
    (a) You must show that you were selling new equipment with engines 
that were certified to meet the requirements of 40 CFR part 89 before 
    (b) You must show that you have used up the allowances to produce 
equipment with exempted engines under Sec.  1039.625.
    (c) You may produce engines under this section for up to one year 
total (or two years for small-volume manufacturers).

Sec.  1039.635  What are the hardship provisions for engine 

    If you qualify for the hardship provisions specified in 40 CFR 
1068.245, we may approve a period of delayed compliance for up to two 
years total for small-volume manufacturers or one year total for all 
other companies. If you qualify for the hardship provisions specified 
in 40 CFR 1068.250 for small-volume manufacturers, we may approve a 
period of delayed compliance for up to two years total.

Sec.  1039.639  What special provisions apply to engines sold in Guam, 
American Samoa, or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands?

    Engines introduced into commerce in Guam, American Samoa, or the 
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands are subject to the latest 
emission standards in 40 CFR 89.112 instead of the Tier 4 standards in 
Sec.  1039.101, but only if the engines include the following statement 
on the label we require in 40 CFR 89.110 (or on a separate, permanent 
label with your corporate name and trademark): ``THIS ENGINE DOES NOT 
engine into commerce in any state or territory of the United States 
other than Guam, American Samoa, or the Commonwealth of the Northern 
Mariana Islands, throughout its lifetime, is a violation of 40 CFR 

Sec.  1039.645  What special provisions apply to engines used for 
transportation refrigeration units?

    The provisions of this section apply for engines used in 
transportation refrigeration units (TRUs). All other provisions of this 
part apply for these engines, except as specified in this section.
    (a) Engines used only in TRU applications may be certified using 
the following special provisions:
    (1) The engines are not required to meet the transient emission 
standards of subpart B of this part.
    (2) The steady-state emission standards of subpart B apply for 
emissions measured over the steady-state test cycle described in 
paragraph (b) of this section instead of the otherwise applicable test 
cycle described in Appendix I, III, or IV of this part.
    (b) The steady-state test cycle for TRU engines is:

                   Steady-state Cycle for TRU Engines
                                     Observed     time in     Weighting
 Mode No.        Engine speed       tourqe \1\      mode       factors
1.........  Maximum test speed...           75          3.0         0.25
2.........  Maximum test speed...           50          3.0         0.25
3.........  Intermediate test               75          3.0         0.25
4.........  Intermediate test               50          3.0        0.25
\1\ The percent torque is relative to the maximum torque at the given
  engine speed.

    (c) Engines certified under this section must be certified in a 
separate engine family that contains only TRU engines.
    (d) You must do the following for each engine certified under this 
    (1) State on the emission control information label for each engine 
that is certified under the provisions of this

[[Page 28578]]

section: ``This engine is certified to operate only in transportation 
refrigeration units. Use of this the engine in other applications is a 
violation of federal law subject to civil penalty.''.
    (2) State in the installation instructions required by Sec.  
1039.130 all instructions necessary to ensure that the engine will 
operate only in the modes covered by the test cycle described in this 
    (3) Keep records to document the destinations and quantities of 
engines produced under this section.
    (e) An engine is not a TRU engine that can be certified under this 
section if any of the following are true:
    (1) The engine is installed in any equipment other than 
refrigeration units for railcars, truck trailers or other freight 
    (2) The engine operates in any mode not covered by the test cycle 
described in this section, except for negligible transitional operation 
between two allowable modes. As an example, a thirty-second transition 
period would clearly not be considered negligible.
    (3) The engine is sold in a configuration that allows the engine to 
operate in any mode not covered by the test cycle described in this 
section. As an example, this would include an engine sold without a 
governor that limited operation to only those modes covered by the test 
cycle described in this section.
    (4) The engine is subject to Tier 3 or earlier standards, or phase-
out Tier 4 standards.
    (f) All engines certified under this section must comply with the 
NTE requirements of subpart B of this part. This requirement applies 
without regard to whether the engine would otherwise have been subject 
to NTE standards if it had not been certified under this section.

Subpart H--Averaging, Banking, and Trading for Certification

Sec.  1039.701  General provisions.

    (a) You may average, bank, and trade (ABT) emission credits for 
purposes of certification as described in this subpart to show 
compliance with the standards of this part. Participation in this 
program is voluntary.
    (b) The averaging set restrictions that apply are specified in 
Sec.  1039.735.
    (c) The definitions of Subpart I of this part apply to this 
subpart. The following definitions also apply:
    (1) Actual credits means credits you have generated that we have 
verified in reviewing the final report.
    (2) Broker means any entity that facilitates a trade between a 
buyer and seller.
    (3) Buyer means the entity that receives credits as a result of 
    (4) Reserved credits means credits you have generated that we have 
not yet verified in reviewing the final report.
    (5) Seller means the entity that provides credits during a trade.
    (6) Standard means the standard that applies under subpart B of 
this part for engines not participating in the ABT program of this 
    (d) Credits generated under this subpart cannot be used to offset 
any exceedances above FEL. This applies for all testing, including 
certification, SEA, and in-use testing. Note: You may use credits to 
allow you to recertify the engine family to a higher FEL that would be 
applicable to future production.
    (e) Credits can be used in the year they are generated or in future 
years. Credits may not be used for past model years.
    (f) Engine families that use credits for one or more pollutants, 
may not generate positive credits for another pollutant.

Sec.  1039.705  How do I generate and calculate emission credits?

    The provisions of this section apply separately for calculating 
NOX credits, NMHC+NOX credits, or PM credits.
    (a) Calculate positive credits for an engine family that has an FEL 
below the applicable standard. Calculate negative credits for an engine 
family that has an FEL above the applicable standard.
    (b) For each participating engine family, calculate NOX 
emission credits, NMHC+NOX emission credits and/or PM 
emission credits (positive or negative) according to the following 
equation. Round them to the nearest one-hundredth of a megagram (Mg), 
using consistent units throughout the equation:

Emission credits = (Std - FEL) x (Volume) x (AvgPR) `` (UL) x 

Std = the standard, in grams per kilowatt-hour, that applies under 
subpart B of this part for engines not participating in the ABT program 
of this subpart.
FEL = the family emission limit for the engine family in grams per 
Volume = the number of nonroad engines eligible to participate in the 
averaging, banking, and trading program within the given engine family 
during the model year, as described in paragraph (c) of this section.
AvgPR = the average maximum engine power of all of the configurations 
within an engine family, calculated on a sales-weighted basis, in 
UL = the useful life for the given engine family, in hours.

    (c) Use quarterly projections of production volumes for initial 
certification. Compliance at the end of the model year is determined 
based on the actual applicable production/sales volumes. Do not include 
any of the following engines in your applicable production/sales 
    (1) Engines exempted under subpart G of this part or under part 
    (2) Exported engines.
    (3) Engines not subject to the requirements of this part, including 
engines excluded under Sec.  1039.5.
    (4) Engines certified using special test procedures under 40 CFR 
1065.10. (Note: this restriction does not apply for engines certified 
using alternate test procedures under 40 CFR 1065.10.)
    (5) Any other engines, where we indicate elsewhere in this part 
1039 that they are not to be included in the calculations of this 

Sec.  1039.710  How do I average?

    (a) Averaging is the exchange of emissions credits among engine 
    (b) You may certify one or more engine families to an FEL above or 
below the applicable standard if you show, at the time of 
certification, that the summation of your projected balance of all 
emissions credit transactions in that model year is greater than or 
equal to zero.
    (c) If you certify an engine family to an FEL that exceeds the 
applicable standard, you must obtain sufficient emissions credits to 
offset the credit shortfall produced by the engine family. Emissions 
credits used in averaging to address this shortfall may come from 
emissions credits generated from your other engine families in the same 
model year, from banked emissions credits, or from emissions credits 
obtained through trading.

Sec.  1039.715  How do I bank emission credits?

    (a) Banking is the retention of emissions credits by the 
manufacturer generating the emissions credits, for use in averaging or 
trading in future model years.
    (b) In your application for certification, designate any emissions 
credits that you intend to bank. These credits will be considered 

[[Page 28579]]

credits. During the model year, and before submittal of the end-of-year 
report, credits originally designated for banking may be redesignated 
for trading or averaging for the end-of-year report or final report.
    (c) Credits designated for banking from the previous model year 
that have not been reviewed by EPA may be used in averaging or trading 
transactions. However, such credits may be revoked at a later time 
following EPA review of the end-of-year or final report or any 
subsequent audit actions.
    (d) Banked credits are considered actual credits only after the end 
of the model year and after EPA has reviewed the end-of-year and final 

Sec.  1039.720  How do I trade emissions credits?

    (a) Trading is the exchange of emissions credits between 
manufacturers. Trading of emissions credits may only occur within the 
same averaging set.
    (b) You may trade actual or reserved credits. Credits banked in a 
previous model year or credits generated during the model year of the 
trading transaction may be used for trading. Traded reserved credits, 
such as those generated during the model year of the trading 
transaction, remain reserved until we verify them after the end of the 
model year. Traded credits may be used for averaging, banking, or 
further trading transactions.
    (c) If a negative credit balance results from a transaction, both 
the buyer and seller are liable, except in cases deemed involving 
fraud. Certificates of all engine families participating in a negative 
trade may be voided under Sec.  1039.740.

Sec.  1039.725  What records must I keep?

    (a) Establish, maintain and keep the following properly organized 
and indexed records for each engine family certified using the ABT 
program in this subpart:
    (1) Model year and EPA engine family.
    (2) FELs.
    (3) Useful life.
    (4) Maximum engine power for each configuration tested.
    (5) Projected applicable production/sales volume for the model 
    (6) Actual applicable production/sales volume for the model year.
    (b) Establish, maintain and keep the following properly organized 
and indexed records for each engine in the ABT program:
    (1) Model year and EPA engine family.
    (2) Engine identification number.
    (3) Maximum engine power.
    (4) Build date and assembly plant.
    (5) Purchaser and destination.
    (c) Manufacturers involved in trading reserved credits must 
maintain the records specified in this paragraph (c) for each engine 
family in the trading program. We may ask you to provide this 
information on a quarterly basis. This requirement applies with respect 
to the following information:
    (1) The engine family.
    (2) The actual quarterly and cumulative applicable production/sales 
    (3) All values required to calculate credits.
    (4) The resulting type and number of credits generated/required.
    (5) How and where credit surpluses are dispersed.
    (6) How and through what means credit deficits are met.
    (d) Keep the records required by this section for eight years from 
the due date for the end-of-year report. You may use any appropriate 
storage formats or media, including paper, microfilm, or computer 
    (e) Nothing in this section limits our discretion in requiring the 
manufacturer to retain additional records or submit information not 
specifically required by this section.
    (f) Upon request, you must submit to us the information specified 
in this section.

Sec.  1039.730  What must I include in my application for 

    (a) You must declare in your application your intent to use the 
provisions of this subpart for each engine family that will be 
certified using the ABT program. You must also declare for which 
pollutants you are using ABT, and declare the FELs for your engine 
family for those pollutants. Your FELs must comply with the 
specifications of subpart B of this part, including the FEL caps. FELs 
must be expressed to the same number of decimal places as the 
applicable standards.
    (b) Include the following in your application for certification:
    (1) A statement that, to the best of your belief, you will not have 
a negative credit balance for any engine family when all credits are 
    (2) Detailed calculations of projected emission credits (positive 
or negative) based on quarterly projections of applicable production/
sales volume. If your engine family will generate positive emission 
credits, state specifically where the credits will be applied (e.g., to 
which engine family they will be applied in averaging, trading, or if 
they will be reserved for banking). If you have negative emission 
credits for your engine family, state the source of positive credits 
needed to offset the negative credits. Describe the source of credits 
by indicating from which engine family (and manufacturer, as 
applicable), and by specifying whether the credits are actual or 
reserved and whether they come from banking, trading, or from averaging 
with your other engine families within the model year.

Sec.  1039.732  What reports must I submit after the end of the model 

    This section specifies the requirements for submitting the end-of-
year report and the final report. This section specifies in paragraph 
(g) an additional report that must be submitted if you are involved in 
a trade of credits.
    (a)(1) If any of your engine families are certified using the ABT 
provisions of this subpart, you must submit the end-of-year report 
within 90 days of the end of the model year. The end-of-year report 
must include the information specified in this section. We may waive 
the requirement to submit the end-of year report, provided you submit 
the final report specified in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (2) If any of your engine families are certified using the ABT 
provisions of this subpart, you must submit the final report within 270 
days of the end of the model year. The final report must include the 
information specified in this section.
    (b) Failure to submit reports on time is a violation of the Act 
with respect to each engine.
    (c) Your end-of-year and final reports must identify the engine 
families for which they apply and must include:
    (i) Detailed calculation of emission credits (positive or negative) 
based on actual applicable production/sales volumes. Base your 
applicable production/sales volumes on the location of first retail 
sale. This location is also called the final product purchase location. 
A dealership is a typical location for the first retail sale.
    (ii) Demonstrate that you have the positive credits needed to 
offset any negative credits.
    (iii) State whether you will reserve any credits for banking.
    (d) Send end-of-year reports to the Designated Compliance Officer.
    (e) If you generate credits for banking and you do not send your 
end-of-year reports within 90 days after the end of the model year, you 
may not use the credits until we receive and review your reports. You 
may not use projected credits pending our review.

