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Borthwick, Patrick W. [Citations] [Citations and Abstracts]

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Borthwick, Patrick W. as First Author
Accumulation and Movement of Mirex in Selected Estuaries of South Carolina, 1969-71 [1973 ; Journal Article]
Mirex Residues in Selected Estuaries of South Carolina--June 1972 [1974 ; Journal Article]
Gravity-Flow Column to Provide Pesticide-Laden Water for Aquatic Bioassays [1975 ; Journal Article]
Clinical Centrifuge Tube for Small Blood Samples [1974 ; Journal Article]
Toxicity of Pentachlorophenol and Related Compounds to Early Life Stages of Selected Estuarine Animals [1978 ; Book Chapter]
Use of Aquatic Toxicology and Quantitative Chemistry to Estimate Environmental Deactivation of Marine-Grade Creosote in Seawater [1982 ; Journal Article]
Field Confirmation of a Laboratory-Derived Hazard Assessment of the Acute Toxicity of Fenthion to Pink Shrimp, Penaeus duorarum [1985 ; Symposium Paper]
Comparative Acute Sensitivities of Early Life Stages of Atherinid Fishes to Chlorpyrifos and Thiobencarb [1985 ; Journal Article]
Effects of Ground ULV Applications of Fenthion on Estuarine Biota: III. Response of Caged Pink Shrimp and Grass Shrimp [1985 ; Journal Article]
Initial Toxicological Assessment of Ambush, Bolero, Bux, Dursban, Fentrifanil, Larvin, and Pydrin: Static Acute Toxicity Tests with Selected Estuarine Algae, Invertebrates, and Fish [1981 ; Project Report]
Methods for Acute Static Toxicity Tests with Mysid Shrimp (Mysidopsis bahia) [1978 ; Project Report]

Borthwick, Patrick W. as Contributing Author
Comparison of Laboratory Toxicity Test Results with Responses of Caged Estuarine Animals Exposed to Fenthion in the Field [Clark, James R.; 1987 ; Journal Article]
Toxicity of Pyrethroids to Marine Invertebrates and Fish: A Literature Review and Test Results with Sediment-Sorbed Chemicals [Clark, James R.; 1989 ; Journal Article]
Kinetics of Pesticides [Duke, Thomas W.; 1970 ; ]

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