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Ten Year Anniversary

GLBTS Forum and Workshop

Agenda -May 23 2007 Stakeholder Forum (PDF 1 page, 14 Kb)
Wednesday May 23rd, 2007
12:30 pm Meeting Check-in and Registration
1:00 pm Welcome

Stakeholder Forum
10 years of Strategy Progress and Ambient Environmental Monitoring (3800 Kb 127 pp PDF)

Sediment Goal Update (437 Kb. 10 pages PDF)
David Cowgill

Modelling the Long Range Transport of Toxic Substances to the Great Lakes: 10-Years of Progress and Next Steps
S. Venkatesh, Environment Canada and T. Nettesheim US-EPA, Region 5  (1731 Kb 29 pp PDF)

North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation
Sound Management of Chemicals (421 Kb 14 pp PDF)

Agenda -May 23rd -Dinner  (PDF 1 page, 17 Kb)
Wednesday May 23rd, 2007
South Shore Cultural Centre
6:30 PM Reception with hors d’oeuvers
7:15 PM Welcome & Introductions

Keynote Address  (29 Kb 7 p. PDF)
G. Tracy Mehan, III

Comments (74 Kb. 6 p. PDF)
Michael Murray, Ph.D.

Agenda -May 24 2007 GLBTS Workshop  (PDF 3 pages, 107 Kb)
Thursday & Friday May 24th and 25th, 2007
Strategy’s Future Focus & Challenges
Sound Management of Chemicals in the Great Lakes Basin


Workshop Session 1: Annex 12 recommendations  (PDF 1 page, 21 Kb)
Session 1 - GLWQA Annex 12 Review Recommendations
Respecting the GLBTS: Implications and Opportunities
Workshop Session 1 (PDF 11 pages, 68 Kb)

Session 1 Summary ( 20 Kb. 6 p. PDF)

Workshop Session 2: GLBTS Looking Forward   (PDF 1 pages, 13 Kb)
Session 2: The Sound Management of New Substances
of Concern to the Great Lakes
Workshop Session 2 (PDF 11 pages, 68 Kb)

Session 2 Summary (23 Kb. 7 p.  PDF)

GLBTS May Updater PDF 2 pages, 492 Kb)

Categorization of DSL  (PDF 3 pages, 101 Kb)
Categorization of the Canadian Domestic Substances List

Post Categorization of the DSL  (PDF 4 pages, 28 Kb)
Post Domestic Substances List (DSL) Categorization

ANNEX 12  (PDF 2 pages, 33 Kb)


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