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USAID's Center for Development Information and Evaluation (CDIE) publications for the 1996 calendar year are provided here arranged by CDIE publication series title. Use the brief table of contents to navigate the page.

Most documents are made available as ASCII text or in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). Simply click on the "TXT" or "PDF" icons next to the title to view the appropriate file. The PDF file provides the closest electronic equivalent to the original document as it appeared in print. To view PDF files, you'll need the free Acrobat Reader software, available from Adobe. Paper copies of these documents are also available.

CDIE Publication Series
Click to skip to a given series

Impact Evaluations

Performance Monitoring and Evaluation TIPS

Program and Operations Assessments Reports

Special Studies

Reengineering Best Practices

USAID Evaluation Highlights

USAID Evaluation News

USAID Managing for Results

Win-Win Approaches to Development and the Environment

Evaluation Publications List 1996

Impact Evaluations: EnergyPDFASCII
Saving Energy in the Czech Republic, 1996 #2 (PN-ABS-546)PDFText
Energy Conservation in the Philippines, 1996 #4 (PN-ABY-206)PDFText
Saving Energy in Hungary, 1996 #5
Saving Energy in Guatemala, 1996 #8
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Impact Evaluations: Legislative
Modernizing Bolivia's Legislature, 1996 #1
Legislative Strengthening in El Salvador, 1996 #3 (PN-ABS-549)PDFText
Legislative Strengthening in Poland, 1996 #6 (PN-ABY-213)PDFText
Parliamentary Assistance in Nepal, 1996 #7 (PN-ABY-218)PDFText
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Performance Monitoring and Evaluation TIPS
Conducting a Participatory Evaluation, 1996 #1 (PN-ABS-539)PDFText
Conducting Key Informant Interviews, 1996 #2 (PN-ABS-541)PDFText
Preparing an Evaluation Scope of Work, 1996 #3 (PN-ABY-207)PDFText
Using Direct Observation Techniques, 1996 #4 (PN-ABY-208)PDFText
Using Rapid Appraisal Methods, 1996 #5 (PN-ABY-209)PDFText
Selecting Performance Indicators, 1996 #6 (PN-ABY-214)PDFText
Preparing a Performance Monitoring Plan, 1996 #7 (PN-ABY-215)PDFText
Establishing Performance Targets, 1996 #8 (PN-ABY-226)PDFText
Conducting Customer Service Assessments, 1996 #9 (PN-ABY-227)PDFText
Conducting Focus Group Interviews, 1996 #10 (PN-ABY-233)PDFText
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Program and Operations Assessment Reports
Constituencies for Reform: Strategic Approaches for Donor-Supported Civic Advocacy Programs, 1996 #12 (PN-ABS-534) Text
Strengthening the Public-Private Partnership: An Assessment of USAID's Management of PVO and NGO Activities, 1996 #13 (PN-ABS-548) Text
Forestry and the Environment: An Assessment of USAID's Support for Forest Stewardship, 1996 #14 (PN-ABY-210)PDF
Shining the Light on Energy Conservation: A Synthesis of Findings from Six Evaluations, 1996 #19 (PN-ABY-225)PDFText
Agriculture and the Environment: A Synthesis of Findings, 1996 #18 (PN-ABY-224)PDF
The Venture Capital Mirage: Assessing USAID Experience with Equity Investment, 1996 #17 (PN-ABY-220)PDFText
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Special Studies
Rebuilding Postwar Rwanda: The Role of the International Community, 1996 #76 (PN-ABY-212)PDFText
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Reengineering Best Practices
Country Experimental Laboratories: One Year Later, 1996 #1 (PN-ABY-270)PDFText
Building Teamwork in USAID's Dominican Republic Mission, 1996 #2 (PN-ABY-271)PDFText
Reengineering at USAID/Bolivia: Why We Did What We Did, 1996 #3 (PN-ABY-272)PDFText
A Partners' Consultation: Reengineering Relationships, 1996 #4 (PN-ABY-223)PDFText
Planning and Managing for Results with Teams, Customers, and Partners in the Reengineered USAID: Observations from the Field, 1996 #5a (First released as USAID Working Paper No. 224) (PN-ABY-228)PDF
Planning and Managing for Results Under Reengineering: Early Lessons from the Field, 1996 #5b (PN-ABY-229)PDFText
Managing for Results in a Regional Mission: USAID/Central Asia's Experience, 1996 #6 (PN-ABY-231)PDFText
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USAID Evaluation Highlights
Forestry and the Environment: Costa Rica Case Study, 1996 #53 (PN-ABS-531) PDFText
Privatizing Fertilizer Distribution: Bangladesh Case Study, 1996 #54 (PN-ABS-524) Text
Agriculture and the Environment: In Jamaica, a Study in Contrasts, 1996 #55 (PN-ABS-545) PDFText
Constituencies for Reform: Strategic Approaches for Donor-Supported Civic Advocacy Programs, 1996 #56 (PN-ABS-544) Text
Investments in Agriculture: A Synthesis of the Evaluation Literature, 1996 #58 (PN-ABY-205) PDFText
Forestry and the Environment: An Assessment of USAID Support for Forest Stewardship, 1996 #59 (PN-ABY-217) PDFText
Agriculture and the Environment: Farmers Need Simple Technologies, Secure Tenure, Fast Payback, 1996 #60 (PN-ABY-230) Text
Shining the Light on Energy Conservation: A Synthesis of Six Country Studies, 1996 #61 (PN-ABY-232)PDFText
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USAID Evaluation News
Focus on Democracy and Participation 1996, Volume 8, #1
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USAID Managing for Results
Agency Performance Report 1995
Annual Performance Report, 1996 (PN-ABS-543)
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Win-Win Approaches to Development and the Environment
Bioprospecting and Biodiversity Conservation 1996 (PN-ABY-200) PDFText
Farm Forestry: Cultivating Trees as Crops 1996 (PN-ABY-201)PDFText
Tropical Reforestation and Carbon Sequestration 1996 (PN-ABY-202)PDFText
Forest Stewardship Contracts: Trees for Land Access 1996 (PN-ABY-203)PDFText
Ecotourism and Biodiversity Conservation1996 (PN-ABY-204)PDFText
Environmental Trusts and Endowments 1996 (PN-ABY-221)PDFText
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The fastest way to get a paper copy of a document listed on this page is to download the Acrobat version and print it locally. Paper copies are also available (on a fee basis for non-USAID employees) by contacting the USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC): 1611 N Kent St. Arlington VA 22209 Tel: 703-351-4006 Fax: 703-351-4039

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You can speed your order by contacting Development Experience Clearinghouse via email. In your message, simply list the titles and Document Identification numbers (e.g., PN-xxx-xxx) for the documents you wish to receive. Send your message to docorder@disc.mhs.compuserve.com.

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This page last updated 4/18/97
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