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Summers, J. Kevin [Citations] [Citations and Abstracts]

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Summers, J. Kevin as First Author
Linking Monitoring and Effects Research: EMAP's Intensive Site Network Program [1998 ; Journal Article]
Developing a Multi-Agency 305(b) Monitoring Program for the Coastal Waters of Alabama [1998 ; Symposium Paper]
Development of the Coastal Intensive Site Network (CISNet) [2000 ; Journal Article]
Water Quality Model for a River Receiving Paper Mill Effluents and Conventional Sewage [1991 ; Journal Article]
Method for Quantifying the Prediction Uncertainties Associated with Water Quality Models [1993 ; Journal Article]
Characterizing Dissolved Oxygen Conditions in Estuarine Environments [1997 ; Journal Article]
Evaluation of Sampling Strategies to Characterize Dissolved Oxygen Conditions in Northern Gulf of Mexico Estuaries [1993 ; Journal Article]
Monitoring the Ecological Condition of Estuaries in the United States [1995 ; Journal Article]
Development and Testing of Bioindicators for Monitoring the Condition of Estuarine Ecosystems [1997 ; Journal Article]
Normalization of Metal Concentrations in Estuarine Sediments from the Gulf of Mexico [1996 ; Journal Article]
Implementation Plan for Monitoring the Estuarine Waters of the Louisianian Province - 1991 Demonstration [1991 ; Published Report]
Framework for an Integrated and Comprehensive Monitoring Plan for the Estuaries of the Gulf of Mexico [2000 ; Published Report]
National Coastal Condition Report II [2004 ; Published Report]
Statistical Summary: EMAP-Estuaries Louisianian Province - 1991 [1993 ; Published Report]
Louisianian Province Demonstration Report EMAP-Estuaries: 1991 [1993 ; Published Report]
Pollution and Ecosystem Health - Assessing Ecological Condition of Coastal Ecosystems [2004 ; Abstract]
Influence of Natural and Anthropogenic Environmental Change on White Perch Stock Status in the Choptank River, Maryland [1990 ; Journal Article]
Simulating the Indirect Effects of Power Plant Entrainment Losses on an Estuarine Ecosystem [1989 ; Journal Article]
Relationships Between Historical Hydrographic Conditions, Pollutant Loadings, and Fish Stocks in the Choptank and Rappahannock Estuaries [1990 ; Project Report]

Summers, J. Kevin as Contributing Author
Comparisons of Sediment Toxicity with Predictions Based on Chemical Guidelines [O'Connor, Thomas P.; 1998 ; Journal Article]
Species-Abundance-Biomass Responses by Estuarine Macrobenthos to Sediment Chemical Contamination [Rakocinski, Chet F.; 2000 ; Journal Article]
Biogeography of Benthic Macroinvertebrates in Estuaries Along the Gulf of Mexico and Western Atlantic Coasts [Engle, Virginia D.; 2000 ; Journal Article]
Using Information on Spatial Variability of Small Estuaries in Designing Large-Scale Estuarine Monitoring Programs [Strobel, Charles J.; 2000 ; Journal Article]
Utility of Splenic Macrophage Aggregates as an Indicator of Fish Exposure to Degraded Environments [Fournie, John W.; 2001 ; Journal Article]
Assessing Stressors in Coastal Ecosystems: An Approach to the Patient [Steevens, Jeffery A.; 2001 ; Journal Article]
Condition of Coral Reefs in South Florida (2000) Using Coral Disease and Bleaching as Indicators [Santavy, Deborah L.; 2005 ; Journal Article]
Assessing the Ecological Condition of a Coastal Plain Watershed Using a Probabilistic Survey Design [DiDonato, Guy T.; 2003 ; Journal Article]
Assessing Water Clarity as a Component of Water Quality in Gulf of Mexico Estuaries [Smith, Lisa M.; 2006 ; Journal Article]
The Ecological Condition of Gulf of Mexico Resources from Perdido Key to Port St. Joe, Florida, USA: Part I Coastal Beach Resources [Smith, Lisa M.; 2007 ; Journal Article]
The Ecological Condition of Gulf of Mexico Resources from Perdido Key to Port St. Joe, Florida: Part II Near-Shelf Coastal Resources [Smith, Lisa M.; 2007 ; Journal Article]
Contaminant Concentrations in Whole-Body Fish and Shellfish from U.S. Estuaries [Harvey, James E.; 2008 ; Journal Article]
Using the National Coastal Assessment Methodology to Evaluate the Water, Sediment, and Fish Tissue Quality of American Samoa's Near-Shore Marine Resources [DiDonato, Eva M.; Accepted ; Published Report]
Humic Acid Effects on Uptake of Hexachlorobenzene and Hexachlorobiphenyl by Sheepshead Minnows in Static Sediment/Water Systems [Lores, Emile M.; 1993 ; Journal Article]
Relationships Among Long-Term Fisheries Abundances, Hydrographic Variables, and Gross Pollution Indicators in Northeastern U.S. Estuaries [Rose, Kenneth A.; 1992 ; Abstract]
Benthic Index of Environmental Condition of Gulf of Mexico Estuaries [Engle, Virginia D.; 1994 ; Journal Article]
Prevalence of Gross Pathological Abnormalities in Estuarine Fishes [Fournie, John W.; 1996 ; Journal Article]
Dissolved Oxygen Conditions in Northern Gulf of Mexico Estuaries [Engle, Virginia D.; 1999 ; Journal Article]
Design-Based Estimators and Power Analyses of Trend Tests for the Proportion of Fish That Exhibit Gross Pathological Disorders [Heimbuch, Douglas G.; 1998 ; Journal Article]
Refinement, Validation, and Application of a Benthic Condition Index for Northern Gulf of Mexico Estuaries [Engle, Virginia D.; 1999 ; Journal Article]
Macrobenthic Responses to Natural and Contaminant-Related Gradients in Northern Gulf of Mexico Estuaries [Rakocinski, Chet F.; 1997 ; Journal Article]
Using Structural Equation Modeling to Investigate Relationships Among Ecological Variables [Malaeb, Ziad A.; 2000 ; Journal Article]
Statistical Summary: EMAP-Estuaries Louisianian Province - 1992 [Macauley, John M.; 1994 ; Published Report]
Coastal Wetlands Indicator Study: EMAP-Estuaries Louisianian Province - 1991 [Turner, R. Eugene; 1995 ; Published Report]
Statistical Summary: EMAP-Estuaries Louisianian Province - 1993 [Macauley, John M.; 1995 ; Published Report]
Ecological Condition of Estuaries in the Gulf of Mexico [Engle, Virginia D.; 1999 ; Published Report]
Condition Assessment for the Escambia River, FL, Watershed: Benthic Macroinvertebrate Surveys Using a Probabilistic Sampling Design [DiDonato, Guy T.; 2000 ; Abstract]
Incidence of Stress in Benthic Communities Along the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Coasts Within Different Ranges of Sediment Contamination from Chemical Mixtures [Hyland, Jeffrey L.; 2003 ; Journal Article]
Evaluation of Transport and Storage of 60Co, 134Cs, 137Cs and 65Zn by River Sediments in the Lower Susquehanna River [McLean, Richard I.; 1990 ; Journal Article]
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program, an Ecological Status and Trends Program [Paul, John F.; 1990 ; Published Report]
Trophic Structure of Macrobenthic Communities in Northern Gulf of Mexico Estuaries [Gaston, Gary R.; 1995 ; Journal Article]
Estuarine Component of the US E.P.A.'s Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program [Paul, John F.; 1992 ; Journal Article]

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