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Technical Assistance for Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Activities

PERIOD OF PROJECT: Continuous since 1993
PROJECT CHIEF: J.P. Caldwell (
STUDY AREA: Statewide
COOPERATING AGENCY: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region VII


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is charged with administering the provisions of the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) within the State of Iowa. Through RCRA, the EPA regulates the treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials and hazardous waste at facilities in every state, typically by overseeing State agencies that administer the program. In Iowa, the EPA retains primacy for the RCRA program. For this reason, EPA has a need for technical assistance to gather, analyze, and review environmental data and assess environmental conditions at selected RCRA sites.


To provide technical assistance to the EPA-Region VII in:
    (1) data collection and areal investigation of water quality and environmental conditions;

    (2) technical assistance in reviewing reports and assessing the water quality and environmental conditions at selected RCRA sites;

    (3) conduct field investigations to locate, characterize, and determine the degree and extent of contamination at selected RCRA sites;

    (4) training and technology transfer with EPA staff;

    (5) research.


This program began in October of 1993 after establishing an interagency agreement that defined the scope of work. Activities consist of site visits to collect data and technically review the collection of environmental data; to review reports on environmental data compiled and submitted to EPA; and to prepare written reports describing the environmental conditions at selected RCRA sites.

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