A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

   FOR RELEASE                                 Contact: Jim Bradshaw    July 6, 1995                                       (202) 401-2310

$10 Million in Grants to be Awarded for New Parent Involvement Centers

Almost $10 million in grants will be awarded later this year to establish as many as 44 centers across the country to offer parents information and training to help their children achieve in school.

"Parents are a child's first and continuing teacher," said Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley. "Based on the most up-to- date research available, these centers will be a resource for parents seeking the best, most effective ways to help their children succeed in the classroom."

Riley noted the centers will help promote greater parental involvement in education. The centers, along with the Education Department's Family Involvement Partnership for Learning, are designed to strengthen and increase family involvement in children's schooling. More than 130 organizations have joined this effort and are working to support the critical role of caring adults in the success of children.

A department report, "Strong Families, Strong Schools," documents research showing conclusively that when families are engaged with schools, student achievement improves.

Grants will be awarded by Sept. 30, and the parent involvement centers will launch operations shortly thereafter. Nonprofit organizations will operate the centers, in some cases working in formal partnership with local school districts.

Parents will be able to turn to the centers for information and training to:

Some centers will focus especially on areas with high concentrations of families that are low-income, minority or limited English proficient. Other sites may serve entire states.

Grants for the parental information and resource centers were authorized by Title IV of the Goals 2000: Educate America Act. Additional information on Goals 2000 and the center competition are available by calling 1-(800) USA-LEARN.

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