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Watershed Modeling
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Wes Lloyd

Wes, working under Dr. Olaf David, is part of the MoWS research area, entitled GEOLEM: Improving the integration of geographic information in environmental modeling through semantic interoperability. He is funded as part of a Cooperative Agreement between the USGS National Research Program MoWS project and the Colorado State University. The Cooperative Agreement is supported by a grant from the USGS Center for Excellence in Geographic Information Science ( Wes is also funded by a grant from the Mississippi State University GeoResources Institute.

Research Topics:

  • Designing and implementing the core GEOLEM code base.
  • Development of GEOLEM application to the PRMS watershed model.

Contact Information:
U.S. Geological Survey
Box 25046, MS 412
Denver Federal Center
Lakewood, Colorado 80225
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