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Fisher, William S. [Citations] [Citations and Abstracts]

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Fisher, William S. as First Author
Development and Validation of Ecological Indicators: An ORD Approach [1998 ; Journal Article]
Decreased Resistance of Eastern Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) to a Protozoan Pathogen (Perkinsus marinus) after Sublethal Exposure to Tributyltin Oxide [1999 ; Journal Article]
Survey of Oysters Crassostrea virginica from Tampa Bay, Florida: Associations of Internal Defense Measurements with Contaminant Burdens [2000 ; Journal Article]
U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development Guidelines for Technical Evaluation of Ecological Indicators [2002 ; Symposium Paper]
Indicators for Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Perspective [2001 ; Journal Article]
Pilot Project to Detect and Forecast Harmful Algal Blooms in the Northern Gulf of Mexico [2003 ; Journal Article]
Stimulation of Defense Factors for Oysters Deployed to Contaminated Sites in Pensacola Bay, Florida [2003 ; Journal Article]
Large-Scale Environmental Influences on Aquatic Animal Health [Unpublished ; Journal Article]
Antimicrobial Activity of Copper and Zinc Accumulated in Eastern Oyster Amebocytes [2004 ; Journal Article]
Relationship of Amebocytes and Terrestrial Elements to Adult Shell Deposition in Eastern Oysters [2004 ; Journal Article]
Regional Monitoring of Coral Condition in the Florida Keys [2006 ; Symposium Paper]
Characterizing Coral Condition Using Estimates of Three-Dimensional Colony Surface Area [2007 ; Journal Article]
Evaluation of Stony Coral Indicators for Coral Reef Management [Accepted ; Journal Article]
Occurrence of Agglutinins in the Pallial Cavity Mucus of Oysters [1992 ; Journal Article]
Infection Intensity of Perkinsus marinus Disease in Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791) from the Gulf of Mexico Maintained Under Different Laboratory Conditions [1992 ; Journal Article]
Simple Test for Toxicity of Number 2 Fuel Oil and Oil Dispersants to Embryos of Grass Shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio [1993 ; Journal Article]
Whole-Oyster Procedure for Diagnosis of Perkinsus marinus Disease Using Ray's Fluid Thioglycollate Culture Medium [1996 ; Journal Article]
Hematologic and Serologic Variability of Eastern Oysters from Apalachicola Bay, Florida [1996 ; Journal Article]
Physiologic Variability of Eastern Oysters from Apalachicola Bay, Florida [1996 ; Journal Article]
CMED Scientist Database (Internet) [1999 ; Internet Product]
Effects of Global Change on Coral Reef Ecosystems. Chapter 12 [2007 ; Book Chapter]

Fisher, William S. as Contributing Author
Rapid Tetrazolium Dye Reduction Assay to Assess the Bactericidal Activity of Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Hemocytes Against Vibrio parahaemolyticus [Volety, Aswani K.; 1999 ; Journal Article]
Developmental Toxicity of Copper Chloride, Methylene Chloride, and 6-Aminonicotinamide to Embryos of the Grass Shrimp Palaemonetes pugio [Rayburn, James R.; 1999 ; Journal Article]
Appraisal of Prospective Bivalve Immunomarkers [Oliver, Leah M.; 1999 ; Journal Article]
Factors Influencing In Vitro Killing of Bacteria by Hemocytes of the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) [Genthner, Fred J.; 1999 ; Journal Article]
Effects of Food Availability on Survival, Growth, and Reproduction of the Grass Shrimp Palaemonetes pugio: A Laboratory Study [Reinsel, Kathleen A.; 2001 ; Journal Article]
Relationships Between Tissue Contaminants and Defense-Related Characteristics of Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) from Five Florida Bays [Oliver, Leah M.; 2001 ; Journal Article]
In Vitro Killing of Perkinsus marinus by Hemocytes of Oysters Crassostrea virginica [Volety, Aswani K.; 2000 ; Journal Article]
Responses of Oyster Crassostrea virginica Hemocytes to Environmental and Clinical Isolates of Vibrio parahaemolyticus [Volety, Aswani K.; 2001 ; Journal Article]
Strategies for Evaluating Indicators Based on Guidelines from the Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Research and Development [Kurtz, Janis C.; 2001 ; Journal Article]
Greater Hemocyte Bactericidal Activity in Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) from a Relatively Contaminated Site in Pensacola Bay, Florida [Oliver, Leah M.; 2003 ; Journal Article]
Estimating 3-Dimensional Surface Area of Field Corals [Courtney, Lee A.; 2007 ; Journal Article]
Disease Incidence and Potential Mechanisms of Defense for MSX-Resistant and -Susceptible Eastern Oysters Held in Chesapeake Bay [Chintala, Marnita M.; 1991 ; Journal Article]
Effects of Physicochemical Factors and Bacterial Colony Morphotype on Association of Vibrio vulnificus with Hemocytes of Crassostrea virginica [Harris-Young, Linda; 1993 ; Journal Article]
Comparative Form and Function of Oyster Crassostrea virginica Hemocytes from Chesapeake Bay (Virginia) and Apalachicola Bay (Florida) [Oliver, Leah M.; 1995 ; Journal Article]
Oyster Serum Agglutinins and Resistance to Protozoan Parasites [Chintala, Marnita M.; 1994 ; Journal Article]
Testing of the Insect Pest Control Fungus Beauveria bassiana in Grass Shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio [Genthner, Fred J.; 1994 ; Journal Article]
Characterization of Grass Shrimp (Palaemonetes pugio) Embryo Toxicity Tests Using the Water Soluble Fraction of Number 2 Fuel Oil [Rayburn, James R.; 1996 ; Journal Article]
Embryonic Coat of the Grass Shrimp Palaemonetes pugio [Glas, Patricia S.; 1997 ; Journal Article]
Fishery Resources and Threatened Coastal Habitats in the Gulf of Mexico [Dantin, Darrin D.; 2005 ; Published Report]
The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the U.S. Virgin Islands. Chapter 2 [Rothenberger, Paige; 2008 ; Book Chapter]

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