[[Page 28580]]

    (f) Errors discovered in your end-of-year report or final report, 
including errors in calculating credits, are corrected as follows:
    (1) Any errors discovered in the end-of-year report may be 
corrected in the final report up to 270 days from the end of the model 
    (2) Errors discovered by the manufacturer in the final report may 
be corrected up to 270 days from the end of the model year, and credits 
will be recalculated.
    (3) If we or you determine within 270 days of the end of the model 
year, that an error occurred that mistakenly decreased your positive 
credits, the error will be corrected and credits will be recalculated. 
Such errors will not be corrected if they are determined more than 270 
days from of the end of the model year.
    (4) In cases where credit balance is negative, if we determine that 
an error occurred that mistakenly decreased your balance of credits, we 
may, but are not required to, correct the error and recalculate the 
credits. This applies whether or not the error was discovered by you.
    (5) If we determine at any time, that an error occurred that 
mistakenly increased your balance of credits, we will correct the error 
and recalculate the credits to decrease your balance. This applies 
whether or not the error was discovered by you.
    (g) If you trade credits, you must send the Designated Compliance 
Officer a report of the trade, within 90 days of any credit trade, that 
includes the following information:
    (1) The corporate names of the buyer, seller, and any brokers.
    (2) Copies of contracts related to credit trading from the buyer, 
seller, and broker, as applicable.
    (3) The engine families involved in the trade.
    (4) The actual quarterly and cumulative applicable production/sales 
    (5) The values required to calculate credits as given in Sec.  
    (6) The resulting type and number of credits generated.
    (7) How and where credit surpluses are dispersed; and
    (8) How and through what means credit deficits are met.
    (h) Include in each report a statement certifying the accuracy and 
authenticity of its contents.

Sec.  1039.735  What restrictions apply for using credits?

    The following restrictions apply for credit use:
    (a) Averaging sets. Credits may be exchanged only within an 
averaging set. For Tier 4 engines, there is a single averaging set that 
includes all power categories. See paragraph (b) for provisions related 
to credits generated relative to earlier tiers of standards.
    (b) Credits from a different tier of standards. (1) For purposes of 
ABT under this subpart, you may not use credits generated from engines 
subject to emission standards under 40 CFR part 89, except as specified 
in the following table:

  If the power rating of the
credit-generating engine is .    Then you may use the following credits
             . .                      for Tier 4 compliance . . .
(i) Less than 37 kW..........  Credits from engines subject to emission
                                standards in 89.112(a) Table 1,
                                identified as Tier 2.
(ii) At least 37 kW, but less  Credits from engines subject to emission
 than 560 kW.                   standards in 89.112(a) Table 1,
                                identified as Tier 3.
(iii) 560 kW or higher.......  Credits from engines subject to emission
                                standards in 89.112(a) Table 1,
                                identified as Tier 2.

    (2) Credits generated from marine engines under the provisions of 
40 CFR part 89 may not used under this part.
    (3) Credits generated from nonmarine engines under the provisions 
of 40 CFR part 89 allowed to be used under this part are subject to the 
averaging set restrictions described in 40 CFR 89.204. This means that 
credits generated by engines at or above 19 kW may not be used by 
engines less than 19 kW, and credits generated by engines less than 19 
kW may not be used by engines at or above 19 kW.
    (4) See 40 CFR part 89 for other restrictions that may apply for 
use of credits generated under that part.
    (c) NOX and NMHC + NOX credits. You may use 
NOX credits to show compliance with NMHC+NOX 
standards. You may use NMHC+NOX credits to show compliance 
with NOX standards, but you must adjust the 
NMHC+NOX credits downward by twenty percent when you use 
them, as shown in the following equation:
    NOX credits = (0.8) x (NMHC+NOX credits).
    (d) Other restrictions. Other sections of this part may include ABT 
restrictions for engines certified under certain special provisions. 
Those restrictions apply as specified.

Sec.  1039.740  What can happen if I do not comply with the provisions 
of this subpart?

    (a)(1) All certificates issued for engine family participating in 
this ABT program are conditional upon your full compliance with the 
provisions of this subpart during the model year of production and 
    (2) Failure to comply with any provisions of this subpart will be 
deemed to be a failure to satisfy the conditions upon which the 
certificate was issued, and the certificate may be voided.
    (3) By choosing to participate in this ABT program, you are 
responsible to establish to EPA's satisfaction that the conditions 
under which the certificate was issued were satisfied or waived.
    (b) You may certify your engine family to an FEL above a applicable 
standard based on a projection that you will have sufficient credits to 
offset the credit deficit for the engine family. However, if you cannot 
show in your final report that you have sufficient actual credits to 
offset a credit deficit for any engine family, we may void the 
certificate of conformity for the engine family.
    (c) We may void the certificate of conformity for an engine family 
for which you fail to retain the records required in this subpart or to 
provide such information to us upon request.

Subpart I--Definitions and Other Reference Information

Sec.  1039.801  What definitions apply to this part?

    The following definitions apply to this part. The definitions apply 
to all subparts unless we note otherwise. All undefined terms have the 
meaning the Act gives to them. The definitions follow:
    Act means the Clean Air Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
    Adjustable parameter means any device, system, or element of design 
that someone can adjust (including those which are difficult to access) 
and that, if adjusted, may affect emissions or engine performance 
during emission testing or normal in-use operation. This includes, but 
is not limited to parameters related to injection timing and fueling 
rate. You may ask us to exclude a parameter that is difficult to

[[Page 28581]]

access if it cannot be adjusted to affect emissions without 
significantly degrading performance, or if you otherwise show us that 
it will not be adjusted in a way that affects emissions during in-use 
    Aftertreatment means relating to any system, component, or 
technology mounted downstream of the exhaust valve or exhaust port 
whose design function is to reduce exhaust emissions.
    Aircraft has the meaning given in 40 CFR 87.1.
    Auxiliary emission control device means any element of design that 
senses temperature, motive speed, engine RPM, transmission gear, or any 
other parameter for the purpose of activating, modulating, delaying, or 
deactivating the operation of any part of the emission control system.
    Blue Sky Series engine means an engine meeting the requirements of 
Sec.  1039.140.
    Brake power means the usable power output of the engine, not 
including power required to operate fuel pumps, oil pumps, or coolant 
    Broker means any entity that facilitates a trade of emission 
credits between a buyer and seller.
    Calibration means the set of specifications and tolerances specific 
to a particular design, version, or application of a component or 
assembly capable of functionally describing its operation over its 
working range.
    Certification means obtaining a certificate of conformity for an 
engine family that complies with the emission standards and 
requirements in this part.
    Certified emission level means the highest deteriorated emission 
level in an engine family for a given pollutant from either transient 
or steady-state testing.
    Compression-ignition means relating to a type of reciprocating, 
internal-combustion engine that is not a spark-ignition engine.
    Constant-speed means relating to an engine governed to operate at 
rated speed.
    Crankcase emissions means airborne substances emitted to the 
atmosphere from any part of the engine crankcase's ventilation or 
lubrication systems. The crankcase is the housing for the crankshaft 
and other related internal parts.
    Designated Compliance Officer means the Manager, Engine Programs 
Group (6405-J), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania 
Ave., Washington, DC 20460.
    Designated Enforcement Officer means the Director, Air Enforcement 
Division (2242A), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 
Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460.
    Deteriorated emission level means the emission level that results 
from applying the applicable deterioration factor to the official 
emission result of the emission-data engine.
    Deterioration factor means a number that is added to or multiplied 
by a low-hour test result to project the emission rate at the end of 
the useful life.
    Emission-control system means any device, system, or element of 
design that controls or reduces the regulated emissions from an engine.
    Emission-data engine means an engine that is tested for 
    Emission-related maintenance means maintenance that substantially 
affects emissions or is likely to substantially affect emissions 
    Engine family means a group of engines with similar emission 
characteristics, as specified in Sec.  1039.230.
    Engine manufacturer means the manufacturer of the engine. See the 
definition of ``manufacturer'' in this section.
    Engine used in a locomotive means either an engine placed in the 
locomotive to move other equipment, freight, or passenger traffic; or 
an engine mounted on the locomotive to provide auxiliary power.
    Exempted means relating to an engine that is not required to meet 
otherwise applicable standards because the engine conforms to 
regulatory conditions specified for an exemption in this part 1039 or 
in part 1068 of this chapter. Exempted engines are deemed to be 
``subject to'' the standards of this part, even though they are not 
required to comply with the otherwise applicable requirements. Engines 
exempted with respect to a certain tier of standards may be required to 
comply with an earlier tier of standards as a condition of the 
exemption; for example, engines exempted with respect to Tier 4 
standards may be required to comply with Tier 3 standards.
    Excluded means relating to an engine that either:
    (1) Has been determined not to be a nonroad engine, as specified in 
40 CFR 1068.30; or
    (2) Is a nonroad engine that, according to Sec.  1039.5, is not 
subject to this part 1039.
    Exhaust-gas recirculation means an emission-control technology that 
reduces emissions by routing exhaust gases that had been exhausted from 
the combustion chamber(s) back into the engine to be mixed with 
incoming air prior to or during combustion. The use of valve timing to 
increase the amount of residual exhaust gas in the combustion 
chamber(s) that is mixed with incoming air prior to or during 
combustion is not considered to be exhaust-gas recirculation for the 
purposes of this part.
    Family emission limit (FEL) means an emission level declared by the 
manufacturer to serve in place of an emission standard for 
certification under the emission-credit program in subpart H of this 
part. The family emission limit must be expressed to the same number of 
decimal places as the emission standard it replaces.
    Fuel system means all components involved in transporting, 
metering, and mixing the fuel from the fuel tank to the combustion 
chamber(s), including the fuel tank, fuel tank cap, fuel pump, fuel 
filters, fuel lines, carburetor or fuel-injection components, and all 
fuel-system vents.
    Fuel type means a general category of fuels such as diesel fuel or 
natural gas. There can be multiple grades within a single type of fuel, 
such as No. 1 diesel and No. 2 diesel.
    Good engineering judgment has the meaning we give in 40 CFR 1068.5.
    Hydrocarbon (HC) means the hydrocarbon group on which the emission 
standards are based for each fuel type. For petroleum-fueled engines 
and natural gas-fueled engines, HC means nonmethane hydrocarbon (NMHC). 
For alcohol-fueled engines, HC means total hydrocarbon equivalent 
    Identification number means a unique specification (for example, 
model number/serial number combination) that allows someone to 
distinguish a particular engine from other similar engines.
    Intermediate test speed has the meaning we give in 40 CFR 1065.515.
    Manufacture means the physical and engineering process of 
designing, constructing, and assembling of a nonroad engine or a piece 
of nonroad equipment.
    Manufacturer has the meaning given in section 216(1) of the Act. In 
general, this term includes any person who manufactures an engine, 
vehicle, or piece of equipment for sale in the United States or 
otherwise introduces a new nonroad engine into commerce in the United 
States. This includes importers who import engines, equipment, or 
vehicles for resale. (Note: In Sec.  1039.626, the term ``equipment 
manufacturer'' has a more narrow meaning; that narrow meaning only 
applies to that section.)
    Marine engine means an engine that someone installs or intends to 
install on a marine vessel. There are two kinds of marine engines:

[[Page 28582]]

    (1) Propulsion marine engine means a marine engine that moves a 
vessel through the water or directs the vessel's movement.
    (2) Auxiliary marine engine means a marine engine not used for 
    Marine vessel means a vehicle that is capable of operation in water 
but is not capable of operation out of water. Amphibious vehicles are 
not marine vessels.
    Maximum engine power means the measured maximum brake power output 
of an engine. The maximum engine power of an engine configuration is 
the average maximum engine power of the engines within the 
configuration. The maximum engine power of an engine family is the 
highest maximum engine power of the engine configurations within the 
family. (Note: Sec.  1039.230 generally prohibits grouping engines from 
different power categories in the same engine family.)
    Maximum test speed has the meaning we give in 40 CFR 1065.515.
    Maximum test torque has the meaning we give in 40 CFR 1065.1001.
    Model year means one of the following things:
    (1) For freshly manufactured engines (see definition of ``new 
nonroad engine,'' paragraph (1)), model year means one of the 
    (i) Calendar year.
    (ii) Your annual new model production period if it is different 
than the calendar year. This must include January 1 of the calendar 
year for which the model year is named. It may not begin before January 
2 of the previous calendar year and it must end by December 31 of the 
named calendar year.
    (2) For an engine that is converted to a nonroad engine after being 
placed into service in a motor vehicle, model year means the calendar 
year in which the engine was originally produced (see definition of 
``new nonroad engine,'' paragraph (2)).
    (3) For a nonroad engine excluded under Sec.  1039.5 that is later 
converted to operate in an application that is not excluded, model year 
means the calendar year in which the engine was originally produced 
(see definition of ``new nonroad engine,'' paragraph (3)).
    (4) For engines that are not freshly manufactured but are installed 
in new nonroad equipment, model year means the calendar year in which 
the engine is installed in the new nonroad equipment. This installation 
date is based on the time that final assembly of the equipment is 
complete (see definition of ``new nonroad engine,'' paragraph (4)).
    (5) For an engine modified by an importer (not the original engine 
manufacturer) who has a certificate of conformity for the imported 
engine (see definition of ``new nonroad engine,'' paragraph (5)), model 
year means one of the following:
    (i) The calendar year in which the importer finishes modifying and 
labeling the engine.
    (ii) Your annual production period for producing engines if it is 
different than the calendar year; follow the guidelines in paragraph 
(1)(ii) of this definition.
    (6) For an engine you import that does not meet the criteria in 
paragraphs (1) through (5) of the definition of ``new nonroad engine,'' 
model year means the calendar year in which the engine manufacturer 
completed the original assembly of the engine. In general, this applies 
to used equipment that you import without conversion or major 
    Motor vehicle has the meaning we give in 40 CFR 85.1703(a). In 
general, motor vehicle means a self-propelled vehicle that can 
transport one or more people or any material, but doesn't include any 
of the following:
    (1) Vehicles having a maximum ground speed over level, paved 
surfaces no higher than 40 km per hour (25 miles per hour).
    (2) Vehicles that lack features usually needed for safe, practical 
use on streets or highways--for example, safety features required by 
law, a reverse gear (except for motorcycles), or a differential.
    (3) Vehicles whose operation on streets or highways would be 
unsafe, impractical, or highly unlikely. Examples are vehicles with 
tracks instead of wheels, very large size, or features associated with 
military vehicles, such as armor or weaponry.
    New nonroad engine means any of the following things:
    (1) A freshly manufactured nonroad engine for which the ultimate 
purchaser has never received the equitable or legal title. This kind of 
vehicle might commonly be thought of as ``brand new.'' In the case of 
this paragraph (1), the engine is no longer new when the ultimate 
purchaser receives this title or the product is placed into service, 
whichever comes first.
    (2) An engine originally manufactured as a motor vehicle engine 
that is later intended to be used in a piece of nonroad equipment. In 
this case, the engine is no longer a motor vehicle engine and becomes a 
``new nonroad engine''. The engine is no longer new when it is placed 
into nonroad service.
    (3) A nonroad engine that has been previously placed into service 
in an application we exclude under Sec.  1039.5, where that engine is 
installed in a piece of equipment for which these exclusions do not 
apply. The engine is no longer new when it is placed into nonroad 
service. For example, this would apply to a stationary engine that is 
no longer used in a stationary application.
    (4) An engine not covered by paragraphs (1) through (3) of this 
definition that is intended to be installed in new nonroad equipment. 
The engine is no longer new when the ultimate purchaser receives a 
title for the equipment or the product is placed into service, 
whichever comes first. This generally includes installation of used 
engines in new equipment.
    (5) An imported nonroad engine covered by a certificate of 
conformity issued under this part, where someone other than the 
original engine manufacturer modifies the engine after its initial 
assembly and holds the certificate. The engine is no longer new when it 
is placed into nonroad service.
    (6) An imported nonroad engine that is not covered by a certificate 
of conformity issued under this part at the time of importation. This 
addresses uncertified engines and vehicles that have been placed into 
service in other countries and that someone seeks to import into the 
United States. Importation of this kind of new nonroad engine (or 
vehicle containing such an engine) is generally prohibited by 40 CFR 
part 1068.
    New nonroad equipment means either of the following things:
    (1) A nonroad vehicle or other piece of equipment for which the 
ultimate purchaser has never received the equitable or legal title. The 
product is no longer new when the ultimate purchaser receives this 
title or the product is placed into service, whichever comes first.
    (2) An imported nonroad piece of equipment with an engine not 
covered by a certificate of conformity issued under this part at the 
time of importation and manufactured after the date for applying the 
requirements of this part.
    Noncommercial fuel means a fuel that is not marketed or sold as a 
commercial product. For example, this includes methane produced and 
released from landfills or oil wells.
    Noncompliant engine means an engine that was originally covered by 
a certificate of conformity, but is not in the certified configuration 
or otherwise does not comply with the conditions of the certificate.
    Nonconforming engine means an engine not covered by a certificate 

