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2007 Progress Report: Framework for Sustainable Watershed Management

EPA Grant Number: X3831781
Title: Framework for Sustainable Watershed Management
Investigators: Najjar, Ken
Institution: Delaware River Basin Commission
EPA Project Officer: Bauer, Diana
Project Period: October 1, 2004 through May 31, 2008
Project Period Covered by this Report: October 1, 2006 through May 31, 2007
Project Amount: $102,500
RFA: Collaborative Science & Technology Network for Sustainability (2004)
Research Category: Pollution Prevention/Sustainable Development



This study takes place in the Pocono Mountains where the existing environmental resources are the region’s largest economic multiplier. The region is also experiencing the state’s second highest rate of population growth. Local concerns about sustaining water resources instigated an interdisciplinary effort to design a sustainable watershed management framework based on sound science that protects streamflows [baseflows] in high quality streams threatened by rapid development. By using Wild Trout [populations] as an indicator species to gauge the effect of development on streamflows [baseflows], watershed management strategies will be developed from conclusions of the suite of technical studies developed for the Pocono Creek study to protect Wild Trout habitat and sustain the creek’s water resources. This effort integrates science, policy making, community outreach and public education through a unique iterative planning process.

Building on the foundation an earlier Pocono Creek pilot study, local watershed managers sought to ensure long term sustainability of the creek’s water resources. The EPA responded by providing the means to develop a framework that integrates a watershed planning process with scientific, policy and educational outreach products in order to implement strategies for sustainable watershed management. Using the Pocono Creek as an example of a sustainable watershed planning process, the intent is to create a transferable process for the sustainable watershed management of water resources. The project is to be completed in 3 tasks; 1) Technical, 2) Development of Management Strategies and 3) an Innovative Community Watershed Event.

The Technical Phase, now complete, involved collecting water quality and flow data, building a 3-D groundwater model and a watershed hydrologic [hydraulics] model, determining the hydroecological classification of the Pocono Creek, and establishing a link between altered stream flows and trout populations. These tools were used to analyze projected build-out/land use change scenarios against a 2000 baseline condition.

The next task, Development of Management Strategies will integrate the various studies within the existing political and regulatory framework, in order to create implementable management strategies. The Policy Team will use the technical information to devise strategies that will protect the flow conditions necessary to ensure that the native Trout habitat will be sustained. By evaluating the effectiveness of plausible responses within a watershed framework, recommendations and strategies that will maintain the watershed’s hydroecological integrity and thus sustain baseflows and existing trout populations will be developed.

The Innovative Community Watershed Event is the concluding event that will roll-out the strategies to key decision makers through a process that fosters collaboration and strategy implementation. The process to achieve the necessary local and regional interest includes the development of a Trout Trail and Tales program, that includes 15 commissioned artists that decorated 15 fiberglass trout (up to 5 1/2 feet tall, or wide, depending on the pose) that are strategically places within the Brodhead and Pocono Creek watersheds. Attached to each Trout is a chapter of a Tale addressing the connection between of land use and water quantity (baseflows) in the local creeks. The Tale concludes with suggestions about individual activities that can protect baseflows in high quality trout streams.

Progress Summary:

Project Organization:
Organizational functions were assigned to an administrative Steering Committee and 3 support ‘teams’ for the technical, policy and outreach phases of the project. The project’s reiterative nature calls for a flexible scope, which is assessed regularly by the Steering Committee to meet the needs of the rapidly changing local conditions and changes in project processes and/or methodologies when necessary. The transition from the Technical Phase into the Policy Phase has begun by identifying the skills needed to develop sustainable strategies, those that have those skills and their recruitment.

Figure 1.

A “Memorandum of Understanding” was agreed to by all project partners receiving funds from the EPA CNS grant. A request for a ‘no-cost’ extension was made and approved moving the project deadline from September 30, 2006 to June 1, 2007.

The technical stage is an assessment of the effects of groundwater withdrawals and land use changes on brown trout, brown trout being an indicator species for habitat, baseflows and water quality.

The only outstanding technical task currently, is the “Flow-Trout Relationship” study, currently being completed by USGS-Fort Collins. This effort will determine if existing data can be used to develop solid statistical associations between altered stream flows and trout populations, and if so, further statistical associations established between altered flow and changes in trout populations.

