The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Meeting of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
"Employment Discrimination in the Aftermath of September 11"
December 11, 2001

Remarks of Betsy Bosak
Director, Affirmative Action, Diversity and Employee Relations
TRW Space & Electronics

Thank you for inviting me to speak regarding the steps TRW took in the wake of the attack on America. TRW has a long history of being a progressive employer. It is a key part of our strategy to recruit the talent we need to be successful. Our commitment to diversity is well established, and we were able to utilize our employee network groups to address many of the concerns that arose internally in the weeks following the September 11th incident.

Shortly after the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., many Muslims and Sikhs throughout the United States were being harassed and some even physically attacked as people vented their anger. To ensure our employees were safe, we placed calls to some of our Muslim employees to discuss TRW's commitment to a harassment free workplace. We then asked them to speak with other Muslim employees throughout the company to reassure them that if they experienced any type of harassment they should contact our diversity office and we would act quickly to remedy the situation.

As a reflection of our commitment, Dave Cote, TRW Chairman, President and CEO expressed TRW's sympathy regarding the attacks in a company-wide posting on the intranet in which he said:

"Our thoughts are with the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks and their loved ones. This is a most difficult time, but the courage of those who are helping the rescue efforts as well as the outpouring of sympathy and support received from people everywhere remind us that the human spirit is alive and well. Together we can overcome any obstacle."

To help employees deal with these attacks, the company quickly took the following actions:

Furthermore, the company identified a number of ways that employees could personally help the victims. Contributions by the company and employees to date total close to $1 million. These contributions arose through:

As you can see we at TRW took a number of timely actions to address employee concerns and fears in light of the attacks of September 11th. Our response has been noteworthy not only in support of our employees but in the money raised for the victims of the disaster.

In conclusion, I would again like to quote our CEO, Dave Cote, who in a Webcast to all employees on Sept. 19, said:

"This attack on America and the civilized world will change us, but we will become stronger. All of us can help. We can help by not living in fear; by recognizing the civilized world will not tolerate these outrages; by supporting our governments, and particularly the U.S. Government, as they work to prevent these atrocities."

We are committed to support you, and the rest of the government, in every way we can.

This page was last modified on December 14, 2001.

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