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Getting it Right: Amnesty or Accountability After Atrocity?
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Date and Time
Monday, December 11, 2006
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

U.S. Institute of Peace
2nd Floor Conference Room
1200 17th St, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Helena Cobban has just published a USIP grant-funded book, Amnesty After Atrocity? Healing Nations After Genocide (Paradigm Publishers, 2006). Based on research in Mozambique, Rwanda, and South Africa, this book examines the challenges of promoting reconciliation in different cultural and political settings in African states emerging from sustained violent conflict.

At the heart of Cobban's inquiry is the controversial issue of whether seeking accountability and retribution for war crimes and atrocities advances peacebuilding and reconciliation, and whether they should take priority over other approaches, such as amnesty and social interventions to promote healing.


  • Helena Cobban
    Columnist, The Christian Science Monitor


  • Betty Bigombe
    USIP Senior Fellow
    Senior Consultant, The World Bank
  • Michael Johnson
    USIP Senior Fellow
    Registrar, Court of Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Joyce Neu
    USIP Senior Fellow
    Director, Joan B. Kroc Institute, University of San Diego


  • Judy Barsalou
    Vice President, USIP Grant and Fellowship Program

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Please contact Ian Larsen (202.429.3870) or Lauren Sucher (202.429.3822) in the Office of Public Affairs and Communications.

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