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Vehicle Buying Vehicle Closeout Dates

Vehicle Buying
(703) 605-CARS
Fax (703) 605-9868

Additional Contacts For

2008 Model Year Closeout Dates and the AutoChoice Summer Program

Manufacturers close out model year production throughout the year. Please review the closeout date listing to ensure that you place your orders before the cut off dates. GSA also provides the AutoChoice Summer Program to allow customers the opportunity to obligate funding after the model year has been closed.

2008 Model Year Closeout Dates:

Light Vehicles Sedans, station wagons, light trucks and ambulances The 2008 Light Vehicle Closeout Listing is available either sorted by Vehicle Category or by Date of Closeout.
Medium and Heavy Vehicles Buses, medium trucks, heavy trucks, wreckers and carriers The 2008 Medium & Heavy Vehicle Closeout Listing is available either sorted by Vehicle Category or by Date of Closeout.


AutoChoice Summer Program for Light Vehicles:

  • All Light Vehicles, including sedans, station wagons, light trucks and ambulances, will close-out on or before 3:00 EDT, Wednesday, May 7, 2008; and
  • The AutoChoice Summer Program for Light Vehicles will begin on, Thursday, May 8, 2008.

AutoChoice Summer Program for Medium and Heavy Vehicles:

  • All Medium and Heavy vehicles, including buses, medium trucks, heavy trucks, wreckers and carriers, will close-out on or before 3:00 EDT, Wednesday, June 11, 2008;
  • The AutoChoice Summer Program for Medium and Heavy Vehicles will begin on, Thursday, June 12, 2008.

AutoChoice Summer Program General Information:

  • Obligate expiring current year funds by using the AutoChoice Summer Program;
  • Place orders in the AutoChoice garage to obligate Fiscal Year 2008 funding until the Fiscal Year 2009 model year contracts are in place;
  • Use the Fiscal Year 2008 make, model, and pricing data for estimates and planning purposes only;
  • Ordering agencies utilizing the Summer Program should add an additional 5% to the Fiscal Year 2008 vehicle prices to account for pricing adjustments for the upcoming FY 2009 vehicle models; and
  • Please be advised that all orders in the garage must be recalculated when the Fiscal Year 2009 pricing is announced.

Express Desk Program:

Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  2008 Light Vehicle Closeout Listing Sorted by Category Document Contains Tabs Sorted by Category and Dates Excel 98k 3/12/2008
  2008 Medium & Heavy Vehicle Closeout Listing Sorted by Category Document Contains Tabs Sorted by Category and Dates Excel 21k 3/13/2008
  Using the Summer Program Document Describing How to Obligate Current FY Funds When Ordering Items that are Closed Out Word 7127k 12/27/2007