Downloading Data

SAMHDA offers users the ability to download data files free of charge for a broad scope of interest revolving around substance abuse and mental health issues. Listed below are a few steps detailing a common way to locate and download data files to your computer, flash drives, or other removable media.

  1. Browse available studies on the SAMHDA Web site, or use the search box at the top of every SAMHDA page.
  2. Narrow your search to a particular series and year, or a study.
  3. Read the study description and documentation.
  4. Select the Download Data tab. You will be asked to log in and agree to our Terms of Use. You may log in anonymously or with your MyData account.
  5. Follow the directions to add items to the download cart.

Other help resources and documentation:

SAMHDA provides SPSS, SAS, and Stata system and setup files. System files are "ready to go" and are immediately available to use. Setup files consist of program-specific syntax for use with an ASCII text file. Combined, these files can be used to create system files for each statistical program. A tab-delimited file that can be used in Microsoft Excel is also provided. Below is a list of all available file formats, with links to additional information.

Most SAMHDA studies have all these file formats available, and we are working to create file formats for all studies.