Major Technical Studies components completed are:

Project Highlights from Technical Tasks:

Data Collection
A monitoring program has been ongoing. The EPA-ORD’s Edison, NJ office supplied in-stream equipment and training to support the collection of flow information The program records water temperature in Pocono Creek and several tributaries. Automated logging equipment (YSI 6600 sondes) also records dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, water depth, and turbidity at three locations throughout the basin. In two locations installed flow meters (American Sigma 950) record the depth and flow velocity that is used to estimate the flowrate in subwatersheds. Tipping buck rain gauges are installed at two locations to monitor and document the total rain fall the spatial heterogeneity.

The Distributed Hydrologic Model:
A Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) model developed by the USEPA. Adapted to be used as watershed hydrologic model, it is able to quantify the impact of land use changes on peak runoff during storm events and low flows during base-flow periods. The goal is to identify a relationship between land use changes (increased imperviousness) on the frequency of peak runoff and low and high flows, and identify areas in the watershed that may contribute mostly to anticipated changes.

Run on a Graphical User Interface (GUI) within a Geographical Information System (GIS), the SWAT has a process based runoff, channel and base flows components and operates on a daily time step and combines Digital Elevation Maps (DEMs), soil, and land use maps, and channel characteristics with excess runoff and channel flow simulators.

The model was calibrated based on database supplied by the DRBC. The data includes DEM, land use maps, GIS soil data, and streamflow measurements obtained from a USGS gauge station located upstream from the mouth of the watershed. Climate data, including precipitation measurements, are obtained from the nearest NOAA gage stations. Next Generation Radar Rainfall (NEXRAD) is also evaluated as an alternative source for spatio-temporal precipitation.

The model is calibrated and verified, and its predictive uncertainty is quantified to examine forecast capability through time series analysis and Monte Carlo simulation. The model can simulate hypothetical scenarios of land use changes (increased imperviousness) with stochastically generated rainfall events. The model results will quantify potential impacts of land use changes on ground water recharge, and frequencies of low and high flows.

An index methodology is developed to rank seven sub-watersheds composing the modeled portion of the Pocono Creek watershed based on their relative impact on watershed response to anticipated land developments. The first index, α, signifies the absolute impact of a particular catchment area on the watershed response. The second index, β, is α normalized by the percentage area of the sub-catchment, and therefore describes the impact per area of land use changes. With a few exceptions, a and b indices produce similar rankings among the 7 catchment areas for 7Q10, monthly median of daily flow, and annual maximum daily flow. These ranking results may be related to groundwater recharge, area, topographic features, and proximity to the streamflow gauge station. The very downstream catchment area 7 ranked first in terms of impact on annual maximum daily flows, and second in terms of impact on 7Q10 and monthly median daily flows. Catchment area 4 associated with the highest groundwater recharge was ranked first and second for impact on 7Q10 based on α and β indices, respectively. Areas characterized by steep topography and intense wetlands ranked low, some times the lowest, with respect to impact on the three design flows.

Figure 2.

The results of this model study point toward significant changes in low as well as high flow regimes, should the Pocono Creek watershed experience land use changes consistent with the projected build out in the watershed. Management measures may be taken in the future to minimize the predicted changes in the watershed hydrology.

Hydroecological Integrity Assessment Process (HIP)
As part of the technical phase the USGS Fort Science Center and the PAFBC cooperatively conducted a study that establishes environmental flow standards and a stream flow alteration assessment for seven sub-basins in the Pocono Creek watershed. The Hydrologic Model’s (Mohamed Hantush – EPA-ORD) outputs, i.e., surface water /groundwater interface, stream flows, projected flow alteration due to water and land use development on watershed hydrology, were utilized to conduct the stream flow alteration assessment and to compare the assessment to environmental flow standards.

The Hydroecological Integrity Assessment Process (HIP) developed by the USGS was used to conduct a hydrologic classification of the Pocono Watershed’s streams, establish environmental flow standards, and assess past and proposed hydrologic alterations on streamflow and other ecosystem components . Since HIP has not been developed for Pennsylvania no stream classification for the entire State is available. Therefore, after rejecting use of the New Jersey Hydrologic Assessment Tool, USGS_FORT opted to use the National Hydrologic Assessment Tool (NATHAT) that uses a National classification of streams (six types). The first run of HIP was completed in October, 2007. All steams but 2 streams in the watershed were of the same class, “Flashy/Runoff,” as established by the NATHAT.