[[Page 28583]]

conformity that would otherwise be subject to emission standards.
    Nonmethane hydrocarbon means the difference between the emitted 
mass of total hydrocarbons and the emitted mass of methane.
    Nonroad means relating to nonroad engines or equipment that 
includes nonroad engines.
    Nonroad engine has the meaning given in 40 CFR 1068.30. In general 
this means all internal-combustion engines except motor vehicle 
engines, stationary engines, or engines used solely for competition. 
This part does not apply to all nonroad engines (see Sec.  1039.5).
    Nonroad equipment means a vehicle or piece of equipment that is 
powered by one or more nonroad engines.
    Nonroad equipment manufacturer means any person engaged in 
manufacturing or assembling new nonroad vehicles or equipment or 
importing such vehicles or equipment for resale. This includes any 
person who acts for and is under the control of any such person in 
connection with distributing such vehicles or equipment. A nonroad 
vehicle or equipment manufacturer does not include any dealer with 
respect to new nonroad vehicles or equipment received by such person in 
commerce. A nonroad equipment manufacturer does not include any person 
engaged in the manufacturing or assembling of new nonroad vehicles or 
equipment who does not install an engine as part of that manufacturing 
or assembling process. All nonroad vehicle or equipment manufacturing 
entities under the control of the same person are considered to be a 
single nonroad equipment manufacturer.
    Official emission result means the measured emission rate for a 
test engine on a given duty cycle before the application of any 
deterioration factor, but after the applicability of regeneration 
adjustment factors.
    Opacity means the fraction of a beam of light, expressed in 
percent, which fails to penetrate a plume of smoke.
    Oxides of nitrogen has the meaning given it in 40 CFR part 1065.
    Particulate trap means a filtering device that is designed to 
physically trap all particulate matter above a certain size.
    Placed into service means used for its intended purpose.
    Point of first retail sale means the location at which the retail 
sale occurs. This generally means a dealership.
    Power category means a specific range maximum engine power that 
defines the applicability of standards. For example, the 56-130 kW 
power category includes all engines with maximum power of at least 56 
kW but less than 130 kW. See Sec.  1039.101 for a list of specific 
power categories. (Note: In some cases, FEL caps are based on 
subcategories of power categories.)
    Rated speed means the maximum full load governed speed for governed 
engines and the speed of maximum horsepower for ungoverned engines.
    Revoke means to discontinue the certificate for an engine family. 
If we revoke a certificate, you must apply for a new certificate before 
continuing to produce the affected engines. This does not apply to 
engines you no longer possess.
    Round means to round numbers according to ASTM E29-02 (incorporated 
by reference in Sec.  1039.810), unless otherwise specified.
    Scheduled maintenance means adjusting, repairing, removing, 
disassembling, cleaning, or replacing components or systems that is 
periodically needed to keep a part from failing or malfunctioning. It 
also may mean actions you expect are necessary to correct an overt 
indication of failure or malfunction for which periodic maintenance is 
not appropriate.
    Small-volume engine manufacturer means an engine manufacturer that 
had engine families certified to meet the requirements of 40 CFR part 
89 before 2003 and had annual U.S.-directed production of no more than 
2,500 units in 2002 and all earlier calendar years. For manufacturers 
owned by a parent company, the limit applies to the production of the 
parent company and all of its subsidiaries.
    Spark-ignition means relating to a gasoline-fueled engine or any 
other type of engine with a spark plug (or other sparking device) and 
with operating characteristics significantly similar to the theoretical 
Otto combustion cycle. Spark-ignition engines usually use a throttle to 
regulate intake air flow to control power during normal operation.
    Suspend means to temporarily discontinue the certificate for an 
engine family. If we suspend a certificate, you may not sell engines 
from that engine family unless we reinstate the certificate or approve 
a new one.
    Test engine means an engine in a test sample.
    Test sample means the collection of engines selected from the 
population of an engine family for emission testing.
    Tier 1 means relating to the Tier 1 emission standards, as shown in 
40 CFR 89.112.
    Tier 2 means relating to the Tier 2 emission standards, as shown in 
40 CFR 89.112.
    Tier 3 means relating to the Tier 3 emission standards, as shown in 
40 CFR 89.112.
    Tier 4 means relating to the Tier 4 emission standards, as shown in 
Sec.  1039.101. This includes the emission standards for all pollutants 
if an engine is subject to Tier 4 emission standards for any pollutant. 
For example, this includes the Tier 3 HC+NOX standard during 
the phase-in period when engines are subject to the Tier 4 PM standard.
    Total hydrocarbon means the combined mass organic compounds 
measured by our total hydrocarbon test procedure, expressed as a 
hydrocarbon with a hydrogen-to-carbon mass ratio of 1.85:1.
    Total hydrocarbon equivalent means the sum of the carbon mass 
contributions of non-oxygenated hydrocarbons, alcohols and aldehydes, 
or other organic compounds that are measured separately as contained in 
a gas sample, expressed as petroleum-fueled engine hydrocarbons. The 
hydrogen-to-carbon ratio of the equivalent hydrocarbon is 1.85:1.
    Ultimate purchaser means, with respect to any new nonroad equipment 
or new nonroad engine, the first person who in good faith purchases 
such new nonroad equipment or new nonroad engine for purposes other 
than resale.
    United States means the States, the District of Columbia, the 
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana 
Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
    Upcoming model year means for an engine family the model year after 
the one currently in production.
    U.S.-directed production volume means the number of engine units, 
subject to the requirements of this part, produced by a manufacturer 
for which the manufacturer has a reasonable assurance that sale was or 
will be made to ultimate purchasers in the United States.
    Useful life means the period during which the engine is designed to 
properly function in terms of reliability and fuel consumption, without 
being remanufactured, specified as a number of hours of operation or 
calendar years. It is the period during which a new nonroad engine is 
required to comply with all applicable emission standards. See Sec.  
    Variable-speed engine means an engine that is not a constant-speed 
    Void means to invalidate a certificate or an exemption. If we void 
a certificate, all the engines produced under that engine family for 
that model year are

[[Page 28584]]

considered noncompliant, and you are liable for each engine produced 
under the certificate and may face civil or criminal penalties or both. 
This applies equally to all engines in the engine family including 
engines produced before we voided the certificate. If we void an 
exemption, all the engines produced under that exemption are considered 
uncertified (or nonconforming), and you are liable for each engine 
produced under the exemption and may face civil or criminal penalties 
or both. You may not produce any additional engines using the voided 
    Volatile liquid fuel means any fuel other than diesel or biodiesel 
that is a liquid at atmospheric pressure and has a Reid Vapor Pressure 
higher than 2.0 psi.
    We (us, our) means the Administrator of the Environmental 
Protection Agency and any authorized representatives.

Sec.  1039.805  What symbols, acronyms, and abbreviations does this 
part use?

    The following symbols, acronyms, and abbreviations apply to this 
[deg]C degrees Celsius.
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials.
cc cubic centimeters.
CFR Code of Federal Regulations.
CI compression-ignition.
cm centimeter.
CO carbon monoxide.
CO2 carbon dioxide.
EPA Environmental Protection Agency.
FEL Family Emission Limit.
g/kW-hr grams per kilowatt-hour.
HC hydrocarbon.
ISO International Organization for Standardization.
kPa kilopascals.
kW kilowatts.
m meters.
MIL malfunction-indicator light.
mm Hg millimeters of mercury.
NMHC nonmethane hydrocarbons.
NOX oxides of nitrogen (NO and NO2).
psi pounds per square inch of absolute pressure.
psig pounds per square inch of gauge pressure.
rpm revolutions per minute.
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers.
SI spark-ignition.
THC total hydrocarbon.
THCE total hydrocarbon equivalent.
TRU transportation refrigeration unit
U.S.C. United States Code.

Sec.  1039.810  What materials does this part reference?

    We have incorporated by reference the documents listed in this 
section. The Director of the Federal Register approved the 
incorporation by reference as prescribed in 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR 
part 51. Anyone may inspect copies at the U.S. EPA, Air and Radiation 
Docket and Information Center, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Room B102, 
EPA West Building, Washington, DC 20460 or the Office of the Federal 
Register, 800 N. Capitol St., NW., 7th Floor, Suite 700, Washington, 
    (a) ASTM material. Table 1 of Sec.  1039.810 lists material from 
the American Society for Testing and Materials that we have 
incorporated by reference. The first column lists the number and name 
of the material. The second column lists the sections of this part 
where we reference it. Anyone may purchase copies of these materials 
from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor 
Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428. Table 1 follows:

               Table 1 of Sec.   1039.810.--ASTM Materials
                                                              Part 1039
                  Document number and name                    reference
ASTM E29-02, Standard Practice for Using Significant Digits     1039.801
 in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications.

    (b) SAE material. Table 2 of Sec.  1039.810 lists material from the 
Society of Automotive Engineering that we have incorporated by 
reference. The first column lists the number and name of the material. 
The second column lists the sections of this part where we reference 
it. Anyone may purchase copies of these materials from the Society of 
Automotive Engineers, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096. 
Table 2 follows:

               Table 2 of Sec.   1039.810.--SAE Materials
                                                              Part 1039
                 Document number and name                     reference
SAE J1930, Electrical/Electronic Systems Diagnostic Terms,      1039.135
       Definitions, Abbreviations, and Acronyms, May 1998.

Sec.  1039.815  How should I request EPA to keep my information 

    (a) Clearly show what you consider confidential by marking, 
circling, bracketing, stamping, or some other method. We will store 
your confidential information as described in 40 CFR part 2. Also, we 
will disclose it only as specified in 40 CFR part 2.
    (b) If you send us a second copy without the confidential 
information, we will assume it contains nothing confidential whenever 
we need to release information from it.
    (c) If you send us information without claiming it is confidential, 
we may make it available to the public without further notice to you, 
as described in 40 CFR 2.204.

Sec.  1039.820  How do I request a hearing?

    See 40 CFR part 1068, subpart G, for information related to 

Appendix I to Part 1039.--Nonroad Compression-Ignition (CI) Steady-State
                    Cycle for Constant-Speed Engines
                                                  time in     Weighting
 Mode No.        Engine speed       Torque \1\      mode       factors
1.........  Maximum test.........          100          3.0         0.05
2.........  Maximum test.........           75          3.0         0.25
3.........  Maximum test.........           50          3.0         0.30
4.........  Maximum test.........           25          3.0         0.30

[[Page 28585]]

5.........  Maximum test.........           10          3.0        0.10
\1\ The percent torque is relative to the maximum torque at maximum test

Appendix II to Part 1039--[Reserved]

  Appendix III to Part 1039.--Nonroad Compression-Ignition (CI) Steady-
  State Cycle for Variable-Speed Engines With Maximum Power Below 19 kW
                                     Observed     time in      Weighting
 Mode No.        Engine speed       torque \1\      mode       factors
1.........  Maximum text speed...          100          3.0         0.09
2.........  Maximum test speed...           75          3.0         0.20
3.........  Maximum test speed...           50          3.0         0.29
4.........  Maximum test speed...           25          3.0         0.30
5.........  Maximum test speed...           10          3.0         0.07
6.........  Idle.................            0          3.0        0.05
\1\ The percent torque is relative to the maximum torque at maximum test

Appendix IV to Part 1039--Nonroad Compression-Ignition (CI) Steady-state
  Cycle for Variable-Speed Engines With Maximum Power at or Above 19 kW
                                     Observed     time in      Weighting
 Mode No.        Engine speed       torque \1\      mode       factors
1.........  Maximum test speed...          100          3.0         0.15
2.........  Maximum test speed...           75          3.0         0.15
3.........  Maximum test speed...           50          3.0         0.15
4.........  Maximum test speed...           10          3.0         0.10
5.........  Intermediate test              100          3.0         0.10
6.........  Intermediate test               75          3.0         0.10
7.........  Intermediate test               50          3.0         0.10
8.........  Idle.................            0          3.0        0.15
\1\ The percent torque is relative to the maximum torque at the given
  engine speed.

