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Featured Trade Event

World Trade Week 2008


"U.S. Exports Mean Jobs" World Trade Week 1984 Poster
World Trade Week 1984 Poster

World Trade Week was first observed in 1933, with a proclamation by President Franklin D. Roosevelt that designated the third week in May as “National Foreign Trade Week.” In the intervening 75 years, the annual event has been renamed World Trade Week and has expanded its scope to include many activities throughout the country in recognition of the importance of international trade to the U.S. economy.

This year, World Trade Week will be observed on May 19–23. New York and Los Angeles are two centers of celebration. In New York, World Trade Week will start with an awards breakfast on May 19. Other events include seminars on sources of financing for international trade and an introduction to international franchising. For more information, go to

In Los Angeles, World Trade Week will begin with a kickoff breakfast on May 7. Andy Bird, chairman of Walt Disney International, will be the keynote speaker. Bird oversaw the expansion of Disney’s existing businesses in developed markets, such as Western Europe and Japan, and emerging markets, such as China, India, Russia, and South Korea, as well as countries in Latin America. Other featured events include a seminar on cross-cultural communication skills, which will teach participants about cohesive communication strategies and cultural differences, as well as the skills of intercultural negotiations. For more information, go to

Many U.S. Export Assistance Centers (USEACs) will also be holding events in celebration of World Trade Week 2008. For more information, contact your local USEAC or visit