USGS Ohio Water Science Center

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Ohio Water Science Center

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Current and Past News...

Celebrate Earth Science Week – October 12-18, 2008.

Scientist demonstrates water quality sampling. 10/01/2008 --“No Child Left Inside” is the theme for this year’s Earth Science Week. The USGS is a proud partner of this annual international event sponsored by the American Geological Institute.  Earth Science Week promotes responsible stewardship of the Earth and encourages children and adults alike to explore the earth sciences. Staff from the USGS Ohio Water Science Center are participating in the event through Darby Creek Day, Sunday, October 5, at Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park. There are many other Earth Science Week events in Ohio and throughout the country. We’ll see you outside!

How Dry Is It?

How dry is it?09/05/2008 --Exactly how dry (or wet) has it been lately? To help answer that question, duration hydrographs have been added as a new option under the drought watch pick list on the USGS WaterWatch Web page for Ohio. You can input a stream name or gaging station number and also select a 7-, 14-, or 28-day averaging  period. An example for a streamflow gaging station (the Scioto River at Prospect, Ohio) is shown here. The plot shows a trace of the running 7-day average streamflow (the black line beginning on January 1 of the previous calendar year) as well as colored bands that represent historical percentile ranges of streamflow for each calendar day. (more).

Is It Safe to Swim at the Beach?

Is It Safe to Swim at the Beach? 06/12/2008 --Concern about water quality at recreational beaches along the Great Lakes is the focus of a new collaborative project aimed at improving information for beach managers faced with deciding whether to close beaches or issue advisories to protect public health. USGS scientists will focus on real-time assessments of water quality--such as the Nowcast system used at two Ohio Lake Erie beaches--by enhancing and expanding models that help beach managers decide if beach advisories or closures are necessary. They will continue to evaluate rapid analytical methods for bacterial indicators, such as E. coli, and identify processes that influence the occurrence and abundance of pathogens and bacterial indicators at beaches. This project is funded through the President's Ocean Action Plan and draws on the expertise of the USGS and other federal, state and local agencies. (more).

How Much Water is Consumed?

How Much Water Is Consumed? 05/22/2008 -- Ever wonder how much water is withdrawn for everyday uses such as food, ethanol, household chemicals, or paper products and is not returned? Or what type of uses are most likely to cause these losses? Information about consumptive water use (see images for examples) in the Great Lakes Basin can be found in a newly released fact sheet and report. Ohio Water Science Center hydrologists Kim Shaffer and Donna Runkle compiled and analyzed consumptive water use numbers from more than 100 sources to help determine the amount of water consumed in seven water-use categories. The fact sheet and report are among a series of products by the U.S. Geological Survey's National Assessment of Water Availability and Use Program for the Great Lakes Basin, a program designed to gain a clearer understanding of water-use, land-use, and climatic trends in our Nation’s water resources. (more).

Recreational Water Illness Prevention Week, May 19-25, 2008.

Recreational Water Illness Prevention Week, May 19-25, 2008. 05/15/2008 -- Sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Recreational Water Illness Prevention Week highlights the importance of healthy swimming behaviors to prevent illness. The USGS Ohio Water Science Center is involved with several beach monitoring research projects to strengthen the science of beach water-quality monitoring. The “nowcasting” systems on Lake Erie at the bathing beaches of Edgewater (Cleveland, Ohio) and Huntington (Bay Village, Ohio) provide near-real-time estimates of water quality to the beach-going public.

National Drinking Water Week – May 4-10, 2008.

National Drinking Water Week – May 4-10, 2008. 05/05/2008 -- Celebrate drinking water, our most precious natural resource. The event is sponsored by the American Water Works Association and provides people with the opportunity to recognize the importance of safe and reliable drinking water. Do you know where your water comes from and how you can help protect it? More information about drinking water and this event can be found at the U.S. EPA Ground Water and Drinking Water and  American Water Works Association web pages. Only Tap Water Delivers!

