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Appellate Section


  • Crowley v. TEA (5th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • This court should delay consideration of this case pending this court's en banc decision in Pace v. Bogalusa
    • A State that voluntarily seeks entry of a consent decree in federal court waives its immunity from actions to enforce that decree the TEA waived its Eleventh Amendment immunity to claims under the IDEA by accepting IDEA funding

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [PDF] 11/12/04
  • Pardini v. Allegheny Intermediate Unit (3d Cir.) -- Amicus
    • The stay-put provision of Part B of the IDEA does not require continuation of the services provided to a child pursuant to Part C of the IDEA during the pendency of proceedings regarding the services to be provided under Part B

    Document Date 
    Brief as Amicus Curiae [PDF] 04/06/04
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 420 F.3d 181 08/29/05
  • S.C. v. Deptford Board of Education (3d Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Congress validly conditioned IDEA funds on a waiver of Eleventh Amendment immunity for private claims under the IDEA

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor[PDF] 08/28/03
    Appeal dismissed 10/20/04
  • Lillbask v. Connecticut Department of Education (2d Cir.) -- Amicus
    • Connecticut's statutory issue-preclusion rule conflicts with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and is therefore invalid

    Document Date 
    Brief as Amicus[PDF] 06/10/03
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 397 F.3d 77 02/02/05
  • M.A. & United States v. State-Operated School District of the City of Newark and New Jersey Department of Education, etc. (3d Cir.) -- Intervenor/Appellee
    • Whether Congress validly conditioned the receipt of federal grants under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act on a State’s waiver of Eleventh Amendment immunity to suits under that Act.

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor-Appellee[PDF] 07/03/02
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 344 F.3d 335 09/16/03
  • Girty v. School District of Valley Grove (3d Cir.) -- Amicus
    • State appeals panel applied incorrect legal standard in reviewing whether special education student should be in a regular class room with non-disabled students
    • Federal district court properly concluded that school district was required by IDEA to educate special education student be in a regular class room with non-disabled students

    Document Date 
    Brief as Amicus [PDF] 06/28/02
    Court of Appeals Decision, unreported, 60 Fed. Appx. 889, 2002 WL 31477721 10/28/02
  • Porter v. Bd. of Trustees (9th Cir.) -- Amicus
    • In this case, parents were excused from exhausting adminsitrative due process procedures before filing suit in federal court
    • Parents are not required to exhaust state complaint resolution procedures before filing suit in federal court

    Document Date 
    Brief as Amicus [HTML] [PDF] 10/01/01
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], reported at 307 F.3d 1064 10/08/02
  • Barnett v. Memphis City Schools (6th Cir.) -- Amicus
    • School violated the IDEA when it failed to address deficiencies in the individualized education program of disabled student even though he failed to make any appreciable academic progress over a period of many years

    Document Date 
    Brief as Amicus [HTML]  [PDF] 05/03/01
    Court of Appeals Decision, unpublished, 50 Fed. Appx. 219, 2002 WL 31473287 10/30/02
  • Asbury v. Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (8th Cir.) -- Intervenor
    • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is valid exercise of the Spending Clause
    • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is valid exercise of the Spending Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to IDEA and Section 504 actions

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 11/07/00
    Court of Appeals decision [PDF], unpublished 04/18/01
  • Schaffer v. Vance (4th Cir.) -- Amicus
    • In IDEA administrative hearing, school district bears burden of proof that a child's individualized education program provides a free appropriate public education

    Document Date 
    Brief as Amicus [HTML]  [PDF] 08/07/00
    Court of Appeals decision [HTML]  [PDF], unpublished  01/10/01
  • Murphy v. Arlington Central School District Board of Education (2d Cir.) -- Amicus
    • Parents do not need to exhaust their administrative remedies before seeking to enforce the IDEA's stay-put provision
    • After a State Review Officer finds that the parents' unilateral private placement was appropriate, the school district must begin paying for the placement, even while an appeal is pending

    Document Date 
    Brief as Amicus [HTML]  [PDF] 07/26/00
    Court of Appeals Decision [PDF], unreported, 2003 WL 21694398 07/16/02
  • M.E. v. Board of Education for Buncombe County (4th Cir.) -- Amicus
    • Statute of limitations under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act does not begin to run until parents receive written notice of the school's decision
    • 60-day statute of limitations period borrowed from state law too short to be consistent with purposes of the Act

    Document Date 
    Brief as Amicus [HTML]  [PDF] 04/03/00
    Supplemental Brief [HTML] [PDF] 08/14/00
    Court of Appeals decision [HTML]  [PDF], reported at 241 F.3d 374 02/21/01
  • Birmingham v. Omaha School District (8th Cir.) -- Amicus
    • 30-day statute of limitations period borrowed from state law too short to be consistent with purposes of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    • Three-year statute of limitations period is appropriate
    • School's decision to provide "early graduation" to student not sufficient to end her entitlement to IDEA services and procedural protections

    Document Date 
    Brief as Amicus [HTML]  [PDF] 02/04/00
    Court of Appeals decision [PDF], reported at 220 F.3d 850 08/07/00
  • In re Arons (Supreme Court of Delaware) -- Amicus
    • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act permits persons with special knowledge or training to advocate at due process hearings
    • State rules regarding unauthorized practice of law are preempted to the extent they interfere with the ability of parents to retain such persons

    Document Date 
    Brief as Amicus [HTML]  [PDF] 12/01/99
    Court of Appeals decision, reported at 756 A.2d 867 07/06/00
    Brief Opposing Petition for Certiorari [HTML]  [PDF]  05/10/01
    Petition for Certiorari denied, reported at 532 U.S. 1065 06/04/01
  • Bradley v. Arkansas Department of Education (8th Cir.) -- intervenor
    • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is valid exercise of the Spending Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment
    • No Eleventh Amendment immunity to IDEA actions

    Document Date 
    Brief as Intervenor [HTML] [PDF] 04/16/98
    Court of Appeals decision [PDF], reported at 189 F.3d 745 08/31/99

Browse Briefs by Category

Affirmative Action
Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act
Constitutionality of Federal Statutes
Employment Discrimination (Race, National Origin, Sex, and Religion)
Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Religion Cases
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

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Updated July 25, 2008