  Appendix V to Part 1039.--Nonroad Compression-Ignition (CI) Transient
                    Cycle for Constant-Speed Engines
                                                  Normalized  Normalized
                    Time (s)                         speed      torque
                                                   (percent)   (percent)
1...............................................          58           5
2...............................................          58           5
3...............................................          58           5
4...............................................          58           5
5...............................................          58           5
6...............................................          58           5
7...............................................          58           5
8...............................................          58           5
9...............................................          58           5
10..............................................          58           5
11..............................................          58           5
12..............................................          58           5
13..............................................          58           5
14..............................................          58           5
15..............................................          58           5
16..............................................          58           5
17..............................................          58           5
18..............................................          58           5
19..............................................          58           5
20..............................................          58           5
21..............................................          65           8
22..............................................          72          11
23..............................................          79          14
24..............................................          86          17
25..............................................          93          20
26..............................................          93          20
27..............................................          93          20
28..............................................          93          20
29..............................................          93          20
30..............................................          93          20
31..............................................          93          20
32..............................................          94          20
33..............................................          94          22
34..............................................          94          23
35..............................................          93          23
36..............................................          93          25
37..............................................          93          24
38..............................................          94          23
39..............................................          93          21
40..............................................          94          21
41..............................................          96          22
42..............................................          95          19
43..............................................          95          14
44..............................................          95          10
45..............................................          93          50

[[Page 28586]]

46..............................................          93          36
47..............................................          93          29
48..............................................          93          26
49..............................................          95          29
50..............................................          95          26
51..............................................          95          18
52..............................................          95          14
53..............................................          95          10
54..............................................          95           9
55..............................................          93          42
56..............................................          93          42
57..............................................          93          35
58..............................................          93          29
59..............................................          93          28
60..............................................          93          28
61..............................................          93          25
62..............................................          93          28
63..............................................          93          26
64..............................................          93          26
65..............................................          95          24
66..............................................          95          17
67..............................................          95          13
68..............................................          95          10
69..............................................          95           9
70..............................................          94          51
71..............................................          93          45
72..............................................          93          42
73..............................................          94          40
74..............................................          93          30
75..............................................          93          27
76..............................................          93          25
77..............................................          93          23
78..............................................          93          22
79..............................................          94          21
80..............................................          93          20
81..............................................          95          20
82..............................................          95          19
83..............................................          95          14
84..............................................          95          11
85..............................................          95           9
86..............................................          95           8
87..............................................          95           7
88..............................................          95           7
89..............................................          95           6
90..............................................          95           6
91..............................................          95           6
92..............................................          95           6
93..............................................          81           5
94..............................................          93          53
95..............................................          93          43
96..............................................          93          35
97..............................................          93          34
98..............................................          93          29
99..............................................          93          26
100.............................................          93          25
101.............................................          93          23
102.............................................          93          21
103.............................................          93          20
104.............................................          93          20
105.............................................          94          19
106.............................................          94          21
107.............................................          94          22
108.............................................          93          21
109.............................................          93          22
110.............................................          93          23
111.............................................          93          22
112.............................................          93          22
113.............................................          94          20
114.............................................          93          20
115.............................................          93          20
116.............................................          93          19
117.............................................          94          20
118.............................................          94          21
119.............................................          93          23
120.............................................          94          23
121.............................................          93          23
122.............................................          93          21
123.............................................          93          19
124.............................................          94          23
125.............................................          94          22
126.............................................          94          21
127.............................................          94          23
128.............................................          94          24
129.............................................          93          23
130.............................................          94          39
131.............................................          94          40
132.............................................          94          34
133.............................................          94          34
134.............................................          94          32
135.............................................          94          32
136.............................................          94          30
137.............................................          94          27
138.............................................          94          29
139.............................................          94          35
140.............................................          94          41
141.............................................          94          43
142.............................................          94          42
143.............................................          94          46
144.............................................          94          37
145.............................................          94          34
146.............................................          94          29
147.............................................          94          27
148.............................................          94          27
149.............................................          94          28
150.............................................          94          29
151.............................................          93          30
152.............................................          93          27
153.............................................          94          29
154.............................................          95          27
155.............................................          95          19
156.............................................          95          14
157.............................................          95          11
158.............................................          95           9
159.............................................          95           8
160.............................................          95           7
161.............................................          95           7
162.............................................          95           6
163.............................................          95           6
164.............................................          95           6
165.............................................          93           5
166.............................................          59           5
167.............................................          58           6
168.............................................          58           6
169.............................................          58           6
170.............................................          58           6
171.............................................          58           6
172.............................................          58           6
173.............................................          58           6
174.............................................          58           6
175.............................................          58           6
176.............................................          58           6
177.............................................          58           6
178.............................................          58          50
179.............................................          94          49
180.............................................          93          41
181.............................................          94          36
182.............................................          93          35
183.............................................          94          28
184.............................................          93          24
185.............................................          93          21
186.............................................          93          24
187.............................................          93          25
188.............................................          93          28
189.............................................          94          29
190.............................................          93          40
191.............................................          94          33
192.............................................          93          29
193.............................................          93          29
194.............................................          93          23
195.............................................          93          24
196.............................................          93          21
197.............................................          93          32
198.............................................          93          29
199.............................................          94          32
200.............................................          93          32
201.............................................          93          28
202.............................................          94          35
203.............................................          93          30
204.............................................          94          27
205.............................................          94          26
206.............................................          94          23
207.............................................          93          31
208.............................................          94          27
209.............................................          94          23
210.............................................          94          28
211.............................................          94          41
212.............................................          93          56
213.............................................          93          43
214.............................................          93          37
215.............................................          93          35
216.............................................          94          33
217.............................................          93          29
218.............................................          94          25
219.............................................          94          23
220.............................................          94          23
221.............................................          94          20
222.............................................          94          29
223.............................................          94          34
224.............................................          93          27
225.............................................          94          28
226.............................................          94          34
227.............................................          93          34
228.............................................          94          29
229.............................................          92          49
230.............................................          94          43
231.............................................          94          39
232.............................................          94          35
233.............................................          93          54
234.............................................          94          50
235.............................................          94          40
236.............................................          94          33
237.............................................          94          37
238.............................................          94          41
239.............................................          93          31
240.............................................          94          25
241.............................................          94          22
242.............................................          94          22
243.............................................          94          26

[[Page 28587]]

244.............................................          94          26
245.............................................          94          34
246.............................................          96          30
247.............................................          95          71
248.............................................          94          52
249.............................................          93          42
250.............................................          93          40
251.............................................          93          32
252.............................................          94          31
253.............................................          94          27
254.............................................          94          27
255.............................................          94          28
256.............................................          93          24
257.............................................          94          23
258.............................................          94          28
259.............................................          93          29
260.............................................          93          23
261.............................................          93          26
262.............................................          94          21
263.............................................          93          21
264.............................................          93          24
265.............................................          94          25
266.............................................          94          25
267.............................................          94          34
268.............................................          93          35
269.............................................          93          27
270.............................................          93          23
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1065............................................          93          22
1066............................................          93          23
1067............................................          93          21
1068............................................          93          21
1069............................................          93          23
1070............................................          93          23
1071............................................          93          23
1072............................................          93          23
1073............................................          93          23
1074............................................          93          22
1075............................................          93          22
1076............................................          93          24
1077............................................          93          23
1078............................................          93          23
1079............................................          93          21
1080............................................          93          19
1081............................................          93          20
1082............................................          93          20
1083............................................          93          22
1084............................................          93          26
1085............................................          93          21
1086............................................          93          20
1087............................................          93          18
1088............................................          93          22
1089............................................          93          20
1090............................................          94          27
1091............................................          93          22
1092............................................          93          23
1093............................................          93          21
1094............................................          93          22
1095............................................          95          22
1096............................................          95          16
1097............................................          95          12
1098............................................          95          10
1099............................................          95           9
1100............................................          95           7
1101............................................          96           7
1102............................................          95           7
1103............................................          95           6
1104............................................          92          42
1105............................................          93          36
1106............................................          93          33
1107............................................          92          60
1108............................................          93          48
1109............................................          93          36
1110............................................          93          30
1111............................................          93          28
1112............................................          93          24
1113............................................          93          24
1114............................................          93          23
1115............................................          93          23
1116............................................          93          25
1117............................................          93          27
1118............................................          93          29
1119............................................          93          26
1120............................................          93          26
1121............................................          93          21
1122............................................          93          23
1123............................................          93          23
1124............................................          94          23
1125............................................          93          40
1126............................................          94          67
1127............................................          93          46
1128............................................          93          38
1129............................................          93          29
1130............................................          93          28
1131............................................          93          27
1132............................................          93          29
1133............................................          93          28
1134............................................          94          33
1135............................................          93          31
1136............................................          93          30
1137............................................          94          42
1138............................................          93          31
1139............................................          93          29
1140............................................          93          27
1141............................................          93          23
1142............................................          93          23
1143............................................          93          20
1144............................................          93          20
1145............................................          93          23
1146............................................          93          22
1147............................................          93          23
1148............................................          93          25
1149............................................          93          20
1150............................................          93          25
1151............................................          93          23
1152............................................          93          23
1153............................................          93          24
1154............................................          93          28
1155............................................          93          23
1156............................................          93          24
1157............................................          93          34
1158............................................          93          31
1159............................................          93          35
1160............................................          93          31
1161............................................          93          32
1162............................................          93          31
1163............................................          93          30
1164............................................          93          23
1165............................................          93          23
1166............................................          93          36
1167............................................          93          32
1168............................................          93          25
1169............................................          93          31
1170............................................          93          33
1171............................................          93          33
1172............................................          93          33
1173............................................          93          33
1174............................................          93          33
1175............................................          93          33
1176............................................          86          28
1177............................................          79          21
1178............................................          72          16
1179............................................          65          10
1180............................................          58           5
1181............................................          58           5
1182............................................          58           5
1183............................................          58           5
1184............................................          58           5
1185............................................          58           5
1186............................................          58           5
1187............................................          58           5
1188............................................          58           5
1189............................................          58           5
1190............................................          58           5
1191............................................          58           5
1192............................................          58           5
1193............................................          58           5
1194............................................          58           5
1195............................................          58           5
1196............................................          58           5
1197............................................          58           5
1198............................................          58           5
1199............................................          58           5

 Appendix VI to Part 1039.--Nonroad Compression-Ignition (CI) Composite
                             Transient Cycle
                                                  Normalized  Normalized
                    Time (s)                         speed      torque
                                                   (percent)   (percent)
1...............................................           0           0
2...............................................           0           0
3...............................................           0           0
4...............................................           0           0
5...............................................           0           0
6...............................................           0           0
7...............................................           0           0
8...............................................           0           0
9...............................................           0           0
10..............................................           0           0
11..............................................           0           0
12..............................................           0           0
13..............................................           0           0
14..............................................           0           0
15..............................................           0           0
16..............................................           0           0
17..............................................           0           0
18..............................................           0           0
19..............................................           0           0
20..............................................           0           0
21..............................................           0           0
22..............................................           0           0
23..............................................           0           0

[[Page 28592]]

24..............................................           1           3
25..............................................           1           3
26..............................................           1           3
27..............................................           1           3
28..............................................           1           3
29..............................................           1           3
30..............................................           1           6
31..............................................           1           6
32..............................................           2           1
33..............................................           4          13
34..............................................           7          18
35..............................................           9          21
36..............................................          17          20
37..............................................          33          42
38..............................................          57          46
39..............................................          44          33
40..............................................          31           0
41..............................................          22          27
42..............................................          33          43
43..............................................          80          49
44..............................................         105          47
45..............................................          98          70
46..............................................         104          36
47..............................................         104          65
48..............................................          96          71
49..............................................         101          62
50..............................................         102          51
51..............................................         102          50
52..............................................         102          46
53..............................................         102          41
54..............................................         102          31
55..............................................          89           2
56..............................................          82           0
57..............................................          47           1
58..............................................          23           1
59..............................................           1           3
60..............................................           1           8
61..............................................           1           3
62..............................................           1           5
63..............................................           1           6
64..............................................           1           4
65..............................................           1           4
66..............................................           0           6
67..............................................           1           4
68..............................................           9          21
69..............................................          25          56
70..............................................          64          26
71..............................................          60          31
72..............................................          63          20
73..............................................          62          24
74..............................................          64           8
75..............................................          58          44
76..............................................          65          10
77..............................................          65          12
78..............................................          68          23
79..............................................          69          30
80..............................................          71          30
81..............................................          74          15
82..............................................          71          23
83..............................................          73          20
84..............................................          73          21
85..............................................          73          19
86..............................................          70          33
87..............................................          70          34
88..............................................          65          47
89..............................................          66          47
90..............................................          64          53
91..............................................          65          45
92..............................................          66          38
93..............................................          67          49
94..............................................          69          39
95..............................................          69          39
96..............................................          66          42
97..............................................          71          29
98..............................................          75          29
99..............................................          72          23
100.............................................          74          22
101.............................................          75          24
102.............................................          73          30
103.............................................          74          24
104.............................................          77           6
105.............................................          76          12
106.............................................          74          39
107.............................................          72          30
108.............................................          75          22
109.............................................          78          64
110.............................................         102          34
111.............................................         103          28
112.............................................         103          28
113.............................................         103          19
114.............................................         103          32
115.............................................         104          25
116.............................................         103          38
117.............................................         103          39
118.............................................         103          34
119.............................................         102          44
120.............................................         103          38
121.............................................         102          43
122.............................................         103          34
123.............................................         102          41
124.............................................         103          44
125.............................................         103          37
126.............................................         103          27
127.............................................         104          13
128.............................................         104          30
129.............................................         104          19
130.............................................         103          28
131.............................................         104          40
132.............................................         104          32
133.............................................         101          63
134.............................................         102          54
135.............................................         102          52
136.............................................         102          51
137.............................................         103          40
138.............................................         104          34
139.............................................         102          36
140.............................................         104          44
141.............................................         103          44
142.............................................         104          33
143.............................................         102          27
144.............................................         103          26
145.............................................          79          53
146.............................................          51          37
147.............................................          24          23
148.............................................          13          33
149.............................................          19          55
150.............................................          45          30
151.............................................          34           7
152.............................................          14           4
153.............................................           8          16
154.............................................          15           6
155.............................................          39          47
156.............................................          39           4
157.............................................          35          26
158.............................................          27          38
159.............................................          43          40
160.............................................          14          23
161.............................................          10          10
162.............................................          15          33
163.............................................          35          72
164.............................................          60          39
165.............................................          55          31
166.............................................          47          30
167.............................................          16           7
168.............................................           0           6
169.............................................           0           8
170.............................................           0           8
171.............................................           0           2
172.............................................           2          17
173.............................................          10          28
174.............................................          28          31
175.............................................          33          30
176.............................................          36           0
177.............................................          19          10
178.............................................           1          18
179.............................................           0          16
180.............................................           1           3
181.............................................           1           4
182.............................................           1           5
183.............................................           1           6
184.............................................           1           5
185.............................................           1           3
186.............................................           1           4
187.............................................           1           4
188.............................................           1           6
189.............................................           8          18
190.............................................          20          51
191.............................................          49          19
192.............................................          41          13
193.............................................          31          16
194.............................................          28          21
195.............................................          21          17
196.............................................          31          21
197.............................................          21           8
198.............................................           0          14
199.............................................           0          12
200.............................................           3           8
201.............................................           3          22
202.............................................          12          20
203.............................................          14          20
204.............................................          16          17
205.............................................          20          18
206.............................................          27          34
207.............................................          32          33
208.............................................          41          31
209.............................................          43          31
210.............................................          37          33
211.............................................          26          18
212.............................................          18          29
213.............................................          14          51
214.............................................          13          11
215.............................................          12           9
216.............................................          15          33
217.............................................          20          25
218.............................................          25          17
219.............................................          31          29
220.............................................          36          66
221.............................................          66          40