The next task began in November of 2007, and will apply the generic approach presented in the article titled “The Challenge of Providing Environmental Flow Rules to Sustain River Ecosystems” in the Journal of Ecological Applications (Arthington, A. H., Bunn, S. E., Poff, N. L., Naiman, R. N. 2006. The Challenge of Providing Environmental Flow Rules to Sustain River Ecosystems. 16(4), pp 1311-1318). The approach incorporates essential aspects of natural flow variability based, specific hydrologic indices, and a stream class validation procedure using empirical biological data. In this case, using the selected stream type described above, existing biological data will be examined to determine how it can be used to develop flow relationships with wild brown trout population parameters. This sub-task will be dependent on the availability of stream flow data and wild brown trout population for streams that belong to the same class of as the streams in the Pocono Creek Watershed. If applicable population data are not available an attempt would be made to use applicable literature based information

Also, additional criteria for sustainability were identified. Development of information on the effects of build-out and withdrawals on various streamflow statistics (EPA-ORD) and other “Indicators of Impact” measures are to be integrated into the technical reports.

USGS Groundwater Flow Model
A calibrated a three-dimensional ground-water-flow model capable of simulating groundwater/surface-water interactions in the Pocono Creek Watershed was successfully developed. The Groundwater Flow Model can evaluate the effect of ground-water withdrawals on stream baseflow and the corresponding impact on stream habitat. Also it can estimate the potential reduction in stream baseflow caused by reduction in recharge from urbanization. The model is capable of simulating ground-water discharge to Pocono Creek with various recharge and pumping rates.

The model includes an upper layer representative of the unconsolidated surficial glacial deposits that are directly connected to the stream system and a lower layer representing fractured bedrock. The surface-water divide between the Pocono Creek Watershed and adjacent watersheds were considered to be a no-flow boundary. The model used the USGS MODFLOW computer program (Harbaugh and McDonald, 1996) with the Ground-Water Modeling System (GMS) as the interface (Environmental Modeling Systems, Inc., 2004). Aquifer-stream interactions were simulated using the stream-aqui­fer package of Prudic (1989).

Bedrock geology were imported into the model from the digitized (GIS) geologic map of Berg and others (1980). Thickness of the bedrock aquifer was determined by statistical analysis of available depth of water-bearing zone data. Hydraulic conductivity of the bedrock aquifer was estimated based on analysis of available aquifer-test and specific-capacity data.

Figure 3.

Surficial glacial geology was imported into the model from the digitized (GIS) surficial geology maps of Berg and others (1977), Bucek (1971), and Epstein (1969, 1973, and 1990) that was be provided to the USGS by the USEPA. Thickness of glacial deposits were estimated based on casing depths from the USGS Ground-Water Site Inventory (GWSI) data base and the Pennsylvania Topographic and Geologic Survey Pennsylvania Ground Water System (PaGWIS). Hydraulic conductivity of the glacial deposits will be estimated from available data and literature values.

A seepage study, consisting of stream baseflow discharge measurements made with current meters at selected locations, was made in October, 2005. Water levels in wells in the watershed were measured at the same time as the seepage measurements are made. Eight wells in the watershed were equipped with transducers and continuous measurement data loggers. This will provide data on aquifer response to precipitation and seasonal and annual water-level fluctuations. Water levels were measured from September 2004 to June 2006.

Model calibration was based on available hydraulic data and data from the aquifer test, the seepage studies, ground-water-level monitoring data, the USGS Pocono Creek streamflow-measurement station (01441495), and water budgets for the Pocono Creek Watershed (Sloto and Buxton, 2005).

The model is calibrated to hydrologic conditions at the time of the seepage study, which corresponded closely to long-term average conditions. Long-term average conditions were determined by correlating discharge at the Pocono Creek streamflow measurement station with discharge at a long-term streamflow-measurement station in an adjacent watershed underlain by the same geologic units. Model inputs were recharge; output from the model is the ground-water discharge to the Pocono Creek. A steady-state simulation approximates long-term average conditions in the Pocono Creek Watershed.

The effect of ground-water withdrawals on stream baseflow were simulated by using hypothetical pumping wells in selected subbasins. This establishes the link between ground-water withdrawals and streamflow depletion. The maximum reduction in stream baseflow was determined for each scenario by using steady-state simulations. The reduction in streamflow that causes a 5 percent habitat loss will be provided by the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission using the Pennsylvania Instream Flow Model (Denslinger and others, 1998). The model will be used to determine the ground-water withdrawal rate that would cause a streamflow loss corresponding to a 5 percent habitat loss.

Figure 4.

The effect of reduction in recharge on stream baseflow caused by increased impervious area due to urbanization was also simulated by using the reduction in recharge provided by the US EPA from the results of their surface-water-model simulations. The same scenario was simulated, one with no reduction in recharge and one with reduced recharge, and compared to estimate the effect on stream baseflow.

