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When Will Iraq Stand Up?
Public Event

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Date and Time
Friday, July 28, 2006
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

U.S. Institute of Peace
2nd Floor Conference Room
1200 17th St, NW
Washington, DC 20036

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"The National Strategy for Victory in Iraq seeks to help the Iraqi Security Forces and the Iraqi government take territory out of enemy control (clear); keep and consolidate the influence of the Iraqi government afterwards (hold); and establish new local institutions that advance civil society and the rule of law in areas formerly under enemy influence and control (build)."

"As Iraqi forces become more and more capable, the U.S. military posture will shift, leaving Coalition forces increasingly focused on specialized counter-terrorism missions to hunt, capture, and kill terrorist leaders and break up their funding and resource networks."

Lieutenant General Nasier Abadi, the Deputy Commander of Iraq's Joint Forces, will provide a candid update on the progress of Iraqi military as it stands up and assumes its burden of the "Clear, Hold, Build" effort in Iraq.

  • As Iraq stands up, how fast should the U.S. stand down?
  • What obstacles stand in Iraq's way?
  • How long will it take for Iraq to assume full responsibility for its security?
  • Is Iraq receiving enough assistance to rebuild its forces?


  • Lieutenant General Nasier Abadi
    Deputy Commander, Iraq Joint Forces
  • Paul Hughes, Moderator
    U.S. Institute of Peace

Media Inquiries

Please contact Ian Larsen in the Office of Public Affairs and Communications at 202.429.3870.

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