National Water-Quality Assessment Program

White River - Great and Little Miami River Basin Study Unit, Indiana and Ohio

Picture showing the area in Indiana and Ohio. In 1991, the U.S. Geological Survey initiated the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program. The long-term goals of this program are to assess the status of and trends in the quality of freshwater streams and aquifers and to provide a sound understanding of the natural and human factors that affect the quality of these resources. To provide a framework for national and regional water-quality assessments, NAWQA investigations are conducted within Study Units throughout the Nation.

The White River Basin (WHIT) Study Unit in southern Indiana and the Great Miami and Little Miami River Basins (MIAM) Study Unit in southwestern Ohio and southeastern Indiana were part of NAWQA's Cycle I (1991-2000) investigations. Intensive investigations of the quality of water resources in the Study Unit were done to establish existing water-quality conditions of streams and aquifers. A summary of the Cycle I findings for the WHIT can be found in Fenelon (1996).

Cycle II began in October 2001 and is scheduled to contine for 4 years. In Cycle II, the WHIT and MIAM have been combined into the White River-Great and Little Miami River Basins (WHMI) Study Unit. Quality of water resources is scheduled to be studied. Long-term goals remain the same as those of Cycle I. Emphasis, however, will shift from the status of water quality to trends in water quality and the understanding of natural and human factors that affect water quality.

A tractor driving on some farm land. A paddlefish being measured.

If you have questions and comments related to the White River-Great and Little Miami River Basins NAWQA study, contact Jeffrey W. Frey ( or write:

Jeffrey W. Frey
WHMI NAWQA Project Chief
U.S. Geological Survey
5957 Lakeside Boulevard
Indianapolis, Indiana  46278-6129