The USEPA SWAT model was used to provide areal recharge values for 2000 and full buildout land-use conditions. The change in recharge ranged from an increase of 37.8percent to a decrease of 60.8 percent. The ground-water-flow model was used to simulate base flow for 2000 and full buildout land-use conditions using steady-state simulations. The decrease in simulated base flow ranged from 3.8 to 63 percent at the streamflow-measurement sites. Simulated base flow at streamflow-gaging station Pocono Creek above Wigwam Run near Stroudsburg, Pa. (01441495), decreased 25 percent. This is in general agreement with the SWAT model, which estimated a 30.6-percent loss in base flow at the streamflow-gaging station.

Additional ground-water withdrawals were simulated in the Scot Run and Cranberry Creek sub-watersheds for 2000 and full buildout land-use conditions. Hypothetical wells were added to each subwatershed to simulate additional ground-water pumping. Combined simulated pumpage from the wells ranged from 50,000 to 1,000,000 gallons per day. All pumpage was considered consumptive. In the Scot Run subwatershed, five hypothetical wells were placed close to the stream. With an additional 1 Mgal/d (million gallons per day) of ground-water withdrawals, the simulated base flow of Scot Run decreased 35 percent under 2000 recharge conditions. Using the full buildout recharge rate, simulated base flow decreased 44 percent. With this distribution of wells, the base flow of adjacent Transue Run was not be affected by ground-water withdrawals in the Scot Run subwatershed.

In the Cranberry Creek subwatershed, three hypothetical wells were placed close to the surface-water divide between Cranberry Creek and Bulgers Run, and three hypothetical wells were placed close to the surface-water divide between Cranberry Creek and Laurel Lake Run. With an additional 1Mgal/d of ground-water withdrawals, the simulated base flow of Cranberry Creek decreased 14 percent, the simulated base flow of Bulgers Run decreased 15 percent, and the simulated base flow of Laurel Lake Run decreased 48 percent under 2000 recharge conditions. Simulated pumping wells close to the surface-water divide in the Cranberry Creek subwatershed had the least effect on the base flow of Cranberry Creek and the greatest effect on the base flow of Bulgers Run. Using the full buildout recharge rate, the simulated base flow of Cranberry Creek decreased 62 percent, the base flow of Bulgers Run decreased 61 percent, and the base flow of Laurel Lake Run decreased 96 percent from 2000 levels.

Task 2: Development of Management Strategies: Initial findings in the Watershed Hydrology Model, Groundwater Withdrawal Model and preliminary draft of the Hydroecological Stream Classification indicate that many of the management strategies will be focused on maintaining the hydrological integrity of the watershed itself through conservation, LID and stormwater infiltration best management practices where development occurs, as well as reaffirming compliance with the Monroe 2020, the county’s comprehensive regional plan. Ideally, state and local policies can be developed as recommendations to be acted upon as management strategies as well.

In addition, throughout the course of this project the pace of development is exceeding the study’s partners ability to assess fundamental changes in the watershed, including the permitting of infrastructure within the watershed. This situation has caused the participants to realize that current regulations mandate degradation of the water resources in the watershed. This has led to a need for management strategies to address the need for consistency within the development and application of water resource regulations, which include programs affecting land use, water quality, and water supply, as well as utilities and authorities. These programs are implemented at interstate, state and local levels of government.

Both physical and regulatory management strategies will be included in the final recommendations or alternatives recommended in the final report.


Task 3: Innovative Community Outreach Event – Kick-Off June 1, 2008: The Brodhead Watershed Association is sponsoring the “Trout Trails and Tales” watershed community outreach and education event. Fifteen local artists have been commissioned to decorate a 66 inch fiberglass fish, to be placed along the ‘Trout Trail,” located throughout the greater watershed area. Attached to each trout is a “Tale,” i.e. information about the relationship between trout and sustainable watershed practices. The overall theme of the Trout Trail is “Develop Right, Save the Trout.”

This effort will accomplish two objectives. The educational component will introduce the linkages connecting the quantity of water in a stream and the local trout population, land use and the current quality of the life that residents and visitors value. Sustainable themes, (i.e. low impact development, economic multipliers from the environment, infiltration, etc.) will enhance the watershed communities knowledge of ecological flows.

The second objective is to target local officials to “become familiar” with their local trout and attend numerous public relations events throughout the summer when the trout are on display. This effort will establish the groundwork for implementing a social marketing campaign in the next phase of the study that will target decision makers at several levels of government.

Future Activities:

NEXT STEPS: Major tasks for the completion of this project are:

Journal Articles:

No journal articles submitted with this report: View all 1 publications for this project

Progress and Final Reports:
2005 Progress Report
Original Abstract

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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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