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New On-line Reports

Summary of significant results from studies of triazine herbicides and their degradation products in surface water, ground water, and precipitation in the Midwestern United States During the 1990s by E.A. Scribner, E.M. Thurman, D.A. Goolsby, M.T. Meyer, W.A. Battaglin, and D.W. Kolpin, published as U. S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5094, 27 p.

Glyphosate, other herbicides, and transformation products in Midwestern streams, 2002 by William A. Battaglin, Dana W. Kolpin, E.A. Scribner, K.M. Kuivila, and M.W. Sandstrom in the Journal of the American Water Resources Association, Vol. 41, No. 2, p. 323-332.

Wastewater Chemicals in Colorado's Streams and Ground Water by Lori A. Sprague and William Battaglin, published as U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2004-3127.

Herbicides and transformation products in surface waters of the Midwestern United States by William A. Battaglin, E. Michael Thurman, Steven J. Kalkhoff, and Stephen D. Porter, published in the Journal of the American Water Resources Association, vol. 39, no. 4, p. 743-756.

Reconnaissance data for glyphosate, other selected herbicides, their degradation products, and antibiotics in 51 streams in nine Midwestern States, 2002 by E. A. Scribner, W. A. Battaglin, J. E. Dietze, and E.M. Thurman, published as U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-217, 101 p.

Work plan for determining the occurrence of glyphosate, its transformation product AMPA, other herbicides compounds, and antibiotics in Midwestern United States streams, 2002 by W. A. Battaglin, E. M. Thurman, D. W. Kolpin, E. A. Scribner, M. W. Sandstrom, and K. M. Kuivila, published as U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-69, 18 p.

Estimating the susceptibility of surface water in Texas to Nonpoint-Source Contamination by Use of Logistic Regression Modeling
By William Battaglin, Randy Ulery, Thomas Winterstein, and Toby Welborn was published as U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 03-4205.

Potential toxicity of pesticides measured in midwestern streams to aquatic organisms By William Battaglin and James Fairchild.

Occurrence of sulfonylurea, sulfonamide, imidazolinone, and other herbicides in rivers, reservoirs and ground water in the Midwestern United States by W. A. Battaglin, E. T. Furlong, M. R. Burkhardt, and C. J. Peter, published in The Science of the Total Environment, 248 (2000) 123-133.

Science of the Total Environment Special Issue on Agricultural Chemicals- A special issue of the journal Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN) entitled "Fate and transport of agricultural chemicals in the Mississippi River Basin" has been devoted to research from the Toxic Substances Hydrology Program.

Isotopic and Chemical Composition of Inorganic and Organic Water-Quality Samples from the Mississippi River Basin, 1997-98 By William A. Battaglin, Carol Kendall, Cecily C.Y. Chang, Steve R. Silva, and Donald H. Campbell.

Concentration of Selected Sulfonylurea, Sulfonamide, and Imidazolinone Herbicides, Other Pesticdes, and Nutrients in 71 Streams, 5 Reservoir Outflows, and 25 Wells, in the Midwestern United States, 1998 By William A. Battaglin, Edward T. Furlong, and Mark R. Burkhardt.

Nitrogen in the Mississippi Basin--Estimating Sources and Predicting flux to the Gulf of Mexico By Donald A Goolsby and William A. Battaglin.

Water-Quantity and Water-Quality Aspects of a 500-Year Flood--Nishnabotna River, Southwest Iowa, June 1998 By Dana W. Kolpin, Edward E. Fischer, and Douglas J. Schnoebelen.

Discharge of Herbicides From the Mississippi River Basin to the Gulf of Mexico, 1991-97 By Gregory M. Clark and Donald A. Goolsby.

Occurrence of Sulfonylurea, Sulfonamide, Imidazolinone, and other Herbicides in Midwestern Rivers, Reservoirs, and Ground Water, 1998 By William A. Battaglin, Edward T. Furlong, Mark R. Burkhardt, and C. John Peter.

Herbicides in Midwestern Reservoir Outflows, 1992-93 By John K. Stamer, William A. Battaglin, and Donald A. Goolsby.

Herbicides in Ground Water of the Midwest: A Regional Study of Shallow Aquifers, 1991-94 By Dana W. Kolpin, John K. Stamer, Donald A. Goolsby, and E. Michael Thurman.

Herbicides in Rainfall Across the Midwestern and Northeastern United States, 1990-91 By John K. Stamer, Donald A. Goolsby and E. Michael Thurman.

Plan Study to Determine the Occurrence of Sulfonylurea, Sulfonamide, and Imidazolinone Herbicides in Surface and Ground-Water of the Midwestern United States By William A. Battaglin, Edward T. Furlong, and Mark Burkhardt.

A Reconnaissance for Sulfonylurea Herbicides in Waters of the Midwestern USA: An Example of Collaboration Between the Public and Private Sectors By William A. Battaglin, Edward T. Furlong, and C. John Peter (U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-046-98).

Sources and Transport of Nitrogen in the Mississippi River Basin By Donald A. Goolsby, William A. Battaglin, and Richard P. Hooper.

Plan of Study to Determine if the Isotopic Ratios d15N and d18O Can Reveal the Sources of Nitrate Discharged by the Mississippi River into the Gulf of Mexico By William A. Battaglin, Carol Kendall, Donald A. Goolsby, and Laurie L. Boyer (U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-230).

Spatial Data in Geographic Information System Format on Agricultural Chemical Use, Land Use,
and Cropping Practices in the United States
By William A. Battaglin and Donald A. Goolsby
(U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 94-4176).

Using GIS and Regression to Estimate Annual Herbicide Concentrations in Outflow from Reservoirs in the Midwestern USA, 1992-93 By William A. Battaglin and Donald A. Goolsby (AWRA Conference Proceedings).

Contaminants in the Mississippi River edited by Robert H. Meade (U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1133).

Agricultural Chemicals in Iowa's Ground Water, 1982-95 -- What are the Trends? By Dana W. Kolpin, George Hallberg, Debra Sneck-Fahrer, and Robert Libra (U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-116-97).


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Last Modified: April 18, 2008