Our Foyer Gets a Facelift.

Ohio Water Science Center Foyer Gets a Facelift - New Mural.

04/17/2008 -- Visitors to the USGS Ohio Water Science Center are now greeted by a beautiful wall mural. Local artist Virginia Ball painted the stream scene, which highlights the surface water, ground water, and ecology of Ohio.

Ohio Water Science Center Hosts Microbiology Workshop.

04/11/2008 -- USGS Ohio WSC scientists Rebecca Bushon, Amie Brady, Chris Kephart, and Don Stoeckel hosted and presented a series of talks and provided hands-on analytical experience to 20 students from nine states. Workshop attendees representing Federal, State, and local agencies, universities, and a consulting group, learned about microbial sample collection, analytical methods and techniques, recreational water regulations, rapid-detection methods, and microbial source tracking. More information about the projects, services, and methods of the USGS Ohio Water Microbiology Laboratory is available. The Environmental Pathogens Information Network (EPI-Net) with Purdue University sponsored the workshop.

National Flood Safety Awareness Week, March 17-21, 2008.

National Flood Safety Awareness Week, March 17-21, 2008. 03/17/2008 -- Water is Ohio’s greatest natural hazard. Flooding is a threat in Ohio and throughout the Nation. National Flood Safety Awareness Week, sponsored by the National Weather Service, highlights some of the causes of floods, hazards of floods, and things people can do to save lives and property. A map of current flood and high-flow conditions is available from the USGS Water Watch. USGS Science in Ohio (503 Kb .pdf) and the Nation (2.35 MB .pdf) helps reduce flood related death and damage.

Pharmaceuticals And Other Emerging Contaminants In Water.

Pharmaceuticals and Other Emerging Contaminants in Water. 03/14/2008 -- Chemical compounds such as prescription and nonprescription pharmaceuticals, hormones, detergents, disinfectants, fragrances, plasticizers, insecticides, and fire retardants are widely used in homes as well as in industrial and agricultural settings. Not surprisingly, some of these compounds or their degradation products make their way into wastewater or runoff. (more ...)

National Ground Water Awareness Week – March 9-15, 2008.

National Ground Water Awareness Week – March 9-15, 2008. 03/06/2008 -- Ground water is the water that seeps into the ground and fills the spaces and cracks in the rocks below the surface. It is not typically an underground river or lake. Ohio is one of the top 10 states in the Nation for public- and self-supplied domestic water withdrawals. Ground water was the source of 34 percent of all Ohio public-supply water (about 500 Mgal/d) and 98 percent of self-supplied domestic water (about 130 Mgal/d) in 2000. Ground water in Ohio is also withdrawn for livestock, aquaculture, and irrigation. The USGS Ohio Water Science Center is involved with several ground-water studies. National Ground Water Awareness Week is sponsored by the National Groundwater Awareness Organization (NGWA). More information on ground water can be found at the USGS Ground Water Information Page and the Groundwater Foundation.

Thinking About Water.

Girl Scouts World Thinking Day 2008.02/26/2008 -- “Water” is the theme of this year’s Girl Scouts World Thinking Day 2008. Staff from the USGS Ohio Water Science Center presented USGS water science to several hundred Girl Scouts in Worthington, Ohio, for Girl Scouts World Thinking Day 2008. Don Stoeckel and Marge Tibbetts tested water from various sources for fecal contamination to show that water quality cannot be determined by how clean the water looks. More information about the Girl Scouts World Thinking Day 2008 is available here.

A Flood Warning System for Findlay, Ohio.

