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2008 Election Administration & Voting Survey
Every two years, the U.S. Election Assistance Commission collects election administration-related data from the country's 55 states and territories.  The 2008 Election Administration and Voting Survey instrument is divided into two sections. Section A (the quantitative portion) captures information pertaining to the National Voter Registration Act, the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act, and other election administration issues such as the casting and counting of provisional ballots and poll worker recruitment. Section B is the Statutory Overview, which asks states a series of questions about their states laws, definitions, and procedures. This information will help the EAC and other stakeholders to understand the information provided in Section A, thereby providing a fuller picture of the landscape of U.S. election administration. The results from this data collection effort will be the basis for a series of reports to the public and Congress throughout 2009. Download survey instrument sections:

2008 Election Administration & Voting Survey

Implementation of State Voter Registration Databases
The EAC is studying the implementation of the HAVA-required statewide voter registration databases focusing on matching protocols, inter- and intra-state interoperability, and security and privacy issues. 
Download interim report 

Voter Information Web Sites
In accordance with Section 245 of HAVA, EAC is studying the possible impact new communications or Internet technology systems used in the electoral process could have on voter participation rates, voter education, and public accessibility. Download draft report

Free or Reduced Postage for the Return of Voted Absentee Ballots
This report will examine the feasibility and advisability of reducing or eliminating the cost of postage to return an absentee ballot.