Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board Logo


The NWTRB is an independent agency of the U.S. Federal Government. Its sole purpose is to provide independent scientific and technical oversight of the Department of Energy's program for managing and disposing of high-level radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel.
Updated October 28, 2008

Letter to Dr. B. John Garrick from Mr. Robert Loux (October 8, 2008)
Letter to Dr. B. John Garrick from Mr. Robert Loux (October 2, 2008)
Board's response to DOE's September 18, 2008 letter
President announces intentention to reappoint Dr. Mark Abkowitz, Dr. Thure Cerling, Dr. David Duquette, and Dr. Ronald Latanision to the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board:
DOE's response to the Board's September 4, 2008 letter
Report to Congress and the Secretary of Energy
Updated Meeting Calendar
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Mission A look at the Board and its mission
Members Biographies of Board members, plus panel organization
Reports Summaries and full text of Board reports
Correspondence Correspondence to and from the Board
Testimony Congressional testimony
Press Press releases and meeting announcements
Calendar Schedule of upcoming Board meetings and events
Meetings Past Board meeting transcripts, materials, and agendas
Plans Strategic plans, performance budgets, and operating guidelines
Links Other nuclear waste web sites
Site Info Site overview, contact information, help and privacy policy
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NWTRB No Fear Act Notice