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Sustainable Water Harvesting
Decreasing ground water levels and repeated droughts in Rajasthan have resulted in the destruction of sustainable means of livelihood for local residents. Through a $ 25,000 grant from the Asia Foundation, the US-Asia Environmental Partnership (USAEP) supported the 'Jal Bhagirathi' (ground water recharging) program by harvesting rain water. This program not only preserves the limited amount of rain water in the region, but raises the level of the existing water table.

In partnership with Tarun Bharat Sangh (TBS), an NGO working in a number of districts, the program focuses on constructing water harvesting structures and weaving around this, other important aspects such as, women's empowerment. The community has been mobilized to participate in micro planning, construction and management of the water structure, become self- reliant and encourage social cohesion through collective action.

In Alwar district, 'jal sabhas' (water groups) have been formed to bring in mass awareness of watershed management to eliminate soil erosion, and increase natural vegetation, grass, fodder, forestation and wild life. In the course of a year, a minimum of 15 'padyatras' (walks), 'jal chetna yatras' (water awareness rallies) and two training programs will be organized.

Forums for constructing water harvesting structures have given residents the opportunity to freely discuss, decide and implement decisions leading to community self-reliance. The villagers have participated in all stages of the construction and maintenance of the structures, from identification of the site, to design. They have contributed to the cost of construction through 'shramdaan' (free labor), materials and cash.

Prosperity has come to Alwar district, through the use of only three percent of the total rainwater. For every Rs. 100 invested in small earthen check-dams ('johads'), the economic production in village has risen four-fold.

Date: 2003


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October 07, 2005
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