National Water-Quality Assessment Program

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Yellowstone River Basin

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Publications, Abstracts, and Posters

Approved reports will be published and added to this page and to the list of National NAWQA Program publications, as they become available. Abstracts are presented in HTML format. Factsheets are presented in HTML and/or PDF formats. PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader®, version 4 or above. If you need to install the Reader or upgrade your version, visit Adobe Acrobat Reader®.



NewScientific Investigations Report 2008–5012 Quality of Shallow Ground Water in Three Areas of Unsewered Low-Density Development in Wyoming and Montana, 2001 by Timothy T. Bartos, Thomas L. Quinn, Laura L. Hallberg, and Cheryl A. Eddy-Miller

Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5117 Comparison of Macroinvertebrate Community Structure between Two Riffle-Based Sampling Protocols in Wyoming, Colorado, and Montana, 2000-2001 by David A. Peterson and Jeremy R. Zumberge

Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5252 Water-Quality Characteristics of Quaternary Unconsolidated-Deposit Aquifers and Lower Tertiary Aquifers of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming and Montana, 1999-2001 by Timothy T. Bartos, Cheryl A. Eddy-Miller, Jodi R. Norris, Merry E. Gamper, and Laura L. Hallberg

Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5113 Water-Quality Assessment of the Yellowstone River Basin, Montana and Wyoming--Water Quality of Fixed Sites, 1999-2001 by Kirk A. Miller, Melanie L. Clark, and Peter R. Wright

Circular 1234, 2004, Water Quality in the Yellowstone River Basin Wyoming, Montana, and North Dakota, 1999-2001 by David A. Peterson, Kirk A. Miller, Timothy T. Bartos, Melanie L. Clark, Stephen D. Porter, and Thomas L. Quinn

WRIR 03-4055, 2003, A Synoptic Study of Fecal-Indicator Bacteria in the Wind River, Bighorn River, and Goose Creek Basins, Wyoming, June-July 2000 by Melanie L. Clark and Merry E. Gamper

Proceedings paper, 2002, National Monitoring Conference, National Water Quality Monitoring Council ( Biological and chemical indicators of eutrophication in the Yellowstone River and major tributaries during August 2000 by  David A. Peterson and Stephen D. Porter

WRIR 01-4238, Chemical and Biological Indicators of Nutrient Enrichment in the Yellowstone River Basin, Montana and Wyoming, August 2000: Study Design and Preliminary Results, by David A. Peterson, Stephen D. Porter, and S.M. Kinsey

WRIR 01-4170, Metal Loading in Soda Butte Creek Upstream of Yellowstone National Park, Montana and Wyoming: A Retrospective Analysis of Previous Research; and Quantification of Metal Loading, August 1999 by Gregory K. Boughton

WRIR 00-4190, Organic Compounds and Trace Elements in Fish Tissue and Bed Sediment from Streams in the Yellowstone River Basin, Montana and Wyoming, 1998 by David A. Peterson and Gregory K. Boughton

WRIR 99-4185, Element concentrations in Bed Sediment of the Yellowstone River Basin, Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming-A Retrospective Analysis by David A. Peterson and Ronald B. Zelt

WRIR 98-4269, Environmental Setting of the Yellowstone River Basin by Ronald B. Zelt, Greg Boughton, Kirk A. Miller, Jon P. Mason, and Laura M. Gianakos

FS-149-97, National Water-Quality Assessment, Yellowstone River Basin Fact Sheet by Kirk A. Miller and Thomas L. Quinn





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