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Federal Laws: Credit

Fair Credit Reporting Act (PDF, 132 KB)
The Fair Credit Reporting Act establishes procedures for correcting mistakes on your credit record and requires that your record only be provided for legitimate business needs. Facts for Consumers: Your Access to Free Credit Reports

Fair Credit Billing Act
The Fair Credit Billing Act establishes procedures for resolving billing errors on your credit card accounts. It also limits a consumer's liability for fraudulent credit card charges. Fact for Consumers: Fair Credit Billing

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act prohibits debt collectors from using unfair or deceptive practices to collect overdue bills that your creditor has forwarded for collection. Facts for Consumers: Fair Debt Collection

Electronic Fund Transfer Act
The Electronic Fund Transfer Act provides consumer protection for all transactions using a debit card or electronic means to debit or credit an account. It also limits a consumer's liability for unauthorized electronic fund transfers.
Facts for Consumers: Electronic Banking

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