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AASA Job Bulletin
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AASA Meets With Obama Transition Team

On Dec. 2, AASA Executive Director Dan Domenech met with Linda Darling-Hammond and other key strategists in charge of the Obama administration’s education policy review. Domenech expressed the dreams of AASA members for a revitalized federal education policy.

Team Learning Pays Dividends at the National Conference on Education
Feb. 19-21, 2009 • Moscone Convention Center • San Francisco, Calif.

The scope of curriculum is remarkable both inside and outside the classroom, networking with colleagues and browsing the exhibit hall. With limitless possibilities, consider bringing an entire team to soak it all in. Utilize our Team Registration Packages to educate your entire staff on key disciplines, and keep them motivated and dedicated. Learn more and register.

AASA Coming Events - Save the Dates!

A Holistic Approach to School Security — Dec. 9, 2008, 1:30-3 p.m. EST, Virtual Seminar
Safe and Secure Schools Forum — Feb. 18, 2009, San Francisco, Calif.
2009 National Conference on Education — Feb. 19-21, 2009, San Francisco, Calif.
2009 Legislative Advocacy Conference — April 22-24, 2009, Arlington, Va.

Hot Topic
More School Districts Adopt AASA Resolution on ESEA55 school districts across 12 states have adopted a resolution in support of AASA’s “All Children Will Learn” legislative agenda for the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. (12/01/2008)

Stop Bullying at School and Online - AASA has partnered with to offer resources and tools to help parents take an active role in addressing bullying. (12/01/2008)

AASA Energy Summit Toolkit – Learn practical solutions to the energy challenges you face in your district. (11/25/2008)

AASA Study of the Impact of the Economic Downturn on Schools – According to this new study, districts in every region of the country are feeling the impact of the economic downturn. (11/12/2008)

AASA White Paper on Final NCLB Regulations - Read the AASA response to the final regulatory changes to Title I of ESEA, as released by the US Department of Education. (11/13/2008)

AASA Fuel and Energy Snapshot Survey - Did you know that school districts are investigating alternative energy sources, such as solar and wind, in response to rising fuel and energy costs? (11/04/2008)

AASA Working for You
  • Get a Jumpstart on the Recruiting Season With the AASA Job Bulletin! With FREE online job searching and resume posting, and discounted job posting rates for AASA members, there is no better way for school leaders and employers to connect! Set up your FREE AASA Job Bulletin account today! (11/07/2008)

  • AASA President Randall Collins Offers Advice to the Nation's Next PresidentListen to a two-minute podcast featuring Collins posted on the Learning Matters EdAdvice website on Oct. 28, called “No child has ever been saved by a standardized test”. (10/29/2008)

  • FREE Healthy Schools Webcast - Sponsored by Action for Healthy Kids, “Call to Leadership: Elevating School Wellness to a Higher Level,” this live webcase from 3 to 4:30 p.m. EST on Dec. 8, 2008, will focus on critical issues raised in the recently released report, Progress or Promises? What’s Working For and Against Healthy SchoolsRegister Now!  (11/14/2008)

  • Superintendents’ Perspectives on the “New Day for Learning” Report - AASA asked five superintendents to reflect on the framework detailed in this report by the C.S. Mott Foundation. The report provides an impetus for school system leaders to work with communities as partners to provide children with meaningful learning experiences during the school day, before and after school, and year‐round. Download the report (PDF). (11/03/2008)

  • Women Leading Education Across Continents 2nd International Conference - Sponsored through a partnership between AASA and Cardinal Stritch University, and in cooperation with the Women’s Special Interest Group of the University Council for Education Administration, this conference, from Sept. 16 to 18, 2009, in Augsburg, Germany, will bring educators from around the globe to examine the status of women in K-12 and higher education leadership. Conference details will be available in mid-December on the AASA website. (12/01/2008)

News You Can Use
  • November Is Healthy Lifestyle Month - AASA is a supporter of this initiative by the National PTA, which commits to helping communities make health and wellness a priority. Access more information. (11/03/2008)

  • Intelligent Cultural, Informational and Educational Content to Inspire You - Bringing the world to classrooms, the 2009 Celebration of Teaching and Learning conference, being held March 6-7, 2009, unveils its new website and opens for registration. Learn more. (10/22/2008)

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