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State Laws: Credit Information Blocking

Alabama Code Sect. 13A-8-190 through 201 13A-8-190

13A-8-191 13A-8-197
13A-8-192 13A-8-198
13A-8-193 13A-8-199
13A-8-194  13A-8-200 
13A-8-195 13A-8-201 

Section 11 requires the credit reporting agencies (CRAs) to block false information from consumer victims' credit reports within 30 days of a consumer submitting a court order for the identity thief’s conviction to the CRA.

California Office of Privacy Protection

Colorado Revised Statutes 12-14.3-106.5 through 108 and CRS 16-18.5-103

12-14.3-106.5 12-14.3-108
12-14.3-107 16-18.5-103

Idaho Code Section 28-51-102
Requires credit reporting agencies to block inaccurate information resulting from an identity theft upon receipt of a police report.

Rev. Code Wash. Section 19.182.160

Requires credit reporting agencies to block inaccurate information resulting from an identity theft upon receipt of a police report.

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