Findlay, OH Flood - August 2007.02/13/2008 -- With the recent flooding, the residents of Findlay, Ohio, are having flashbacks to the August 2007 floods in northwestern Ohio. The USGS and the City of Findlay have devised an innovative way to alert residents and emergency personnel when floodwaters from the Blanchard River are expected to reach critical levels. The USGS recently installed four new streamflow and rain gages, which will enhance the National Weather Service's ability to accurately forecast flood peaks in the Findlay area and provide additional early-warning capabilities. A News release and article in the Water Management Association of Ohio’s (WMAO) Winter 2008 issue of “The Ohio Water Table” further describe the effort. Photos by Mary Terry, courtesy of City of Findlay Engineer’s Office.

Findlay, OH Flood - August 2007.

Findlay, OH Flood - August 2007.

2007 Peter G. Finke Award.

2007 Peter G. Finke Award. 12/28/2007 -- K. Scott Jackson, a scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey, Ohio Water Science Center, was presented the 2007 Peter G. Finke Award for Most Valuable Contribution to Floodplain Management. Each year at the Ohio Statewide Floodplain Management Conference, the Ohio Floodplain Management Association acknowledges individuals for their dedication and service in floodplain management by presenting Recognition Awards. Congratulations, Scott!

Occurrence of Anthropogenic Organic Compounds in Ground Water and Finished Water Described in Report.

Occurrence of Anthropogenic Organic Compounds in Ground Water and Finished Water Described in Report. 12/18/2007 -- As part of a Source Water Quality Assessment (SWQA) of the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment  (NAWQA) Program, source water for 15 wells in the vicinity of Dayton, Ohio, was sampled for the occurrence of 258 anthropogenic organic compounds (AOCs). Source water is the raw (ambient) water collected at the supply well prior to water treatment and delivery to consumers as drinking water. As described in a new report by M.A. Thomas, at least one AOC was detected in 12 of the 15 samples. Source water samples were then compared to samples of finished water (treated water ready to delivery to the customer) associated with each well. Volatile organic compound (VOC) detections were generally higher in finished water than in source water, primarily due to compounds that can form during the treatment process. Finally, concentrations of AOCs were compared to their respective human-health benchmarks. Only three VOCs were detected at concentrations that approach human-health benchmarks.

New USGS Ground Water Watch Web Pages Available.

Real-time instrumentation at observation well FR-523, Westerville, Ohio. 12/05/2007 -- The USGS Office of Ground Water recently released new Web pages for the USGS Ground Water Watch. Ground-water networks represented include the Active Water-Level Network, the Climate Response Network, and the Real-Time Ground-Water Level Network. Nationally, the Active Water-Level Network contains water levels and well information from more than 20,000 wells that have been measured by the USGS or USGS cooperators at least once within the past 365 days and entered into the USGS database. Ohio has a total of 119 wells that are part of the Active Ground-Water Level Network, including 11 real-time wells, 13 continuous wells, and 95 periodic wells.

Historical Data Available on Web Plus 11 New Gages in Ohio.

New streamgage in Newark, OH. 11/20/2007 -- Streamgages operated by the USGS provide long-term, accurate, unbiased streamflow information to help protect life and property and manage the Nation’s water resources. Historical instantaneous streamflow data are now available by way of a new USGS online database.

In 2007, eleven stream gages were installed, reinstated, or upgraded in Ohio. These include four new gages as part of the Licking County Flood Warning Network and four new and one upgraded gage as part of the City of Findlay in Hancock County Flood Warning Network. Additionally, a gage was installed in Butler County and an inactive gage restarted in Defiance County. A list of the gages with links to the site’s real-time data through the National Water Information System Web Interface (NWISWeb) is provided.

2006 Flood in North-Central Ohio Documented in New Report.

Hydrologist identifying flood high water marks. 10/18/2007 -- Heavy rains caused severe flooding in north-central Ohio on June 22–24, 2006. Six counties (Cuyahoga, Erie, Huron, Lucas, Sandusky, and Stark) were declared Federal disaster areas. The peak streamflow of 25,400 cubic feet per second and corresponding peak gage height of 23.29 feet were the highest recorded at the USGS streamflow-gaging station Cuyahoga River at Independence (04208000) since the station began operation in 1922, exceeding the previous peak streamflow of 24,800 cubic feet per second that occurred on January 22, 1959. A new report describes the meteorological factors associated with the flood, as well as stages and flows at the Cuyahoga River at Independence and 10 other USGS gaging stations in north-central Ohio (more)164KB.