[[Page 28593]]

222.............................................          50          13
223.............................................          16          24
224.............................................          26          50
225.............................................          64          23
226.............................................          81          20
227.............................................          83          11
228.............................................          79          23
229.............................................          76          31
230.............................................          68          24
231.............................................          59          33
232.............................................          59           3
233.............................................          25           7
234.............................................          21          10
235.............................................          20          19
236.............................................           4          10
237.............................................           5           7
238.............................................           4           5
239.............................................           4           6
240.............................................           4           6
241.............................................           4           5
242.............................................           7           5
243.............................................          16          28
244.............................................          28          25
245.............................................          52          53
246.............................................          50           8
247.............................................          26          40
248.............................................          48          29
249.............................................          54          39
250.............................................          60          42
251.............................................          48          18
252.............................................          54          51
253.............................................          88          90
254.............................................         103          84
255.............................................         103          85
256.............................................         102          84
257.............................................          58          66
258.............................................          64          97
259.............................................          56          80
260.............................................          51          67
261.............................................          52          96
262.............................................          63          62
263.............................................          71           6
264.............................................          33          16
265.............................................          47          45
266.............................................          43          56
267.............................................          42          27
268.............................................          42          64
269.............................................          75          74
270.............................................          68          96
271.............................................          86          61
272.............................................          66           0
273.............................................          37           0
274.............................................          45          37
275.............................................          68          96
276.............................................          80          97
277.............................................          92          96
278.............................................          90          97
279.............................................          82          96
280.............................................          94          81
281.............................................          90          85
282.............................................          96          65
283.............................................          70          96
284.............................................          55          95
285.............................................          70          96
286.............................................          79          96
287.............................................          81          71
288.............................................          71          60
289.............................................          92          65
290.............................................          82          63
291.............................................          61          47
292.............................................          52          37
293.............................................          24           0
294.............................................          20           7
295.............................................          39          48
296.............................................          39          54
297.............................................          63          58
298.............................................          53          31
299.............................................          51          24
300.............................................          48          40
301.............................................          39           0
302.............................................          35          18
303.............................................          36          16
304.............................................          29          17
305.............................................          28          21
306.............................................          31          15
307.............................................          31          10
308.............................................          43          19
309.............................................          49          63
310.............................................          78          61
311.............................................          78          46
312.............................................          66          65
313.............................................          78          97
314.............................................          84          63
315.............................................          57          26
316.............................................          36          22
317.............................................          20          34
318.............................................          19           8
319.............................................           9          10
320.............................................           5           5
321.............................................           7          11
322.............................................          15          15
323.............................................          12           9
324.............................................          13          27
325.............................................          15          28
326.............................................          16          28
327.............................................          16          31
328.............................................          15          20
329.............................................          17           0
330.............................................          20          34
331.............................................          21          25
332.............................................          20           0
333.............................................          23          25
334.............................................          30          58
335.............................................          63          96
336.............................................          83          60
337.............................................          61           0
338.............................................          26           0
339.............................................          29          44
340.............................................          68          97
341.............................................          80          97
342.............................................          88          97
343.............................................          99          88
344.............................................         102          86
345.............................................         100          82
346.............................................          74          79
347.............................................          57          79
348.............................................          76          97
349.............................................          84          97
350.............................................          86          97
351.............................................          81          98
352.............................................          83          83
353.............................................          65          96
354.............................................          93          72
355.............................................          63          60
356.............................................          72          49
357.............................................          56          27
358.............................................          29           0
359.............................................          18          13
360.............................................          25          11
361.............................................          28          24
362.............................................          34          53
363.............................................          65          83
364.............................................          80          44
365.............................................          77          46
366.............................................          76          50
367.............................................          45          52
368.............................................          61          98
369.............................................          61          69
370.............................................          63          49
371.............................................          32           0
372.............................................          10           8
373.............................................          17           7
374.............................................          16          13
375.............................................          11           6
376.............................................           9           5
377.............................................           9          12
378.............................................          12          46
379.............................................          15          30
380.............................................          26          28
381.............................................          13           9
382.............................................          16          21
383.............................................          24           4
384.............................................          36          43
385.............................................          65          85
386.............................................          78          66
387.............................................          63          39
388.............................................          32          34
389.............................................          46          55
390.............................................          47          42
391.............................................          42          39
392.............................................          27           0
393.............................................          14           5
394.............................................          14          14
395.............................................          24          54
396.............................................          60          90
397.............................................          53          66
398.............................................          70          48
399.............................................          77          93
400.............................................          79          67
401.............................................          46          65
402.............................................          69          98
403.............................................          80          97
404.............................................          74          97
405.............................................          75          98
406.............................................          56          61
407.............................................          42           0
408.............................................          36          32
409.............................................          34          43
410.............................................          68          83
411.............................................         102          48
412.............................................          62           0
413.............................................          41          39
414.............................................          71          86
415.............................................          91          52
416.............................................          89          55
417.............................................          89          56
418.............................................          88          58
419.............................................          78          69

[[Page 28594]]

420.............................................          98          39
421.............................................          64          61
422.............................................          90          34
423.............................................          88          38
424.............................................          97          62
425.............................................         100          53
426.............................................          81          58
427.............................................          74          51
428.............................................          76          57
429.............................................          76          72
430.............................................          85          72
431.............................................          84          60
432.............................................          83          72
433.............................................          83          72
434.............................................          86          72
435.............................................          89          72
436.............................................          86          72
437.............................................          87          72
438.............................................          88          72
439.............................................          88          71
440.............................................          87          72
441.............................................          85          71
442.............................................          88          72
443.............................................          88          72
444.............................................          84          72
445.............................................          83          73
446.............................................          77          73
447.............................................          74          73
448.............................................          76          72
449.............................................          46          77
450.............................................          78          62
451.............................................          79          35
452.............................................          82          38
453.............................................          81          41
454.............................................          79          37
455.............................................          78          35
456.............................................          78          38
457.............................................          78          46
458.............................................          75          49
459.............................................          73          50
460.............................................          79          58
461.............................................          79          71
462.............................................          83          44
463.............................................          53          48
464.............................................          40          48
465.............................................          51          75
466.............................................          75          72
467.............................................          89          67
468.............................................          93          60
469.............................................          89          73
470.............................................          86          73
471.............................................          81          73
472.............................................          78          73
473.............................................          78          73
474.............................................          76          73
475.............................................          79          73
476.............................................          82          73
477.............................................          86          73
478.............................................          88          72
479.............................................          92          71
480.............................................          97          54
481.............................................          73          43
482.............................................          36          64
483.............................................          63          31
484.............................................          78           1
485.............................................          69          27
486.............................................          67          28
487.............................................          72           9
488.............................................          71           9
489.............................................          78          36
490.............................................          81          56
491.............................................          75          53
492.............................................          60          45
493.............................................          50          37
494.............................................          66          41
495.............................................          51          61
496.............................................          68          47
497.............................................          29          42
498.............................................          24          73
499.............................................          64          71
500.............................................          90          71
501.............................................         100          61
502.............................................          94          73
503.............................................          84          73
504.............................................          79          73
505.............................................          75          72
506.............................................          78          73
507.............................................          80          73
508.............................................          81          73
509.............................................          81          73
510.............................................          83          73
511.............................................          85          73
512.............................................          84          73
513.............................................          85          73
514.............................................          86          73
515.............................................          85          73
516.............................................          85          73
517.............................................          85          72
518.............................................          85          73
519.............................................          83          73
520.............................................          79          73
521.............................................          78          73
522.............................................          81          73
523.............................................          82          72
524.............................................          94          56
525.............................................          66          48
526.............................................          35          71
527.............................................          51          44
528.............................................          60          23
529.............................................          64          10
530.............................................          63          14
531.............................................          70          37
532.............................................          76          45
533.............................................          78          18
534.............................................          76          51
535.............................................          75          33
536.............................................          81          17
537.............................................          76          45
538.............................................          76          30
539.............................................          80          14
540.............................................          71          18
541.............................................          71          14
542.............................................          71          11
543.............................................          65           2
544.............................................          31          26
545.............................................          24          72
546.............................................          64          70
547.............................................          77          62
548.............................................          80          68
549.............................................          83          53
550.............................................          83          50
551.............................................          83          50
552.............................................          85          43
553.............................................          86          45
554.............................................          89          35
555.............................................          82          61
556.............................................          87          50
557.............................................          85          55
558.............................................          89          49
559.............................................          87          70
560.............................................          91          39
561.............................................          72           3
562.............................................          43          25
563.............................................          30          60
564.............................................          40          45
565.............................................          37          32
566.............................................          37          32
567.............................................          43          70
568.............................................          70          54
569.............................................          77          47
570.............................................          79          66
571.............................................          85          53
572.............................................          83          57
573.............................................          86          52
574.............................................          85          51
575.............................................          70          39
576.............................................          50           5
577.............................................          38          36
578.............................................          30          71
579.............................................          75          53
580.............................................          84          40
581.............................................          85          42
582.............................................          86          49
583.............................................          86          57
584.............................................          89          68
585.............................................          99          61
586.............................................          77          29
587.............................................          81          72
588.............................................          89          69
589.............................................          49          56
590.............................................          79          70
591.............................................         104          59
592.............................................         103          54
593.............................................         102          56
594.............................................         102          56
595.............................................         103          61
596.............................................         102          64
597.............................................         103          60
598.............................................          93          72
599.............................................          86          73
600.............................................          76          73
601.............................................          59          49
602.............................................          46          22
603.............................................          40          65
604.............................................          72          31
605.............................................          72          27
606.............................................          67          44
607.............................................          68          37
608.............................................          67          42
609.............................................          68          50
610.............................................          77          43
611.............................................          58           4
612.............................................          22          37
613.............................................          57          69
614.............................................          68          38
615.............................................          73           2
616.............................................          40          14
617.............................................          42          38

[[Page 28595]]

