Mining, Oil and Gas



Afghanistan Country Analysis Brief

June 2004

This report by the U.S. Department of Energy gives an overview of the energy sector in Afghanistan.

Oil and Gas Sector Report

October 2002

This is the U.S. Trade and Development Agency-funded definitional mission report (280KB PDF only) that outlines potential activities to improve the downstream oil and gas sector in Afghanistan.

Projects and Opportunities

Afghan Government

The Afghan government proposed these energy, mining and telecom projects for the Afghan year 1383 (March 2004-March 2005) development budget.

U.S. Trade and Development Agency (TDA)

Approved $1,110,000 in funding from its trust fund at the World Bank for a study on building a natural gas pipeline from Sare-pul to Kabul and related electricity, gas treatment, and fertilizer plant projects. TDA has approved funding for the first phase of an oil and gas resource assessment. The U.S. Geological Survey will be conducting the assessment.

World Bank

Emergency Infrastructure Reconstruction Project ($33 Million)
This project will help restore critical urban services and the power sector and includes the recomissioning of gas turbines. This includes a $15 million Secondary Cities Emergency Power Project (180KB PDF only).The Ministry of Mines and Industries would like to build upon this World Bank project to obtain funding for a $333 million Sheberghan to Kabul Gas Pipeline and Generating Plant project (160KB PDF only). Ministry of Mines and Industries presentation (1.2MB PDF only) of the Sheberghan to Kabul Gas Pipeline project at the June 2003 Afghanistan: Rebuilding a Nation conference.

Asian Development Bank

Emergency Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (2.9MB PDF only) ($150 million)
In May 2003, the Asian Development Bank approved this loan to restore roads, power, and gas infrastructure in Afghanistan

Gas Regulatory Framework Study (145KB PDF only) ($650,000)

In the Media


UK Bank Targets Afghanistan
   -June 27, 2003 (Interfax)

Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan Discuss Gas Pipeline Project
   -June 26, 2003 (Interfax)

Afghanistan to Tout its Copper Mines
   -January 8, 2003 (BBC)

Central Asia Pipeline Deal Signed
   -December 27, 2002 (BBC)



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