../plan.css"> The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission



EEOC's fiscal year 2002 Budget Request includes $30.0 million for the State and Local Program. The Commission has developed strong partnerships with the many state and local Fair Employment Practices Agencies (FEPAs) and Native-American Tribal Employment Rights Organizations (TEROs) we have worked with over the years. Our work-sharing agreements and other activities have benefitted the employer and employee community by coordinating charges dual-filed under state or local law and federal law, where appropriate, providing training on investigative and legal issues, and conducting joint activities, such as outreach. In fiscal year 2001, the EEOC is contracting with 92 FEPAs to resolve dual-filed charges. This arrangement prevents duplication of effort and streamlines the charge resolution process. In fiscal year 2001, the Commission also is contracting with 64 TEROs to promote employment opportunity on Indian reservations. Our collaborative efforts have helped advance equal employment opportunity nationwide.

GPRA Measures


Enforce Federal Civil Rights Employment Laws Through a Comprehensive Enforcement Program.

Strategic Objective 1.3.

Strengthen partnerships with State and Local Fair Employment Practices Agencies (FEPAs) and Native American Tribal Employment Rights Organizations (TEROs) to enhance effective implementation of laws addressing employment discrimination.

STATEMENT 1999 2000 2001 2002
NO. Target Results Target Results Target Target
1.3.1. Train FEPAs and Tribal Employment Rights Organizations (TEROs). Train 30 FEPAs. 49 FEPAs trained. Train FEPAs / TEROs. Provide training materials on at least 2 employment discrimination subjects. 93 FEPAs & 61 TEROs trained. Materials on 2 subjects distributed. Train FEPAs / TEROs. Train FEPAs / TEROs.
1.3.2. The number of contracted dual-filed charges resolved by FEPAs. X X approx. 53,000 53,683 approx. 55,000 approx. 55,000
1.3.3. The number of joint outreach programs conducted with FEPAs to educate and assist small businesses covered by EEOC enforced statutes and under-served communities and groups. X X X X 20 20

Program Highlights

We exceeded our fiscal year 2000 measures for the state and local program and intend to continue them into fiscal year 2002 (measures 1.3.1. and 1.3.2.). Our Fiscal Year 2000 Annual Performance Report, provided in Appendix C-4, describes our fiscal year 2000 achievements for these measures.

For fiscal years 2001 and 2002, we modified the measure related to training FEPAs and TEROs (measure 1.3.1.) and added another addressing joint outreach programs (measure 1.3.3.) to leverage the contacts and expertise of selected FEPAs and EEOC to more effectively meet the needs of an increasingly diverse workforce and small businesses, which have the fewest resources to understand and implement federal, state and local equal employment opportunity laws. These performance measures will continue to strengthen our partnerships with the FEPAs and TEROs. We will continue our training, technical assistance and contractual efforts with the FEPAs and the TEROs. We will also provide technology enhancements to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of FEPA charge resolution processing procedures, which is a continuation of an initiative we began in fiscal year 1999. With the completion of a multi-year computer upgrade process for the FEPAs in fiscal year 2001, and ongoing technical support services, we will continue to provide FEPAs with technology needed for reporting the dual-filed charge activity.

With $30.0 million for the State and Local Program in fiscal year 2002, EEOC will:

Table 2 summarizes the actual and projected State and Local Program funding, workload and results for fiscal years 2000-2002:

Workload Projections and Funding

FY 2001
FY 2002
Charges/Complaints Pending 73,867 68,284 62,701
Charges/Complaints Received 58,091 58,091 58,091
Charges/Complaints Resolved 55,785 55,785 55,785
Charges/Complaints Deferred to EEOC 7,889 7,889 7,889
Charges/Complaints Forwarded 68,284 62,701 57,118
Months of Inventory 12.9 11.8 10.8
Contract Credit Amount Per Closure $500 $500 $500
Resolved Under Contract 53,683 55,535 55,535
Total Amount for Contract Credits $26,841,500 $27,767,500 $27,767,500
TERO Funding $1,600,000 $1,600,000 $1,600,000
Other State and Local Costs $448,500 $566,500 $632,500
TOTAL FUNDING LEVEL $28,890,000 $29,934,000 $30,000,000

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This page was last modified on May 3, 2001.

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