618.............................................          64          69
619.............................................          64          74
620.............................................          67          73
621.............................................          65          73
622.............................................          68          73
623.............................................          65          49
624.............................................          81           0
625.............................................          37          25
626.............................................          24          69
627.............................................          68          71
628.............................................          70          71
629.............................................          76          70
630.............................................          71          72
631.............................................          73          69
632.............................................          76          70
633.............................................          77          72
634.............................................          77          72
635.............................................          77          72
636.............................................          77          70
637.............................................          76          71
638.............................................          76          71
639.............................................          77          71
640.............................................          77          71
641.............................................          78          70
642.............................................          77          70
643.............................................          77          71
644.............................................          79          72
645.............................................          78          70
646.............................................          80          70
647.............................................          82          71
648.............................................          84          71
649.............................................          83          71
650.............................................          83          73
651.............................................          81          70
652.............................................          80          71
653.............................................          78          71
654.............................................          76          70
655.............................................          76          70
656.............................................          76          71
657.............................................          79          71
658.............................................          78          71
659.............................................          81          70
660.............................................          83          72
661.............................................          84          71
662.............................................          86          71
663.............................................          87          71
664.............................................          92          72
665.............................................          91          72
666.............................................          90          71
667.............................................          90          71
668.............................................          91          71
669.............................................          90          70
670.............................................          90          72
671.............................................          91          71
672.............................................          90          71
673.............................................          90          71
674.............................................          92          72
675.............................................          93          69
676.............................................          90          70
677.............................................          93          72
678.............................................          91          70
679.............................................          89          71
680.............................................          91          71
681.............................................          90          71
682.............................................          90          71
683.............................................          92          71
684.............................................          91          71
685.............................................          93          71
686.............................................          93          68
687.............................................          98          68
688.............................................          98          67
689.............................................         100          69
690.............................................          99          68
691.............................................         100          71
692.............................................          99          68
693.............................................         100          69
694.............................................         102          72
695.............................................         101          69
696.............................................         100          69
697.............................................         102          71
698.............................................         102          71
699.............................................         102          69
700.............................................         102          71
701.............................................         102          68
702.............................................         100          69
703.............................................         102          70
704.............................................         102          68
705.............................................         102          70
706.............................................         102          72
707.............................................         102          68
708.............................................         102          69
709.............................................         100          68
710.............................................         102          71
711.............................................         101          64
712.............................................         102          69
713.............................................         102          69
714.............................................         101          69
715.............................................         102          64
716.............................................         102          69
717.............................................         102          68
718.............................................         102          70
719.............................................         102          69
720.............................................         102          70
721.............................................         102          70
722.............................................         102          62
723.............................................         104          38
724.............................................         104          15
725.............................................         102          24
726.............................................         102          45
727.............................................         102          47
728.............................................         104          40
729.............................................         101          52
730.............................................         103          32
731.............................................         102          50
732.............................................         103          30
733.............................................         103          44
734.............................................         102          40
735.............................................         103          43
736.............................................         103          41
737.............................................         102          46
738.............................................         103          39
739.............................................         102          41
740.............................................         103          41
741.............................................         102          38
742.............................................         103          39
743.............................................         102          46
744.............................................         104          46
745.............................................         103          49
746.............................................         102          45
747.............................................         103          42
748.............................................         103          46
749.............................................         103          38
750.............................................         102          48
751.............................................         103          35
752.............................................         102          48
753.............................................         103          49
754.............................................         102          48
755.............................................         102          46
756.............................................         103          47
757.............................................         102          49
758.............................................         102          42
759.............................................         102          52
760.............................................         102          57
761.............................................         102          55
762.............................................         102          61
763.............................................         102          61
764.............................................         102          58
765.............................................         103          58
766.............................................         102          59
767.............................................         102          54
768.............................................         102          63
769.............................................         102          61
770.............................................         103          55
771.............................................         102          60
772.............................................         102          72
773.............................................         103          56
774.............................................         102          55
775.............................................         102          67
776.............................................         103          56
777.............................................          84          42
778.............................................          48           7
779.............................................          48           6
780.............................................          48           6
781.............................................          48           7
782.............................................          48           6
783.............................................          48           7
784.............................................          67          21
785.............................................         105          59
786.............................................         105          96
787.............................................         105          74
788.............................................         105          66
789.............................................         105          62
790.............................................         105          66
791.............................................          89          41
792.............................................          52           5
793.............................................          48           5
794.............................................          48           7
795.............................................          48           5
796.............................................          48           6
797.............................................          48           4
798.............................................          52           6
799.............................................          51           5
800.............................................          51           6
801.............................................          51           6
802.............................................          52           5
803.............................................          52           5
804.............................................          57          44
805.............................................          98          90
806.............................................         105          94
807.............................................         105         100
808.............................................         105          98
809.............................................         105          95
810.............................................         105          96
811.............................................         105          92
812.............................................         104          97
813.............................................         100          85
814.............................................          94          74
815.............................................          87          62

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816.............................................          81          50
817.............................................          81          46
818.............................................          80          39
819.............................................          80          32
820.............................................          81          28
821.............................................          80          26
822.............................................          80          23
823.............................................          80          23
824.............................................          80          20
825.............................................          81          19
826.............................................          80          18
827.............................................          81          17
828.............................................          80          20
829.............................................          81          24
830.............................................          81          21
831.............................................          80          26
832.............................................          80          24
833.............................................          80          23
834.............................................          80          22
835.............................................          81          21
836.............................................          81          24
837.............................................          81          24
838.............................................          81          22
839.............................................          81          22
840.............................................          81          21
841.............................................          81          31
842.............................................          81          27
843.............................................          80          26
844.............................................          80          26
845.............................................          81          25
846.............................................          80          21
847.............................................          81          20
848.............................................          83          21
849.............................................          83          15
850.............................................          83          12
851.............................................          83           9
852.............................................          83           8
853.............................................          83           7
854.............................................          83           6
855.............................................          83           6
856.............................................          83           6
857.............................................          83           6
858.............................................          83           6
859.............................................          76           5
860.............................................          49           8
861.............................................          51           7
862.............................................          51          20
863.............................................          78          52
864.............................................          80          38
865.............................................          81          33
866.............................................          83          29
867.............................................          83          22
868.............................................          83          16
869.............................................          83          12
870.............................................          83           9
871.............................................          83           8
872.............................................          83           7
873.............................................          83           6
874.............................................          83           6
875.............................................          83           6
876.............................................          83           6
877.............................................          83           6
878.............................................          59           4
879.............................................          50           5
880.............................................          51           5
881.............................................          51           5
882.............................................          51           5
883.............................................          50           5
884.............................................          50           5
885.............................................          50           5
886.............................................          50           5
887.............................................          50           5
888.............................................          51           5
889.............................................          51           5
890.............................................          51           5
891.............................................          63          50
892.............................................          81          34
893.............................................          81          25
894.............................................          81          29
895.............................................          81          23
896.............................................          80          24
897.............................................          81          24
898.............................................          81          28
899.............................................          81          27
900.............................................          81          22
901.............................................          81          19
902.............................................          81          17
903.............................................          81          17
904.............................................          81          17
905.............................................          81          15
906.............................................          80          15
907.............................................          80          28
908.............................................          81          22
909.............................................          81          24
910.............................................          81          19
911.............................................          81          21
912.............................................          81          20
913.............................................          83          26
914.............................................          80          63
915.............................................          80          59
916.............................................          83         100
917.............................................          81          73
918.............................................          83          53
919.............................................          80          76
920.............................................          81          61
921.............................................          80          50
922.............................................          81          37
923.............................................          82          49
924.............................................          83          37
925.............................................          83          25
926.............................................          83          17
927.............................................          83          13
928.............................................          83          10
929.............................................          83           8
930.............................................          83           7
931.............................................          83           7
932.............................................          83           6
933.............................................          83           6
934.............................................          83           6
935.............................................          71           5
936.............................................          49          24
937.............................................          69          64
938.............................................          81          50
939.............................................          81          43
940.............................................          81          42
941.............................................          81          31
942.............................................          81          30
943.............................................          81          35
944.............................................          81          28
945.............................................          81          27
946.............................................          80          27
947.............................................          81          31
948.............................................          81          41
949.............................................          81          41
950.............................................          81          37
951.............................................          81          43
952.............................................          81          34
953.............................................          81          31
954.............................................          81          26
955.............................................          81          23
956.............................................          81          27
957.............................................          81          38
958.............................................          81          40
959.............................................          81          39
960.............................................          81          27
961.............................................          81          33
962.............................................          80          28
963.............................................          81          34
964.............................................          83          72
965.............................................          81          49
966.............................................          81          51
967.............................................          80          55
968.............................................          81          48
969.............................................          81          36
970.............................................          81          39
971.............................................          81          38
972.............................................          80          41
973.............................................          81          30
974.............................................          81          23
975.............................................          81          19
976.............................................          81          25
977.............................................          81          29
978.............................................          83          47
979.............................................          81          90
980.............................................          81          75
981.............................................          80          60
982.............................................          81          48
983.............................................          81          41
984.............................................          81          30
985.............................................          80          24
986.............................................          81          20
987.............................................          81          21
988.............................................          81          29
989.............................................          81          29
990.............................................          81          27
991.............................................          81          23
992.............................................          81          25
993.............................................          81          26
994.............................................          81          22
995.............................................          81          20
996.............................................          81          17
997.............................................          81          23
998.............................................          83          65
999.............................................          81          54
1000............................................          81          50
1001............................................          81          41
1002............................................          81          35
1003............................................          81          37
1004............................................          81          29
1005............................................          81          28
1006............................................          81          24
1007............................................          81          19
1008............................................          81          16
1009............................................          80          16
1010............................................          83          23
1011............................................          83          17
1012............................................          83          13
1013............................................          83          27

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1014............................................          81          58
1015............................................          81          60
1016............................................          81          46
1017............................................          80          41
1018............................................          80          36
1019............................................          81          26
1020............................................          86          18
1021............................................          82          35
1022............................................          79          53
1023............................................          82          30
1024............................................          83          29
1025............................................          83          32
1026............................................          83          28
1027............................................          76          60
1028............................................          79          51
1029............................................          86          26
1030............................................          82          34
1031............................................          84          25
1032............................................          86          23
1033............................................          85          22
1034............................................          83          26
1035............................................          83          25
1036............................................          83          37
1037............................................          84          14
1038............................................          83          39
1039............................................          76          70
1040............................................          78          81
1041............................................          75          71
1042............................................          86          47
1043............................................          83          35
1044............................................          81          43
1045............................................          81          41
1046............................................          79          46
1047............................................          80          44
1048............................................          84          20
1049............................................          79          31
1050............................................          87          29
1051............................................          82          49
1052............................................          84          21
1053............................................          82          56
1054............................................          81          30
1055............................................          85          21
1056............................................          86          16
1057............................................          79          52
1058............................................          78          60
1059............................................          74          55
1060............................................          78          84
1061............................................          80          54
1062............................................          80          35
1063............................................          82          24
1064............................................          83          43
1065............................................          79          49
1066............................................          83          50
1067............................................          86          12
1068............................................          64          14
1069............................................          24          14
1070............................................          49          21
1071............................................          77          48
1072............................................         103          11
1073............................................          98          48
1074............................................         101          34
1075............................................          99          39
1076............................................         103          11
1077............................................         103          19
1078............................................         103           7
1079............................................         103          13
1080............................................         103          10
1081............................................         102          13
1082............................................         101          29
1083............................................         102          25
1084............................................         102          20
1085............................................          96          60
1086............................................          99          38
1087............................................         102          24
1088............................................         100          31
1089............................................         100          28
1090............................................          98           3
1091............................................         102          26
1092............................................          95          64
1093............................................         102          23
1094............................................         102          25
1095............................................          98          42
1096............................................          93          68
1097............................................         101          25
1098............................................          95          64
1099............................................         101          35
1100............................................          94          59
1101............................................          97          37
1102............................................          97          60
1103............................................          93          98
1104............................................          98          53
1105............................................         103          13
1106............................................         103          11
1107............................................         103          11
1108............................................         103          13
1109............................................         103          10
1110............................................         103          10
1111............................................         103          11
1112............................................         103          10
1113............................................         103          10
1114............................................         102          18
1115............................................         102          31
1116............................................         101          24
1117............................................         102          19
1118............................................         103          10
1119............................................         102          12
1120............................................          99          56
1121............................................          96          59
1122............................................          74          28
1123............................................          66          62
1124............................................          74          29
1125............................................          64          74
1126............................................          69          40
1127............................................          76           2
1128............................................          72          29
1129............................................          66          65
1130............................................          54          69
1131............................................          69          56
1132............................................          69          40
1133............................................          73          54
1134............................................          63          92
1135............................................          61          67
1136............................................          72          42
1137............................................          78           2
1138............................................          76          34
1139............................................          67          80
1140............................................          70          67
1141............................................          53          70
1142............................................          72          65
1143............................................          60          57
1144............................................          74          29
1145............................................          69          31
1146............................................          76           1
1147............................................          74          22
1148............................................          72          52
1149............................................          62          96
1150............................................          54          72
1151............................................          72          28
1152............................................          72          35
1153............................................          64          68
1154............................................          74          27
1155............................................          76          14
1156............................................          69          38
1157............................................          66          59
1158............................................          64          99
1159............................................          51          86
1160............................................          70          53
1161............................................          72          36
1162............................................          71          47
1163............................................          70          42
1164............................................          67          34
1165............................................          74           2
1166............................................          75          21
1167............................................          74          15
1168............................................          75          13
1169............................................          76          10
1170............................................          75          13
1171............................................          75          10
1172............................................          75           7
1173............................................          75          13
1174............................................          76           8
1175............................................          76           7
1176............................................          67          45
1177............................................          75          13
1178............................................          75          12
1179............................................          73          21
1180............................................          68          46
1181............................................          74           8
1182............................................          76          11
1183............................................          76          14
1184............................................          74          11
1185............................................          74          18
1186............................................          73          22
1187............................................          74          20
1188............................................          74          19
1189............................................          70          22
1190............................................          71          23
1191............................................          73          19
1192............................................          73          19
1193............................................          72          20
1194............................................          64          60
1195............................................          70          39
1196............................................          66          56
1197............................................          68          64
1198............................................          30          68
1199............................................          70          38
1200............................................          66          47
1201............................................          76          14
1202............................................          74          18
1203............................................          69          46
1204............................................          68          62
1205............................................          68          62
1206............................................          68          62
1207............................................          68          62
1208............................................          68          62
1209............................................          68          62
1210............................................          54          50
1211............................................          41          37

[[Page 28598]]

1212............................................          27          25
1213............................................          14          12
1214............................................           0           0
1215............................................           0           0
1216............................................           0           0
1217............................................           0           0
1218............................................           0           0
1219............................................           0           0
1220............................................           0           0
1221............................................           0           0
1222............................................           0           0
1223............................................           0           0
1224............................................           0           0
1225............................................           0           0
1226............................................           0           0
1227............................................           0           0
1228............................................           0           0
1229............................................           0           0
1230............................................           0           0
1231............................................           0           0
1232............................................           0           0
1233............................................           0           0
1234............................................           0           0
1235............................................           0           0
1236............................................           0           0
1237............................................           0           0
1238............................................           0           0


    65. The authority citation for part 1065 continues to read as 

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671(q).

    66. Section 1065.1 is amended by revising paragraph (a) and 
removing and reserving paragraph (b)(6) to read as follows:

Sec.  1065.1  Applicability.

