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Sec506[42 U.S.C. 706] (a)(1) Each State shall prepare and submit to the Secretary annual reports on its activities under this title. Each such report shall be prepared by, or in consultation with, the State maternal and child health agency. In order properly to evaluate and to compare the performance of different States assisted under this title and to assure the proper expenditure of funds under this title, such reports shall be in such standardized form and contain such information (including information described in paragraph (2)) as the Secretary determines (after consultation with the States) to be necessary (A) to secure an accurate description of those activities, (B) to secure a complete record of the purposes for which funds were spent, of the recipients of such funds,,[9] (C) to describe the extent to which the State has met the goals and objectives it set forth under section 505(a)(2)(B)(i) and the national health objectives referred to in section 501(a) and (D) to determine the extent to which funds were expended consistent with the State's application transmitted under section 505(a). Copies of the report shall be provided, upon request, to any interested public agency, and each such agency may provide its views on these reports to the Congress.

(2) Each annual report under paragraph (1) shall include the following information:

(A)(i) The number of individuals served by the State under this title (by class of individuals).

(ii) The proportion of each class of such individuals which has health coverage.

(iii) The types (as defined by the Secretary) of services provided under this title to individuals within each such class.

(iv) The amounts spent under this title on each type of services, by class of individuals served.

(B) Information on the status of maternal and child health in the State, including—

(i) information (by county and by racial and ethnic group) on—

(I) the rate of infant mortality, and

(II) the rate of low-birth-weight births;

(ii) information (on a State-wide basis) on—

(I) the rate of maternal mortality,

(II) the rate of neonatal death,

(III) the rate of perinatal death,

(IV) the number of children with chronic illness and the type of illness,

(V) the proportion of infants born with fetal alcohol syndrome,

(VI) the proportion of infants born with drug dependency,

(VII) the proportion of women who deliver who do not receive prenatal care during the first trimester of pregnancy, and

(VIII) the proportion of children, who at their second birthday, have been vaccinated against each of measles, mumps, rubella, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, Hib meningitis, and hepatitis B; and

(iii) information on such other indicators of maternal, infant, and child health care status as the Secretary may specify.

(C) Information (by racial and ethnic group) on—

(i) the number of deliveries in the State in the year, and

(ii) the number of such deliveries to pregnant women who were provided prenatal, delivery, or postpartum care under this title or were entitled to benefits with respect to such deliveries under the State plan under title XIX in the year.

(D) Information (by racial and ethnic group) on—

(i) the number of infants under one year of age who were in the State in the year, and

(ii) the number of such infants who were provided services under this title or were entitled to benefits under the State plan under title XIX or the State plan under title XXI at any time during the year.

(E) Information on the number of—

(i) obstetricians,

(ii) family practitioners,

(iii) certified family nurse practitioners,

(iv) certified nurse midwives,

(v) pediatricians, and

(vi) certified pediatric nurse practitioners,

who were licensed in the State in the year.

For purposes of subparagraph (A), each of the following shall be considered to be a separate class of individuals: pregnant women, infants up to age one, children with special health care needs, other children under age 22, and other individuals.

(3) The Secretary shall annually transmit to the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Finance of the Senate a report that includes—

(A) a description of each project receiving funding under paragraph (2) or (3) of section 502(a), including the amount of Federal funds provided, the number of individuals served or trained, as appropriate, under the project, and a summary of any formal evaluation conducted with respect to the project;

(B) a summary of the information described in paragraph (2)(A) reported by States;

(C) based on information described in paragraph (2)(B) supplied by the States under paragraph (1), a compilation of the following measures of maternal and child health in the United States and in each State:

(i) Information on—

(I) the rate of infant mortality, and

(II) the rate of low-birth-weight births.

Information under this clause shall also be compiled by racial and ethnic group.

(ii) Information on—

(I) the rate of maternal mortality,

(II) the rate of neonatal death,

(III) the rate of perinatal death,

(IV) the proportion of infants born with fetal alcohol syndrome,

(V) the proportion of infants born with drug dependency,

(VI) the proportion of women who deliver who do not receive prenatal care during the first trimester of pregnancy, and

(VII) the proportion of children, who at their second birthday, have been vaccinated against each of measles, mumps, rubella, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, Hib meningitis, and hepatitis B.

(iii) Information on such other indicators of maternal, infant, and child health care status as the Secretary has specified under paragraph (2)(B)(iii).

(iv) Information (by racial and ethnic group) on—

(I) the number of deliveries in the State in the year, and

(II) the number of such deliveries to pregnant women who were provided prenatal, delivery, or postpartum care under this title or were entitled to benefits with respect to such deliveries under the State plan under title XIX in the year;

(D) based on information described in subparagraphs (C), (D), and (E) of paragraph (2) supplied by the States under paragraph (1), a compilation of the following information in the United States and in each State:

(i) Information on—

(I) the number of deliveries in the year, and

(II) the number of such deliveries to pregnant women who were provided prenatal, delivery, or postpartum care under this title or were entitled to benefits with respect to such deliveries under a State plan under title XIX or the State plan under title XXI in the year.

Information under this clause shall also be compiled by racial and ethnic group.

(ii) Information on—

(I) the number of infants under one year of age in the year, and

(II) the number of such infants who were provided services under this title or were entitled to benefits under a State plan under title XIX at any time during the year.

Information under this clause shall also be compiled by racial and ethnic group.

(iii) Information on the number of—

(I) obstetricians,

(II) family practitioners,

(III) certified family nurse practitioners,

(IV) certified nurse midwives,

(V) pediatricians, and

(VI) certified pediatric nurse practitioners,

who were licensed in a State in the year; and

(E) an assessment of the progress being made to meet the health status goals and national health objectives referred to in section 501(a).

(b)(1) Each State shall, not less often than once every two years, audit its expenditures from amounts received under this title. Such State audits shall be conducted by an entity independent of the State agency administering a program funded under this title in accordance with the Comptroller General's standards for auditing governmental organizations, programs, activities, and functions and generally accepted auditing standards. Within 30 days following the completion of each audit report, the State shall submit a copy of that audit report to the Secretary.

(2) Each State shall repay to the United States amounts found by the Secretary, after notice and opportunity for a hearing to the State, not to have been expended in accordance with this title and, if such repayment is not made, the Secretary may offset such amounts against the amount of any allotment to which the State is or may become entitled under this title or may otherwise recover such amounts.

(3) The Secretary may, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, withhold payment of funds to any State which is not using its allotment under this title in accordance with this title. The Secretary may withhold such funds until the Secretary finds that the reason for the withholding has been removed and there is reasonable assurance that it will not recur.

(c) The State shall make copies of the reports and audits required by this section available for public inspection within the State.

(d)(1) For the purpose of evaluating and reviewing the block grant established under this title, the Secretary and the Comptroller General shall have access to any books, accounts, records, correspondence, or other documents that are related to such block grant, and that are in the possession, custody, or control of States, political subdivisions thereof, or any of their grantees.

(2) In conjunction with an evaluation or review under paragraph (1), no State or political subdivision thereof (or grantee of either) shall be required to create or prepare new records to comply with paragraph (1).

(3) For other provisions relating to deposit, accounting, reports, and auditing with respect to Federal grants to States, see section 6503(b) of title 31, United States Code[10].

[9]  As in original.

[10]  See Vol. II, 31 U.S.C. 6503(b).

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Last reviewed or modified Monday Sep 22, 2008