New Technology Aims to Distinguish Sources of Fecal Contamination in Portage River Watershed.

Microbiologist in chemical hood.10/11/2007 -- Microbiologists with the USGS Ohio Water Science Center have begun a study to test the usefulness of new microbial source tracking (MST) technologies to identify sources of fecal contamination in the Portage River Watershed of northwestern Ohio. Possible sources of fecal bacteria in typical agricultural watersheds are discharges from home septic systems and small wastewater treatment plants, runoff from small- and large-scale livestock operations, and pet and wildlife feces. As part of the research, samples from potential fecal contamination sources and selected Portage River Watershed sites will be collected and analyzed for the presence of unique DNA markers. More information about this research (85 KB .pdf) and information about microbial source tracking are available.  

10th Annual Earth Science Week – October 14-20, 2007.

10th Earth Science Week. 10/05/2007 -- “The Pulse of Earth Science” is the theme for this year’s Earth Science Week. The international event is sponsored by the American Geological Institute (AGI), USGS, and others to help the public gain a better understanding and appreciation for the earth sciences and to encourage stewardship of the Earth. Earth-science-related activities around Ohio include events at the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Highbanks Metropark, Darby Creek Day at Batelle-Darby Metropark, the Ohio Statehouse, and several others. A comprehensive and still relevant guide of online USGS resources (13.5 MB .pdf) was published for last year’s event.

New Report Examines Factors Associated with Elevated Arsenic Concentrations.

Arsenic concentrations in the glacial aquifer system. 08/21/2007 -- More than 800 wells in the glacial aquifer system of the Northern United States were sampled for arsenic as part of USGS National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) studies during 1991–2003. Arsenic, which is detrimental to human health, is relatively abundant in nature and was detected in 39 percent of the NAWQA water samples. Elevated arsenic concentrations (greater than or equal to the 2006 USEPA  arsenic standard of 10 µg/L) were detected in 9 percent of samples. Domestic wells are not routinely tested for arsenic, so homeowners may not know whether their wells have elevated arsenic concentrations.  A new report assesses the relative significance of geochemistry, ground-water age, depth, and other water-quality constituents as indicators of elevated arsenic. Arsenic and redox (oxidation-reduction) conditions are compared among four broad geographic areas of the glacial aquifer system. The findings are related to an existing conceptual model for arsenic occurrence in ground water. 

500-year Flood of 2006 in Painesville, Ohio Documented in New Report.

Painesville, Ohio 500-year flood of 2006. 07/10/2007 -- On July 27–28, 2006, storms left more than 11 inches of rain in parts of Lake County, Ohio, and resulted in the home evacuation of about 600 people. On July 28, the USGS streamgage at Grand River near Painesville recorded a peak streamflow of 35,000 cubic feet per second, which exceeds the 500-year flood statistic. A 500-year flood—the maximum for which the USGS computes statistics—is the peak streamflow that has only a 1 in 500 chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. A new report by scientists at the USGS Ohio Water Science Center and National Weather Service, Cleveland Office discusses the meteorological factors associated with the flood, along with a description of the flood–– including high-water marks, flood stages, streamflows, recurrence intervals, and flood damages. (more).

Ohio WSC Hosts Training for Citizen Lake-Monitoring Efforts.