    (a) This part describes the procedures that apply to testing that 
we require for the following engines or for equipment using the 
following engines:
    (1) Large nonroad spark-ignition engines we regulate under 40 CFR 
part 1048.
    (2) Vehicles that we regulate under 40 CFR part 1051 (i.e., 
recreational SI vehicles) that are regulated based on engine testing. 
See 40 CFR part 1051 to determine which vehicles may be certified based 
on engine test data.
    (3) Land-based nonroad compression-ignition engines we regulate 
under 40 CFR part 1039.
* * * * *
    67. Section 1065.10 is amended by revising paragraph (c)(3) to read 
as follows:

Sec.  1065.10  Other test procedures.

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (3) You may ask to use alternate procedures that produce 
measurements equivalent to those from the specified procedures. If you 
send us a written request showing your procedures are equivalent, and 
we agree that they are equivalent, we will allow you to use them. You 
may not use an alternate procedure until we approve them, either by: 
Telling you directly that you may use this procedure; or issuing 
guidance to all manufacturers, which allows you to use the alternate 
procedure without additional approval. You may use the statistical 
procedures specified in 40 CFR 86.1306-07(d) to demonstrate 
* * * * *
    68. Section 1065.115 is added to read as follows:

Sec.  1065.115  Exhaust gas sampling system; compression-ignition 

    Use the exhaust-gas sampling system specified in 40 CFR 86.1310 to 
measure emissions from compression-ignition nonroad engines.
    69. Section 1065.205 is added to read as follows:

Sec.  1065.205  Test fuel specifications for distillate diesel fuel.

    Petroleum distillate diesel fuel used as a test fuel must meet the 
following specifications:

                  Item                                                   ASTM test method No.        Type 2-D
(i) Cetane Number......................  ..........................  D613                              40-50
(ii) Cetane Index......................  ..........................  D976                              40-50
(iii) Distillation range:
    (A) IBP............................  [deg]C....................  D86                             171-204
    (B) 10 pct. point..................  [deg]C....................  D86                             204-238
    (C) 50 pct. point..................  [deg]C....................  D86                             243-282
    (D) 90 pct. point..................  [deg]C....................  D86                             293-332
    (E) EP.............................  [deg]C....................  D86                            D321-366
(iv) Gravity...........................  [deg]API..................  D287                              32-37
(v) Total sulfur.......................  ppm.......................  D2622                              7-15
(vi) Hydrocarbon composition: (A)        pct.......................  D5186                                10
 Aromatics, minimum (Remainder shall be
 paraffins, naphthenes, and olefins).
(vii) Flashpoint, min..................  [deg]C....................  D93                                  54
(viii) Viscosity.......................  centistokes...............  D445                            2.0-3.2

    70. Section 1065.310 is amended to read as follows:

Sec.  1065.310  CVS calibration.

    Use the procedures of 40 CFR 86.1319-90 to calibrate the CVS.
    71. Section 1065.405 is amended by revising paragraph (b) to read 
as follows:

Sec.  1065.405  Preparing and servicing a test engine.

* * * * *
    (b) Run the test engine, with all emission-control systems 
operating, long enough to stabilize emission levels.
    (1) For SI engines, if you accumulate 50 hours of operation, you 
may consider emission levels stable without measurement.
    (2) For CI engines, if you accumulate 125 hours of operation, you 
may consider emission levels stable without measurement.
* * * * *
    72. Section 1065.530 is amended by revising paragraph (b)(3)(iii) 
and Table 1 and adding a new Table 2 and paragraph (d) to read as 

Sec.  1065.530  Test cycle validation criteria.

* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (3) * * *
    (iii) For a valid test, make sure the feedback cycle's integrated 
brake kilowatt-hour is within 5 percent of the reference cycle's 
integrated brake kilowatt-hour. Also, ensure that the

[[Page 28599]]

slope, intercept, standard error, and coefficient of determination meet 
the criteria in the following tables (you may delete individual points 
from the regression analyses, consistent with good engineering 

     Table 1 of Sec.   1065.530.--Statistical Criteria for Validating Test Cycles for Spark-Ignition Engines
                                                Speed                    Torque                   Power
1. Slope of the regression line (m)..  0.950 to 1.030.........  0.830 to 1.030.........  0.880 to 1.030.
2. Y intercept of the regression line  [bond]b[bond]
<= 50 rpm  [bond]b[bond]
<= 5.0     [bond]b[bond] <= 3.0
 (b).                                                            percent of maximum       percent of maximum
                                                                 torque from power map.   torque from power map.
3. Standard error of the estimate of   100 rpm................  15 percent of maximum    10 percent of maximum
 Y on X (SE).                                                    torque from power map.   power from power map.
4. Coefficient of determination (r 2)  r \2\ £=       r \2\ £=       r \2\ £=
                                        0.970.                   0.880.                   0.900.

  Table 2 of Sec.   1065.530.--Statistical Criteria for Validating Test Cycles for Compression-Ignition Engines
                                                Speed                    Torque                   Power
1. Slope of the regression line (m)..  0.950 to 1.030.........  0.830 to 1.030 (hot);    0.890 to 1.030 (hot);
                                                                 0.77 to 1.03 (cold).     0.870 to 1.030 (cold).
2. Y intercept of the regression line  [bond]b[bond]
<= 50 rpm  [bond]b[bond]
<= 20 Nm   [bond]b[bond] <= 40 kW
 (b).                                                            or [bond]b[bond]
<=      or [bond]b[bond]
                                                                 2.0 percent of maximum   3.0 percent of maximum
                                                                 torque from power map,   torque from power map,
                                                                 whichever is greater.    whichever is greater.
3. Standard error of the estimate of   100 rpm................  13 percent of maximum    8 percent of maximum
 Y on X (SE).                                                    torque from power map.   power from power map.
4. Coefficient of determination (r     r \2\ £=       r \2\ £=       r \2\ £=
 \2\).                                  0.970.                   0.880 (hot); r \2\ = 0.850 (cold).   thn-eq>= 0.850 (cold).

* * * * *
    (d) Transient testing with constant-speed engines. For constant-
speed engines with installed governor operating over a transient duty 
cycle, the test cycle validation criteria in this section apply to 
engine-torque values but not engine-speed values.
    73. Section 1065.615 is amended by revising paragraphs (c) and (d) 
to read as follows:

Sec.  1065.615  Bag sample calculations.

* * * * *
    (c) Calculate total brake work (kW-hr) done during the emissions 
sampling period of each segment or mode and then weight it by the 
applicable test cycle weighting factors.
    (d) Calculate emissions in g/kW-hr by dividing the total weighted 
mass emission rate (g/test) by the total cycle-weighted brake work for 
the test.
* * * * *
    74. Section 1065.620 is added to read as follows:

Sec.  1065.620  Continuous sample analysis and calculations.

    Use the sample analysis procedures and calculations of 40 CFR 
subpart N for continuous samples.
    75. Section 1065.701 is added to read as follows:

Sec.  1065.701  Particulate measurements.

    Use the particulate sampling system and procedures specified in 40 
CFR part 86 subpart N to measure particulate emissions from 
compression-ignition nonroad engines.
    76. Section 1065.910 is revised to read as follows:

Sec.  1065.910  Measurement accuracy and precision.

    Measurement systems used for field testing have accuracy and 
precision comparable to those of dynamometer testing. Measurement 
systems that conform to the provisions of Sec. Sec.  1065.915 through 
1065.950 are deemed to be in compliance with the accuracy and precision 
requirements of paragraph of this section. If you use other field 
testing measurement systems you need to have documentation indicating 
that it is comparable to a dynamometer system.
    (a) The two systems must be calibrated independently to NIST 
traceable standards or equivalent national standards for this 
comparison. We may approve the us of other standards. Calculations of 
emissions results for this test should be consistent with the field 
testing data reduction scheme for both the in-use equipment and the 
dynamometer equipment, and each complete test cycle will be considered 
one ``summing interval'', Si as defined in the field-testing data 
reduction scheme.
    (b) While other statistical analyses may be acceptable, we 
recommend that the comparison be based on a minimum of seven (7) 
repeats of colocated and simultaneous tests. Perform this comparison 
over the applicable steady-state and transient test cycles using an 
engine that is fully warmed up such that its coolant temperature is 
thermostatically controlled. If there is no applicable transient test 
cycle, use the applicable steady-state cycle. Anyone who intends to 
submit an alternative comparison is encouraged to first contact EPA 
Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Assessment and Standards 
Division to discuss the applicant's intended statistical analysis. The 
Division may provide further guidance specific to the appropriate 
statistical analysis for the respective application.
    (c) The following statistical tests are suggested. If the 
comparison is paired, it must demonstrate that the alternate system 
passes a two-sided, paired t-test. If the test is unpaired, it must 
demonstrate that the alternate system passes a two-sided, unpaired t-
test. The average of these tests for the reference system must return 
results less than or equal to the applicable emissions standard. The t-
test is performed as follows, where ``n'' equals the number of tests:
    (1) Calculate the average of the in-use system results; this is 
    (2) Calculate the average of the results of the system to which the 
in-use system was Referenced; this is Ravg.
    (3) Calculate the ``n-1'' standard deviations for the in-use and 
reference averages; these are Isd and Rsd respectively. Form the F 
ratio: F = (Isd/Rsd) 2. F must be less than the critical F value, Fcrit 
at a 95% confidence interval for ``n-1'' degrees of freedom. Table 1 of 
this section lists 95% confidence interval Fcrit values for n-1 degrees 
of freedom. Note that nA represents the number of alternate 
system samples, while nR represents the number of reference 
system samples.
    (4) For an unpaired comparison, calculate the t-value:

[[Page 28600]]

    (5) For a paired comparison, calculate the ``n-1'' standard 
deviation (squared) of the differences, di, between the 
paired results, where ``i'' represents the ith test of n number of 


    (6) For a paired comparison, calculate the t-value:

    (d) The absolute value of t must be less than the critical t value, 
tcrit at a 95% confidence interval for ``n-1'' degrees of 
freedom. Table 2 of this section lists 95% confidence interval 
tcrit values for n-1 degrees of freedom.

                                    Table 1 of Sec.   1065.910.--95% Confidence Interval Critical F Values for F-Test
                  nR-1                    nI-1    6      7      8      9      10     11     12      13     14     15     16     17     18     19     20
6......................................  .....  4.284  4.207  4.147  4.099  4.06   4.027  4       3.976  3.956  3.938  3.922  3.908  3.896  3.884  3.874
7......................................  .....  3.866  3.787  3.726  3.677  3.637  3.603  3.575   3.55   3.529  3.511  3.494  3.48   3.467  3.455  3.445
8......................................  .....  3.581  3.5    3.438  3.388  3.347  3.313  3.284   3.259  3.237  3.218  3.202  3.187  3.173  3.161  3.15
9......................................  .....  3.374  3.293  3.23   3.179  3.137  3.102  3.073   3.048  3.025  3.006  2.989  2.974  2.96   2.948  2.936
10.....................................  .....  3.217  3.135  3.072  3.02   2.978  2.943  2.913   2.887  2.865  2.845  2.828  2.812  2.798  2.785  2.774
11.....................................  .....  3.095  3.012  2.948  2.896  2.854  2.818  2.788   2.761  2.739  2.719  2.701  2.685  2.671  2.658  2.646
12.....................................  .....  2.996  2.913  2.849  2.796  2.753  2.717  2.687   2.66   2.637  2.617  2.599  2.583  2.568  2.555  2.544
13.....................................  .....  2.915  2.832  2.767  2.714  2.671  2.635  2.604   2.577  2.554  2.533  2.515  2.499  2.484  2.471  2.459
14.....................................  .....  2.848  2.764  2.699  2.646  2.602  2.565  2.534   2.507  2.484  2.463  2.455  2.428  2.413  2.4    2.388
15.....................................  .....  2.79   2.707  2.641  2.588  2.544  2.507  2.475   2.448  2.424  2.403  2.385  2.368  2.353  2.34   2.328
16.....................................  .....  2.741  2.657  2.591  2.538  2.494  2.456  2.425   2.397  2.373  2.352  2.333  2.317  2.302  2.288  2.276
17.....................................  .....  2.699  2.614  2.548  2.494  2.45   2.413  2.381   2.353  2.329  2.308  2.289  2.272  2.257  2.243  2.23
18.....................................  .....  2.661  2.577  2.51   2.456  2.412  2.374  2.342   2.314  2.29   2.269  2.25   2.233  2.217  2.203  2.191
19.....................................  .....  2.628  2.544  2.477  2.423  2.378  2.34   2.308   2.28   2.256  2.234  2.215  2.198  2.182  2.168  2.155
20.....................................  .....  2.599  2.514  2.447  2.393  2.348  2.31   2.278   2.25   2.225  2.203  2.184  2.167  2.151  2.137  2.124

 Table 2 of Sec.   1065.910.--95% Confidence Interval Critical T Values
                               for T-Test
                             n-1                                 tcrit
6............................................................       2.45
7............................................................       2.36
8............................................................       2.31
9............................................................       2.26
10...........................................................       2.23
11...........................................................       2.20
12...........................................................       2.18
13...........................................................       2.16
14...........................................................       2.14
15...........................................................       2.13
16...........................................................       2.12
17...........................................................       2.11
18...........................................................       2.10
19...........................................................       2.09
20...........................................................       2.09


    77. The authority citation for part 1068 continues to read as 

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671(q).

    78. Section 1068.1 is amended by revising paragraph (a), removing 
and reserving paragraph (b)(5), and adding paragraph (e) to read as 

Sec.  1068.1  Does this part apply to me?

    (a) The provisions of this part apply to everyone with respect to 
the following engines and to equipment using the following engines 
(including owners, operators, parts manufacturers, and persons 
performing maintenance).
    (1) Large nonroad spark-ignition engines we regulate under 40 CFR 
part 1048.
    (2) Recreational SI engines and vehicles that we regulate under 40 
CFR part 1051 (such as snowmobiles and off-highway motorcycles).
    (3) Land-based nonroad diesel engines that we regulate under 40 CFR 
part 1039.
* * * * *
    (e)(1) The provisions of Sec. Sec.  1068.30, 1068.310, and 1068.320 
apply for stationary spark-ignition engines beginning January 1, 2004, 
and for stationary compression-ignition engines beginning January 1, 
    (2) The provisions of Sec. Sec.  1068.30 and 1068.235 apply for the 
types of engines listed in paragraph (a) of this section beginning 
January 1, 2004, where they are used solely for competition.
    79. Section 1068.27 is added to read as follows:

Sec.  1068.27  May EPA conduct testing with my production engines?

