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Second Prospective Study - 1990 to 2020

On May 12, 2003, EPA released an analytical blueprint for the third study in this series of Reports to Congress. The third report will update and extend the November 1999 prospective study. EPA's Science Advisory Board (SAB) Council on Clean Air Act Compliance Analysis conducted a public review meeting to discuss the analytical blueprint on June 11-13, 2003. Copies of the blueprint and the SAB review charge questions are available for download by following the link below.

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Benzene Case Study - March 2008

The following materials comprise the final draft version of our Section 812 case study that is being sent to members of the SAB Advisory Council on Clean Air Compliance Analysis. The SAB peer review of this case study will be Friday, May 9, in Washington, DC.

Review Meeting - March 2007

The following materials were submitted to the 812 Council pursuant to their March 15-16, 2007 review meeting in Washington, D.C.

For information regarding the March 15-16, 2007 Council meeting, contact Council DFO Holly Stallworth of the EPA Science Advisory Board Staff Office by phone at 202-343-9867 or by email at stallworth.holly@epa.gov.

For technical information pertaining to the review materials or the overall section 812 study currently underway, contact Jim DeMocker of the EPA Office of Air and Radiation by phone at 202-564-1673 or by email at democker.jim@epa.gov.

Review Teleconference - August 2006

The following materials were submitted to the 812 Council Air Quality Modeling Subcommittee (AQMS) pursuant to their August 7, 2006 review teleconference.

For information regarding the August 7, 2006 AQMS review teleconference, contact Council DFO Holly Stallworth of the EPA Science Advisory Board Staff Office by phone at 202-343-9867 or by email at stallworth.holly@epa.gov.

For technical information pertaining to the review materials or the overall section 812 study currently underway, contact Jim DeMocker of the EPA Office of Air and Radiation by phone at 202-564-1673 or by email at democker.jim@epa.gov.

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