July 21, 2005 Extra Credit
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July 21, 2005

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"Third Grade Reading Scores At New High"

The following is an article from the Peshtigo [WI] Times (7-20) on the results of reading tests in Wisconsin:

"Third grade reading scores improved statewide for the Wisconsin Reading Comprehension Test (WRCT) for 2005 with 87.4 percent scoring proficient or advanced on the exam, the highest level in the history of the test, according to the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

"Of the 57,168 students who took the annual tests in March, 87.4 percent were able to meet the target of reading at levels rated proficient or advance. This is up 2.5 points from a year ago. In 2004 it was 84.9 percent and in 1998 when the tests first started it was 64.8 percent.

"WRCT scores were reported at the minimal, basic, proficient and advanced proficiently levels. Only 8.8 percent of students scored at the minimal level and basic proficiency levels this year compared to 25.9 percent in 1998….

"‘Our third-grade students did a wonderful job on this challenging test of reading comprehension,’ said State Superintendent Elizabeth Burmaster. ‘More students took the test, and they achieved at higher levels than ever before. It is especially encouraging that results improved across all groups of students as we continually strive to close the achievement gap.’"

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