Corporation for National and Community Service

 Senior Corps  AmeriCorps  Learn and Serve America

Friday, September 23, 2005

CONTACT: Sandy Scott
Phone: 202-606-6724


Factsheet: CNCS Hurricane Activity Update #10


  • A Senior Companion with the Senior Companion Program of West Central Florida is assisting with the care of two women who were evacuated from the floods in Louisiana to a local assisted-living facility in Tampa.
  • RSVP of Okaloosa has partnered with the Red Cross, Salvation Army, Sharing & Caring, Mental Health Department, and Health Department to establish a one-stopshop at the Salvation Army in Fort Walton Beach for evacuees to get information and social service referrals. 15 RSVP volunteers are involved.
  • The Marion County Sheriff's Department, with the aid of RSVP of Marion County volunteers, is directing the processing of over 100 Katrina evacuee families. RSVP volunteers also have aided the Sheriff’s Office by organizing weekly deliveries of donated items.
  • 15 VISTA members served at the American Red Cross of Greater Miami and the Keys at the Orange Bowl in Miami immediately following the touch down of Hurricane Katrina, helping with food, water, ice distribution, and other services to an estimated 250 South Florida residents directly impacted by the storm. They also loaded trucks with first aid kits and medications, along with special items for infant, elderly, and disabled evacuees.
  • 2 VISTA members serving with the Live the Life Ministries VISTA Project areassisting several area churches in their efforts to provide long-term housing in Tallahassee to evacuees from the Gulf Coast region.
  • The RSVP, Senior Companion, and Foster Grandparent Programs of Broward County in Fort Lauderdale are identifying evacuees in the area who had been part of Senior Corps programs in impacted states, in hopes of placing the evacuees in a program in Florida to assist withtheir financial needs and to give them a sense of belonging to the community.
  • A Florida Alliance for Student Service (FASS) VISTA member with Pensacola’s Promise assisted the Baptist Healthcare Foundation in collecting donations for hurricane evacuees. Another FASS VISTA member in the Lake County Schools in Groveland is currently workingon a Hurricane Katrina fundraiser. Additionally, a VISTA member with FASS in Orlando has helped coordinate the Timber Creek High School service-learning program’s Katrina relief efforts; students have raised over $8,000 for the Red Cross through car washes, bake sales, donations, and other activities.


  • 4 Points of Light Foundation VISTA members serving with Volunteer Center of Southern Arizona are helping the County Emergency Management Agency set up the Tucson Shelter, recruit and orient Medical Reserve Corps volunteers, and establish intake processes and procedures

New York

  • Student participants in Learn and Serve America from Edison High School in Elmira Heights are collecting personal care items to be shipped by the YMCA, as well as raising funds for the American Red Cross.


  • Learn and Serve America participants in the Ripley public schools raised funds and staffed a receiving station for the Red Cross. The students used CERT training to teach community members about "sheltering in place."
  • Learn and Serve America participants in the Ripley-Union-Lewis-Huntington Local School District raised funds and collected items for donation.
  • 45 RSVP of Mahoning and Southern Trumbull Counties volunteers contributed a total of 260 hours from September 6 until September 16 accepting donations and packing 17 semi truck loads with 400,000 pounds of water, food, hygiene items, and other supplies.
  • Summit County American Red Cross VISTA members are operating the phone bank, coordinating and supervising volunteers, and scheduling volunteers for American Red Cross trainings in support of Hurricane Katrina relief efforts.
  • A Portage American Red Cross VISTA member was deployed to Washington, D.C. to support the Katrina Call Center.
  • An Ohio River Valley Chapter American Red Cross VISTA member is recruiting and coordinating volunteers, coordinating training for volunteers, locating family members in the affected areas, and taking phone calls from those who want to donate money or time.
  • A VISTA member with the American Red Cross of Jefferson County is recruiting and coordinating volunteers, coordinating trainings for volunteers, activating Client Assistance Cards, locating family members in the affected areas, and taking phone calls from those who want to donate money or their time.


  • Learn and Serve American students at New Foundations Charter School in Philadelphia have worked with every class to collect and donate supplies and toys to students in Texas and Louisiana as part of the Unity Day Project.
  • In Lancaster, public school students involved with Learn and Serve America raised $2,000 in one week for the Red Cross.

Rhode Island

  • 10 Capitol Region RSVP members in Johnston are meeting on Fridays to make quilts for Katrina evacuees.
  • A West Warwick Foster Grandparent spent some time in Middletown assisting the families from Louisiana who were moved into military housing provided by the state.

South Carolina

  • Under its Learn and Serve America program, the YMCA of Greenville service-learning project and Mauldin High School raised $6,000 through direct fund raising for Hurricane Katrina relief efforts.


  • Approximately 350 Learn and Serve America volunteers are serving 300 people per day at the Astrodome through the Community Technology Center of Houston.

West Virginia

  • Learn and Serve America students at Keyser High School in Mineral County are helping collect and ship personal care items and clothing to Ocean Springs, Miss.


  • A VISTA member assigned to Comea Shelter in Cheyenne is helping an evacuee with assistance related to housing and other personal needs.
  • 5 Foster Grandparents and the project director with NOWCAP Foster Grandparent Program in Worland, Thermopolis, and Riverton helped collect personal items and toiletries that were sent to victims of Hurricane Katrina.

For the latest news, information, and updates on hurricane relief and recovery efforts from the Corporation for National and Community Service, please visit



VIEWED ON: Friday, January 09, 2009