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U.S. and Indian Energy Experts Discuss Energy Reforms and Cooperation

January 22, 2007

NEW DELHI Industry leaders from India and the United States met today at the U.S.- India Energy Partnership Program Summit on energy reforms organized by the United States Energy Association and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

In his opening remarks, Mr. George Deikun, USAID India Mission Director, said, “U.S. and Indian cooperation in the energy sector has been growing and programs to share practical experience between U.S. and Indian utilities and regulatory bodies are helping to India meet its energy goals.”

The Chairman of the Central Energy Regulatory Commission, Mr. A.K. Basu, and the Secretary of Power, Mr. R.V. Shahi, also spoke at the summit and representatives of electric utilities and regulatory agencies from both countries attended the event.

USAID has supported the India Energy Partnership Program for more than a decade to assist Indian energy utilities, regulatory agencies, financial institutions, and other energy organizations provide affordable, reliable, and efficient energy supply and services.

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January 23, 2007
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