../plan.css"> The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission



EEOC will continue to expand and diversify its outreach efforts to the employee community, as we have done with the employer community. We have significantly enhanced our outreach, education and technical assistance efforts under the Commission's Comprehensive Enforcement Program (CEP) in both the private sector and the federal sector to reach under-served groups and communities. An important part of our commitment to prevent workplace discrimination is to provide information to employees about their rights to a discrimination-free workplace and how to protect those rights. Eliminating discrimination from the workplace benefits all segments of our society and supports our economic well-being. The Commission's efforts to provide outreach, education and technical assistance on an equal basis to the employer and employee community will help bring that vision to fruition.

GPRA Measures


Promote Equal Opportunity in Employment Through Education and Technical Assistance.

Strategic Objective 2.2.

Increase knowledge about individual rights under equal employment opportunity laws among the public and employee groups.

STATEMENT 1999 2000 2001 2002
NO. Target Results Target Results Target Target
2.2.1. The number of consultations with employee stakeholders on operational and legal issues. 500 1,533 1,200 3,918 3,900 3,900
2.2.2. The number of employees and employee representatives provided EEOC's education and information materials, including representatives from under-served groups or communities. X X X X 30,000 30,000
2.2.3. Develop and implement an outreach plan for fiscal years 2000-2002 to inform under-served constituencies of their rights, and to proactively distribute EEOC's educational and informational materials to employee stakeholders. Develop plan. Plan developed. Implement plan activities for FY2000. Implemented FY2000 activities. Implement plan activities for FY2001. Implement plan activities for FY2002.
2.2.4. The number of additional EEOC publications most frequently requested in an alternate format and translated and available in 7 alternate languages (Spanish, Haitian/Creole, Vietnamese, Russian, Korean, Arabic and Chinese). X X X X Initiate efforts to make 15 publications available by the end of FY2002. Make 15 publications available by the end of FY2002.
2.2.5. Make information about employment discrimination and the federal EEO procedures available for the approximately 2 million federal employees, using the EEOC's web site and other innovative means. X X X X Make information available. Make information available.
2.2.6. Provide EEOC informational materials to federal sector employees and major employee groups identified in the prior fiscal year(s) and give appropriate follow-up assistance when contacted. X X X X Materials and assistance provided for those identified in FY2000. Materials and assistance provided for those identified in FY2000 and FY2001.

Program Highlights

We were very successful in our outreach, education and technical assistance efforts to private and federal sector employee communities. We met or exceeded our ambitious fiscal year 2000 measures (measures 2.2.1. and 2.2.3.). Our Fiscal Year 2000 Annual Performance Report in Appendix C-4 provides a description of our achievements during the past fiscal year.

In fiscal year 2000, the Commission implemented several initiatives which are largely responsible for the substantial increase in consultations with employee stakeholders. For example, the agency conducted outreach, education and technical assistance activities designed to improve access to, and participation in, EEOC programs under the government-wide Asian American and Pacific Islander Initiative. We will continue efforts to improve Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders' access to, and participation in, EEOC's programs.

During fiscal year 2002, EEOC's National Origin and Low Wage Earners Task Forces will provide outreach and education on issues affecting national origin communities and low wage earners (immigrants, workers along the border and farm laborers).

Eight district offices with jurisdictions containing large national origin communities participate in the National Origin Task Force, an internal working group created by EEOC in fiscal year 1999. In fiscal year 2002 in collaboration with community groups, these offices will expand outreach and education programs at the grassroots level in their offices' communities with large national origin populations-particularly focusing on outreach programs for communities with recent immigrant and refugee populations-to increase awareness of their legal rights, including prohibitions against language and accent discrimination.

Offices participating in the Low Wage Earners Task Force, another intra-agency group created in fiscal year 1999, will provide outreach to immigrant workers along the border and farm laborers. We will build upon a network of stakeholder representatives and contacts who can identify issues of concern to the low wage earner population and provide information and education to this community. Our offices will closely coordinate with federal, state and local government agencies with similar jurisdictional responsibilities.

The Commission had a banner year from all of these initiatives and other efforts, resulting in an unexpectantly high number of consultations in fiscal year 2000 (measure 2.2.1.). Also, we are continuing to implement the specific activities contained in our outreach plan developed in fiscal year 1999 (measure 2.2.3.).

After assessing its outreach, education and technical assistance measures and target values and the fiscal year 2000 results achieved for employee groups and the public, the Commission decided to add further measures and to continue the previous measures as well, making appropriate adjustments to target values to account for the added measures. The four new measures added in fiscal year 2001, and continuing into fiscal year 2002, aim to better serve and expand outreach to private- and federal-sector employees, and under-served communities. These measures focus on increasing access to EEOC information and education materials, which is paramount to the Commission's ability to reach its constituents.

One added measure seeks to provide education and information materials to 30,000 employees, including under-served groups or communities. This effort will increase awareness of employees rights, employers responsibilities and EEOC's enforcement authority (measure 2.2.2.). Also, to strengthen efforts to reach under-served communities, a measure was added to make 15 of EEOC's most frequently requested publications available in an alternative format and in seven different languages-Spanish, Haitian/Creole, Vietnamese, Russian, Korean, Arabic and Chinese (measure 2.2.4.). Finally, two measures were added to inform federal employees about employment discrimination and provide assistance to those federal employee groups identified in an earlier initiative in fiscal year 2000 (measures 2.2.5. and 2.2.6.).

All of the Commission's measures under Strategic Objective 2.2, taken together, strengthen its ability to reach its constituents through a broad spectrum of outreach, education and technical assistance activities. Established target levels allow EEOC to effectively deliver services to each segment of the employee community and under-served groups, balancing its resources among many competing demands and other strategic measures.

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This page was last modified on May 3, 2001.

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