September 21, 2004 Extra Credit
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September 21, 2004

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Congressmen Visit Improved Schools

Under the bipartisan No Child Left Behind Act, schools that do not meet state standards in reading and math for two years in a row are identified as in need of improvement. These schools are specifically required to work with parents, school staff, the local education agency, and outside experts to develop an improvement plan. The following are excerpts from news stories covering Rep. Johnny Isakson’s (R-GA) and Rep. Harold Ford’s (D-TN) recent visits to schools that have come off the "needs improvement" list:

In Georgia …

"Did your kids have company in the classroom today? … Rep. Johnny Isakson (R-GA Dist. 6) paid a visit [to Savannah’s Garrison Elementary], chatting with principal Karen Grant and reading to students. He says Garrison is a prime example of the success of the No Child Left Behind Act. The school just came off the ‘needs improvement’ list for reading and writing.

"‘If children can read and comprehend, they can do anything,’ he said. ‘If they cannot, they’re limited. I think Garrison has done a marvelous job with that.’"

WTOC-TV (9-17-04)

In Tennessee …

"One Hamilton County school is under the microscope... this one for dramatic improvements. Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford dropped by Hardy Elementary this morning to take notes. Hardy recently came off probation after meeting all of the federal No Child Left Behind guidelines."

"‘My primary focus is not to blame this group or that group or to point fingers here or there, but to figure out what will it take to help kids [succeed] in the classroom, and there’s not a better example in Chattanooga, and I dare say probably not a better example in the state than what we've seen here at Hardy,’ [Rep. Ford said]."


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NCLB Extra Credit is a regular look at the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush's landmark education reform initiative passed with bipartisan support in Congress.

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