2008 Impaired Driving National Enforcement Crackdown Planner
Spanish Materials

This 2008 Crackdown media planner offers communication tools and templates aimed at informing the Hispanic community about the stepped-up national enforcement crackdown to arrest drunk drivers, particularly during August until Labor Day weekend. Ultimately, the goal is for the Hispanic public to reflect on the negative consequences so that they choose designating a sober driver or make other arrangements to travel safely if they have been drinking. This call-to-action is essential in reducing impaired driving within the community.

The campaign tagline is "Manejar Borracho es un Crimen. Serás Arrestado." (Drunk driving is a crime. You'll be arrested) and it is supported by a secondary message: "Tener problemas con la ley... sale caro." (Having problems with the law... is costly). The materials included in this planner emphasize that driving impaired is a serious problem; hence, the heightened enforcement efforts that increase the likelihood of people being caught and arrested if driving impaired. But the implication that an arrest has several -sometimes unforeseen- negative consequences seeks to dispel the wrong beliefs that driving impaired is not a serious crime, which is a problem in itself.

Given the diversity within the Hispanic community, the posters have been particularly designed for a direct and simple, approach to tackle different perceptions on the issue of impaired driving.

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Creative Materials in Spanish
(click on the image for a low-resolution preview)
Poster - Greetings from Jail. If you drive drunk, you will have problems with the Law and it will be costly.
press-ready PDF image (55MB)
Poster - Driving drunk could be the most expensive trip of your life. If you drive drunk, you will be arrested.
press-ready PDF image (13MB)
Poster - Your life will change in just one second. If you drive drunk, you will have problems with the Law and it will be costly.
press-ready PDF image (10MB)
Click HERE for additional posters in Spanish.