Secchi data training. 06/19/2007 -- Renowned biologist Dr. Bob Carlson taught Ohio Lake Management Society (OLMS) board members, including OLMS President and Ohio WSC biologist Julie Hambrook Berkman in the use of the Secchi disk to measure the transparency of water. Water transparency, or how deep the light penetrates the water, is an indicator of water quality.  Trained board members will teach volunteer monitors around Ohio in this technique. Volunteers can take part in The Great North American Secchi Dip-In (June 23–July 15, 2007) as well as participate in OLMS’s Citizen Lake Awareness and Monitoring (CLAM) program. This year, CLAM volunteers will be collecting Secchi and temperature data to add information to the 19 lakes and reservoirs that Ohio EPA will be sampling as part of the USEPA’s National Lakes Survey for monitoring lake condition on a national level.

Microbial Source Tracking Efforts Recognized.

06/01/2007 -- When water is polluted above fecal indicator bacteria standards, somebody has to figure out the source of the contamination and fix it. The USGS is a leader in the validation and application of microbial source tracking tools, which are used to identify point and nonpoint sources of contamination. Common sources include the feces of cattle, chickens, and pigs, as well as manure used as fertilizer. Human waste is generally well controlled but sometimes, as with combined sewer overflows and malfunctioning septic systems, human waste can be a significant contamination source. Five recently published reports highlight the Ohio Water Microbiology Laboratory’s collaborations with regional, Federal, and academic partners.

One of these reports got special recognition from the American Society of Agronomy. In 2001, Plum Creek, Nebraska was named the most contaminated tributary to the middle reaches of the Platte River. The researchers used two fecal source-tracking tools to analyze contaminated water and stream-sediment samples in the Plum Creek watershed. (More...)

Research Looks At Exposure To Low Levels Of Pharmaceuticals.

Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler (POCIS)05/07/2007 -- Biologists from the Ohio Water Science Center tested new sampling technology to look at the products of our times—from the drugs prescribed for illness to the soap we use to wash our hands. These chemicals enter our water supplies after use. Polar organic chemical integrative sampler (POCIS) devices were used in Tinkers Creek, the largest tributary to the Cuyahoga River, to detect chemicals in concentrations much lower than detectable using conventional methods. Previous biological surveys in Tinkers Creek showed that the Index of Biotic Integrity values for the fish populations did not match the Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index values, leading to the question as to whether chronic exposure to low levels of pharmaceuticals, health-care products, and organic-wastewater compounds may be suppressing the spawning success of the fish. A recent article in People, Land & Water further describes this study.

National Drinking Water Week – May 6-12.

05/03/2007 -- Celebrate drinking water, our most precious natural resource. The American Water Works Association is working with water utilities and customers to recognize the importance of drinking water in our communities. Do you know where your water comes from and how you can help protect it? More information about drinking water and this event can be found at the U.S. EPA Ground Water and Drinking Water and  American Water Works Association web pages.

Newly Renovated Microbiology Web Site Available.

New Ohio Water Microbiology Laboratory Web Site04/25/2007 -- The redesigned USGS Ohio Water Microbiology Laboratory (OWML) Web site is now available. Topics on the improved Web site include discussions of the analytical methods used and  the quality-assurance / quality-control (QA/QC) practices of the OWML. Current microbiology projects are described, and a list of OWML-authored publications for public health microbiology is provided. Three research topics are specifically discussed—beach monitoring research information is available now, and rapid-methods and source-tracking discussions are in development.  

Located in the Ohio Water Science Center, the OWML addresses water-related public-health concerns for Ohio and the rest of the Nation. The OWML works with government agencies, academic institutions, and other partners to study the quality of national, state, and local water resources. The OWML provides water-quality data on three major groups of microorganisms— protozoa, bacteria, and viruses.

Hydrologic Models Presented At National Surface-Water Conference.

Flood model boundary. 04/10/2007 -- Hydrologists from the USGS Ohio Water Science Center gave two presentations at the 2007 National Surface-Water Conference and Hydroacoustics Workshop. Barry Puskas presented a hydrologic model for forecasting floods by use of near-real-time data in the Great Miami River Watershed, Ohio, and Matt Whitehead talked about modeling flood profiles in an urban area with long culverts and overland flow. The conference was attended by over 400 surface-water scientists and managers from around the world, representing several levels of government, universities, and the private sector.

