../plan.css"> The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Validation and Verification of Agency Information

Accurate and reliable data is critical to planning and resource allocation at the Commission. The major front-line program areas- private sector enforcement and federal sector programs-require data on the number and status of matters pending, as well as data on financial and human resources deployed in order to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of our programs.

In recent years, the Commission has initiated projects to improve the speed and accuracy of data available to managers.

Under its 5-year technology plan, the Commission will develop and initiate implementation of new systems to collect data in the private sector enforcement program and the federal sector, outreach and education programs, as well as in key support operations:

The development and deployment of these systems is the first step towards linking financial, program and human resource data. These systems will provide computerized edit routines to verify entered data as one approach for ensuring the validity of the information. In addition, the agency anticipates using selective sampling and analysis of files to further ensure data validity.

The systems, and the valid data available in them, will assist agency managers determine the most cost-effective approach for assigning human and financial resources to achieve the agency's mission. To meet these objectives, continued investment in information technology at the required levels is essential.

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