../plan.css"> The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Section 1


In fiscal year 2000, as part of a requirement in the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) that agency strategic plans be updated every three years, the EEOC incorporated its Comprehensive Enforcement Program (CEP) into our Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2000-2005. The CEP focuses on an integrated strategic approach linking all program elements to deliver fair and efficient service to the public. These elements include outreach, education and technical assistance to a broad range of stakeholders seeking to prevent discrimination in the first instance, and on pursuing fair and vigorous enforcement when discrimination is found to occur.

Under the CEP, special emphasis is placed on reaching out to small businesses and under-served communities to promote understanding, voluntary compliance with the federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination, and use of expeditious means to resolve charges through our Mediation Program. The CEP, and the new initiatives instituted under it, aim to marshal EEOC resources in a coordinated fashion to increase agency efforts to prevent discrimination at the workplace and enforce the EEO laws where discrimination is found.

Our Mission Statement clearly and concisely conveys to employers and employees alike that the Commission will pursue fair and vigorous enforcement where there is any form or level of employment discrimination covered by the laws we implement. Although the statement expresses a noble - and some would say unattainable - goal, the Commission believes, instead, that it embodies the hopes and dreams of our society expressed in our founding documents - the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America - as well as the statutes EEOC has been entrusted to enforce.

Our mission is to:

Eradicate Employment Discrimination at the Workplace

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This page was last modified on May 3, 2001.

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