September 10, 2004 Extra Credit
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September 10, 2004

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September 9
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"The Validation And Celebration Of Everybody Here Is What's So Exciting"

The following are excerpts from an article in yesterday's Nevada Appeal covering Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education Gene Hickok's visit to a Carson City elementary school to honor their achievements:

"Marching in step with first-graders to 'You're a Grand Ole Flag,' Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education Gene Hickok felt the energy of Mark Twain Elementary School. … Hickok visited the Carson City elementary school Wednesday morning to recognize the improvements the school has made under the federal No Child Left Behind guidelines. After several years of falling short of meeting the requirements, the school achieved the 'adequate yearly progress' designation this year.

"'This is a school that is making the kind of progress we hope all our schools can make,' he said. 'And they're doing it despite the fact they have a diverse population. 'It's because of the spirit and the attitude - the sense that anything is possible. You'd like to think this is what the country is all about.'

"Hickok toured the school, visiting Christi Schmid and Joan Emehiser's classroom just as the first-graders began their morning ritual of marching while singing the patriotic tune, 'You're a Grand Ole Flag.' Hickok joined in."

"He credited teachers, students, administrators and parents for the success of the school. 'The law creates the infrastructure for people to make it work,' he said. 'All the public policy in the world doesn't work without the right people getting the job done. I appreciate what they're doing.'

"Jessica Daniels, vice principal, appreciated him in return. 'The validation and celebration of everybody here is what's so exciting,' she said."

The complete text of this article is available online.


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Last Modified: 09/10/2004

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