Mountain-Prairie Region  Partners for Fish & Wildlife
PROGRAM OVERVIEW  grass, duck, frog and fish drawing
Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program
Its role in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program is a voluntary, landowner friendly, and results oriented approach to private lands fish and wildlife conservation that is proving its worth in all aspects of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's mission. For instance:

National Wildlife Refuge System

The Partners Program is recognized as having a positive impact on the Service's National Wildlife Refuge System. The Program focuses on habitat projects within watersheds of National Wildlife Refuges and Waterfowl Production Areas, thereby amplifying refuge habitat benefits.

National Wildlife Refuges

North American Waterfowl Management Plan

North American Waterfowl Management Plan logoThe Partners Program got its start assisting with the implementation of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan. Today, the Partners Program continues to strongly support these efforts through wetland restoration and other habitat enhancement needs on private lands.

Contributing to the North American Waterfowl Management Plan

North American Bird Conservation Initiative

The Partners Program works with all the bird conservation initiatives, to assist with integrated bird conservation, by providing private landowners with technical and financial assistance to maintain or restore priority habitats.

North American Bird Conservation Initiative

Fisheries Program

The Partners Program addresses habitat enhancement and restoration needs for riverine, stream, riparian, grassland, and forest habitat in support of the Service's Fisheries Program.

Conserving America's Fisheries

Endangered Species Habitat Recovery

The Partners Program is recognized as an important habitat-based tool in endangered species recovery efforts. Through partnerships with private landowners, critical habitat for endangered species has been restored through the technical and financial assistance provided through the Partners Program.

Endangered Species Program

Duck Stamps

Short-term private land agreements, easements, and fee-title acquisition are all part of an integrated habitat protection program. In many cases, short-term Partners Program agreements lead the way to permanent habitat protection with Duck Stamp funds.

Duck Stamp Program

Working with Native Americans

The Partners Program addresses the Service's Native American trust responsibilities by actively pursuing stream, riparian, wetland, and grassland restoration projects with numerous tribal entities in Region 6.

Contributing to the Service's Native American Trust Responsibilities