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Success Stories


Innovations In Child Survival And Reproductive Health
"Not only are we aware of safe motherhood practices, but we can even sign our names today."

Ballia district in eastern Uttar Pradesh (India 's most populated state), has a rural population of 2.5 million. USAID-funded interventions under the Ballia Rural Integrated Child Survival (BRICS) Project reflect a number of public health issues critical to child survival. They include increased coverage of immunization, family planning methods and safe motherhood initiatives; improved care of the new born, especially during pneumonia and diarrhea; prevention of malnutrition, and Vitamin A deficiency.

Over 200 Self Help Groups (SHGs) exist in Ballia today. They form a key component of the project, offering community participation, women's empowerment and sustainable health interventions. Over 77,000 children aged under a year currently benefit from routine immunization in the district. In addition to this, over 267,000 children under three benefit from Vitamin A supplementation rounds given twice a year.

Santosh Self Help Group (SHG) in Kaitholi village comprised of 10 illiterate women when it was formed in 2000. Members started working alongside Chhatiya Devi, the village health worker, to spread awareness about family planning and safe motherhood practices. The village was selected to pilot the Government of India's Adult Literacy Program. Chattiya became a teacher, in addition to being a village health worker. With literacy, the women mustered the courage to confront their village leader to ask for regular supplies of sugar and kerosene oil from the public distribution system. They proudly display their register, in which they now sign instead of putting thumb impressions.

All this has happened within a span of 18 months. Ballia's success story has been made possible by integrating health with development.

Date: 2003


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October 07, 2005
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