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CSMoS Ground-Water Modeling Software

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Free Public Domain Ground-Water and Vadose Zone Models

CSMoS distributes various public domain ground-water and vadose zone models. Click here to view a short description of all models. Models and manuals are available through various different options.  You can:

CSMoS provides free technical support for many of the models listed in the table below.

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Model Version Release Date Platform
BIOCHLOR2.2 2.2 June 2002 Windows 95/98/NT, Excel
BIOPLUME II 1.1 October 1989 DOS
BIOPLUME III 1.0 September 1997 Windows 95/98
BIOSCREEN 1.4 July 1997 Windows 95/98/NT, Excel
CHEMFLO 1.30 August 1990 DOS
CHEMFLO-2000 2003 April 2003 Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X
CZAEM 1.1 August 1996 DOS
2DFATMIC 1.0 August 1997 DOS
3DFATMIC 1.0 August 1997 DOS
FOOTPRINT 1.0 June 2008 Windows 98 or higher, MS .NET Framework, Excel
GEOEAS 1.2.1 April 1991 DOS, UNIX
GEOPACK 1.0.e January 1990 DOS
HSSM-DOS 1.0 April 1994 DOS
HSSM-Windows 1.20.e September 1997 Windows 95/98
HSSM en EspaƱol 1.20.e September 1997 Windows 95/98
Infiltration Models     Mathcad
MODFLOW Manual   February 1993 DOS
MOFAT 2.0.a May 1991 DOS
MT3D 1.11 January 1992 DOS
NAPL Simulator 1.0 October 1997 DOS, UNIX
OWL 1.2 March 2004 Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP
PESTAN 4.0 May 2007 Windows 98 or higher
REMChlor 1.0 December 2007 Windows 98 or higher
RETC 1.1 November 1994 DOS
RITZ 2.12 January 1988 DOS
STF 2.0 June 1991 DOS
UTCHEM 6.1 February 1999 Windows/UNIX
Virulo 1.0 August 2002 Windows/UNIX/Mac
VLEACH 2.2.a May 2007 Windows 98 or higher
WhAEM 2000 3.2.1 September 2007 Windows 98/NT/2000/XP
WHPA 2.2 September 1993 DOS

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