Ohio’s Aquatic Biodiversity And Conservation Status Assessed In New Report.

Ohio Aquatic GAP species distributions. 03/16/2007 -- The goal of the USGS Gap Analysis Program is to “keep common species common” through the identification of gaps in the conservation of native species. Ohio Aquatic GAP’s new online USGS report assesses the biodiversity and conservation status of native riverine fish, crayfish, and freshwater bivalves in Ohio. This was accomplished  through the development of predictive distribution models  which were based on species’ sampling locations and a classification of the physical habitat of the streams.  The modeled habitat locations were analyzed and then compared with a map of public and private conservation lands. A wealth of maps and GIS data accompany the report.

National Ground Water Awareness Week – March 11-17, 2007.

ground water sketch03/07/2007 -- Have you ever had the pleasure of drinking water pumped from a well? Did you know you were probably drinking ground water? Ground water is the water that seeps into the ground and fills the pores and cracks in the rocks below the surface. In Ohio,  ground water makes up more than a third of the water used for public-supply use and 98 percent of self-supplied domestic water use.  That's more than 630 million gallons per day! That's enough water to fill Ohio Stadium to the top, if it was a container, every day. Ohio is one of the top 10 states in the Nation for public- and self-supplied domestic water withdrawals (2000 data). The USGS Ohio Water Science Center is involved with several ground-water studies, including The National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program’s Transport of Anthropogenic and Natural Contaminants to Supply Wells (TANC) study. National Ground Water Awareness Week is sponsored by the National Ground Water Association (NGWA). More information on ground water can be found at the USGS Ground Water Information Page and the Groundwater Foundation.

Awesome Aquifers! Hydrologists Judge Two Science Olympiad Competitions.

Awesome Aquifers! Hydrologists Judge Two Science Olympiad Competitions

02/27/2007 -- USGS scientists Sandra Eberts, Rodney Sheets (event supervisors), Sandy Coen, and Donna Runkle judged teams for the Ohio Science Olympiad  Awesome Aquifer competition at Columbus’ Ridgeview Middle School invitational tournament on February 10 and at the Grandview Heights Regional tournament on February 24. Awesome Aquifers is designed to increase middle school students' understanding of ground-water concepts such as the physical makeup of an aquifer, ground-water’s place in the hydrologic cycle, and changes to the ground-water system. The Immaculate Conception team won the Awesome Aquifiers invitational event.  Grandview Heights Middle School won the Awesome Aquifiers regional tournament event and 23-event competition and will proceed to the state Science Olympiad Tournament, to be held at The Ohio State University April 14, 2007 (schedule). Winners of the state tournament compete in the National Science Olympiad in Wichita, Kansas, May 18-19.

First Annual National Streamflow Summary Of 2006-Water Year.

National Streamflow Information Program01/17/2007 -- USGS released a new web site depicting summary streamflow conditions for water year 2006 (October 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006) in the context of the 77-year period 1930-2006. Data are from the USGS National Streamflow Information Program and show maps and charts of statewide ranks, regional patterns, seasonal characteristics, and record high and low flows. (more...)

...more (2006)
Nowcasting Beach Advisories at Ohio Lake Erie Beaches.

Nowcasting Beach Advisories at Ohio Lake Erie Beaches

keywords: Ohio, Lake Erie, beaches, E. coli, Nowcast, modeling

Algal Biomass Indicators - U.S. Geological Survey TWRI Book 9.

Algal Biomass Indicators

keywords: USGS, algal biomass, algae, chlorophyll a, field manual

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Ohio Water Science Center:
6480 Doubletree Ave
Columbus, OH 43229-1111
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Phone (614) 430-7700
Fax (614) 430-7777

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551 Wabash Ave NW
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