    If we request it, you must make a reasonable number of production-
line engines available for a reasonable time so we can test or inspect 
them for compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
    80. Section 1068.30 is amended by adding in alphabetical order a 
definition of ``Aftertreatment'' to read as follows:

Sec.  1068.30  What definitions apply to this part?

* * * * *
    Aftertreatment means relating to any system, component, or 
technology mounted downstream of the exhaust valve or exhaust port 
whose design function is to reduce exhaust emissions.
* * * * *
    81. Section 1068.101 is amended by revising paragraph (a)(1) and 
adding paragraph (b)(6) to read as follows:

Sec.  1068.101  What general actions does this regulation prohibit?

    (a) * * *
    (1) You may not sell, offer for sale, or introduce or deliver into 
commerce in the United States or import into the United States any new 
engine or equipment after emission standards take effect for that 
engine or equipment, unless it has a valid certificate of conformity 
for its model year and the required label or tag. You also may not take 
any of the actions listed in the previous sentence with respect to any 
equipment containing an engine subject to this part's provisions, 
unless the engine has a valid and appropriate certificate of conformity 
and the required engine label or tag. For purposes of this paragraph 
(a)(1), an appropriate certificate of conformity is one that applies 
for the same model year as the model year of the equipment (except as 
allowed by Sec.  1068.105(a)), covers the appropriate category of 
engines (such as locomotive or CI marine), and conforms to all 
requirements specified for equipment in the standard-setting part. This 
requirements of this paragraph (a)(1) also cover new engines you 
produce to replace an older engine in a piece of equipment, unless the 
engine qualifies for the replacement-engine exemption in Sec.  
1068.240. We may assess a civil

[[Page 28601]]

penalty up to $31,500 for each engine in violation.
* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (6) You must meet your obligation to honor your emission-related 
warranty under Sec.  1068.115 and to fulfill any applicable 
responsibilities to recall engines under Sec.  1068.505. Failure to 
meet these obligations is prohibited. We may assess a civil penalty up 
to $31,500 for each engine in violation.
* * * * *
    82. Section 1068.105 is amended by adding introductory text and 
revising paragraph (c) to read as follows:

Sec.  1068.105  What other provisions apply to me specifically if I 
manufacture equipment needing certified engines?

    This section describes general provisions that apply to equipment 
manufacturers. See the standard-setting part for any requirements that 
apply for certain applications.
* * * * *
    (c) Attaching a duplicate label. If you obscure the engine's label, 
you must do four things to avoid violating Sec.  1068.101(a)(1):
    (1) Send a request for duplicate labels in writing with your 
company's letterhead to the engine manufacturer. Include the following 
information in your request:
    (i) Identify the type of equipment and the specific engine and 
equipment models needing duplicate labels.
    (ii) Identify the engine family (from the original engine label).
    (iii) State the reason that you need a duplicate label for each 
equipment model.
    (iv) Identify the number of duplicate labels you will need.
    (2) Permanently attach the duplicate label to your equipment by 
securing it to a part needed for normal operation and not normally 
requiring replacement. Make sure an average person can easily read it.
    (3) Destroy any unused duplicate labels if you find that you will 
not need them.
    (4) Keep the following records for at least eight years after the 
end of the model year identified on the engine label:
    (i) Keep a copy of your written request.
    (ii) Keep drawings or descriptions that show how you apply the 
duplicate labels to your equipment.
    (iii) Maintain a count of duplicate labels that you use or destroy.
* * * * *
    83. Section 1068.210 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read 
as follows:

Sec.  1068.210  What are the provisions for exempting test engines?

    (a) We may exempt engines that are not exempted under other 
sections of this part that you will use for research, investigations, 
studies, demonstrations, or training. This may include engines placed 
into service if the primary purpose is to develop a fundamentally new 
emission-control technology related either to an alternative fuel or an 
aftertreatment device.
* * * * *
    84. Section 1068.215 is amended by revising paragraph (c)(3)(iii) 
to read as follows:

Sec.  1068.215  What are the provisions for exempting manufacturer-
owned engines?

* * * * *
    (c) * * *
    (3) * * *
    (iii) Engine displacement, engine family identification (as 
applicable), and model year of the engine or whom to contact for 
further information.
* * * * *
    85. Section 1068.220 is amended by revising paragraph (e)(3) to 
read as follows:

Sec.  1068.220  What are the provisions for exempting display engines?

* * * * *
    (e) * * *
    (3) Engine displacement, engine family identification (as 
applicable), and model year of the engine or whom to contact for 
further information.
* * * * *
    86. Section 1068.310 is amended by revising the introductory text 
and paragraphs (a) and (b) to read as follows:

Sec.  1068.310  What are the exclusions for imported engines?

    Engines or equipment that are not subject to our emission standards 
are not subject to the restrictions on imports in Sec.  1068.301(b). If 
you show us that your engines qualify under one of the paragraphs of 
this section, we will approve your request to import such excluded 
engines. You must have our approval to import an engine under paragraph 
(a) of this section. You may, but are not required to request our 
approval to import the engines under paragraph (b) or (c) of this 
section. The following engines are excluded:
    (a) Engines used solely for competition. Engines you use solely for 
competition are generally excluded from the restrictions on imports in 
Sec.  1068.301(b), but only if they are properly labeled according to 
Sec.  1068.320. The standard-setting part may set special provisions 
for the manufacture, sale, or import of engines used solely for 
competition. Section 1068.101(b)(4) prohibits using these excluded 
engines for other purposes.
    (b) Stationary engines. The definition of nonroad engine in 40 CFR 
1068.30 does not include certain engines used in stationary 
applications. Such engines are not subject to the restrictions on 
imports in Sec.  1068.301(b), but only if they are properly labeled 
according to Sec.  1068.320. Section 1068.101 restricts the use of 
stationary engines for non-stationary purposes.
* * * * *
    87. Section 1068.315 is amended by revising introductory text and 
paragraph (a) and adding paragraph (f)(1)(iii) to read as follows:

Sec.  1068.315  What are the permanent exemptions for imported engines?

    We may approve a permanent exemption from the restrictions on 
imports under Sec.  1039.301(b) under the following conditions:
    (a) National security exemption. You may import an engine under the 
national security exemption in Sec.  1068.225, but only if they are 
properly labeled according to Sec.  1068.320.
* * * * *
    (f) * * *
    (1) * * *
    (iii) Land-based nonroad diesel engines (see part 1039 of this 
* * * * *
    88. Section 1068.320 is amended by revising the section heading, 
paragraph (a) introductory text, and paragraph (b)(4) to read as 

Sec.  1068.320  How must I label an imported engine with an exclusion 
or a permanent exemption?

    (a) For engines imported under Sec.  1068.310(a) or (b) or Sec.  
1068.315(a), you must place a permanent label or tag on each engine. If 
no specific label requirements from the standard-setting part or from 
subpart C of this part apply, you must meet the following requirements:
* * * * *
    (b) * * *
    (4) State:
referenced in 40 CFR 1068.1(a) that would otherwise apply], AS PROVIDED 
IN [identify the paragraph authorizing the exemption (for example, ``40 
* * * * *

[[Page 28602]]

    89. Section 1068.325 is amended by revising the introductory text 
to read as follows:

Sec.  1068.325  What are the temporary exemptions for imported engines?

    If we approve a temporary exemption from the restrictions on 
importing an engine under Sec.  1039.301(b), you may import it under 
the conditions in this section. We may ask the U.S. Customs Service to 
require a specific bond amount to make sure you comply with the 
requirements of this subpart. You may not sell or lease one of these 
engines while it is in the United States. You must eventually export 
the engine as we describe in this section unless you get a certificate 
of conformity for it or it qualifies for one of the permanent 
exemptions in Sec.  1068.315. Section 1068.330 specifies an additional 
temporary exemption allowing you to import certain engines you intend 
to sell or lease.
* * * * *
    90. A new Sec.  1068.340 is added to read as follows:

Sec.  1068.340  What special provisions apply to Independent Commercial 

    We generally consider engines to be new when they are imported into 
the United States, even if they have previously been used outside the 
country. See 40 CFR part 89, subpart G and 40 CFR 89.906(b) for special 
provisions allowing Independent Commercial Importers to show that such 
engines meet the requirements of the standard-setting part without the 
full certification process.
    91. Section 1068.501 is amended by revising paragraphs (b), (c)(1), 
(e), (f), and (h), and adding paragraph (a)(7) to read as follows:

Sec.  1068.501  How do I report engine defects?

    (a) * * *
    (7) This section distinguishes between defects and possible defect. 
A possible defect occurs anytime there is an indication that an 
emission-related component might have a defect, as described in 
paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
    (b) Investigation of possible defects. If the number of engines 
that have a possible defect, as defined by paragraph (b)(1) of this 
section, exceed the thresholds specified in paragraph (e) of this 
section, you must conduct an investigation to determine if an emission-
related component is actually defective.
    (1) You must track warranty claims, parts shipments, and the other 
information specified in paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section. You 
must classify an engine component as having a possible defect if any of 
the following is true:
    (i) A warranty claim is submitted for the component, whether this 
is under your emission-related warranty or any other warranty.
    (ii) You ship a replacement component other than for normally 
scheduled maintenance during the useful life of the engine.
    (iii) You receive any other information indicating the component 
may be defective, such as information from dealers or hot line 
    (2) Your investigation must be prompt, thorough, consider all 
relevant information, follow scientific and engineering principles, and 
be designed to obtain all the information specified in paragraph (d) of 
this section.
    (3) Your investigation only needs to consider possible defects that 
occur within the useful life period, or within five years after the end 
of the model year, whichever is longer.
    (4) You must continue your investigation until you are able to show 
that components are not defective or you obtain all the information 
specified for a defect report in paragraph (d) of this section. Send us 
an updated defect report anytime you have significant additional 
    (5) If a component with a possible defect is used in additional 
engine families or model years, you must investigate whether the 
component or part may be defective when used in these additional engine 
families or model years, and include these results in any defect report 
you send under paragraph (c) of this section.
    (6) If your initial investigation concludes that the number of 
engines with a defect is fewer than the thresholds specified in 
paragraph (f) of this section, but other information later becomes 
available that may show that the number of engines with a defect 
exceeds these thresholds, then you must resume your investigation. If 
you resume an investigation, you must include the information from the 
earlier investigation to determine whether to send a defect report.
    (c) * * *
    (1) Your investigation shows that the number of engines with a 
defect exceeds the thresholds specified in paragraph (f) of this 
section. Send the defect report within 15 days after the date you 
identify this number of defective engines. See paragraph (h) of this 
section for reporting requirements that apply if the number of engines 
with a defect does not exceed the thresholds in paragraph (f) of this 
* * * * *
    (e) Thresholds for conducting a defect investigation. Unless the 
standard-setting part specifies otherwise, you must begin a defect 
investigation based on the following threshold values:
    (1) For engine with rated power under 560 kW:
    (i) When the component is a catalytic converter (or other 
aftertreatment device), for one of the following number of engines that 
may have the defect:
    (A) For engine families with annual sales below 4,000 units: 20 or 
more engines.
    (B) For engine families with annual sales between 4,000 and 100,000 
units: more than 2 percent of the total number of engines in the engine 
    (C) For engine families with annual sales above 100,000 units: 
2,000 or more engines.
    (ii) When the emission-related component is anything but a 
catalytic converter (or other aftertreatment device), for one of the 
following number of engines that may have the defect:
    (A) For engine families with annual sales below 4,000 units: 40 or 
more engines.
    (B) For engine families with annual sales between 4,000 and 100,000 
units: more than 4 percent of the total number of engines in the engine 
    (C) For engine families with annual sales above 100,000 units: 
4,000 or more engines.
    (2) For engine with rated power greater than or equal to 560 kW, if 
the number of engines in an engine family that may have the defect 
exceeds 1 percent of the total number of engines in the engine family 
or 5 engines, whichever is greater.
    (f) Thresholds for filing a defect report. You must send a defect 
report based on the following threshold values:
    (1) For engine with rated power under 560 kW:
    (i) When the component is a catalytic converter (or other 
aftertreatment device), for one of the following number of engines that 
may have the defect:
    (A) For engine families with annual sales below 4,000 units: 5 or 
more engines.
    (B) For engine families with annual sales between 4,000 and 100,000 
units: more than 0.125 percent of the total number of engines in the 
engine family.
    (C) For engine families with annual sales above 100,000 units: 125 
or more engines.
    (ii) When the emission-related component is anything but a 
catalytic converter (or other aftertreatment

[[Page 28603]]

device), for one of the following number of engines that may have the 
    (A) For engine families with annual sales below 4,000 units: 10 or 
more engines.
    (B) For engine families with annual sales between 4,000 and 100,000 
units: more than 0.250 percent of the total number of engines in the 
engine family.
    (C) For engine families with annual sales above 100,000 units: 250 
or more engines.
    (2) For engine with rated power greater than or equal to 560 kW, if 
the number of engines in an engine family that has the defect exceeds 
0.5 percent of the total number of engines in the engine family or 2 
engines, whichever is greater.
* * * * *
    (h) Investigation reports. If you investigate possible defects 
under paragraph (b) of this section and find that the number of engines 
with a defect does not exceed the thresholds specified in paragraph (f) 
of this section, you must send us a report supporting this conclusion. 
Include the information specified in paragraph (d) of this section, or 
explain why the information is not relevant. Send this report within 15 
days after the date you reach this conclusion.
* * * * *

[FR Doc. 03-9737 Filed 5-22-03; 8:45 am]


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