The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EEOC Performance and Accountability Report FY 2004


Our goal is to ensure that the principles and standards we promote in the workplace are readily apparent in our own operations. We strive to be an organization that sets and implements the highest quality standards for EEO, customer service, internal efficiencies, and fiscal responsibility. Improving our organizational capacity and infrastructure will help us carry out our mission more effectively and efficiently. Sound management of our resources-human, financial, and technological-are key to this effort.

The President's Management Agenda (PMA) is integral to the final element of our Five-Point Plan: EEOC as a Model Workplace. The PMA addresses important enhancements to internal agency operations, with an emphasis on customer service. The integration of the Five-Point Plan and other Administration and agency initiatives will us help build a model workplace where we can effectively and efficiently accomplish two broad outcomes in an environment conducive to good employment practices: improving organizational performance and efficiency and instilling a climate of respect, service, and responsiveness.

Organizational Excellence Performance Scorecard
Total FY 2005 Investment: Allocated between Strategic Objectives 1 and 2
Measures Targets Met
Target Met
Targets Partially Met1
Target partially met
Targets Not Met
Target not met
8 6 0 2

EEOC As a Model Workplace

EEOC employees are at the heart of our efforts to become a model workplace and achieve organizational excellence. In FY 2005, we continued to implement strategies, programs, and practices to manage our employees for greater results. The PMA and other performance measures are key to our model workplace efforts. A discussion of our progress in implementing the PMA follows.

Several of our performance measures demonstrate the agency's efforts to be a model for other employers in resolving internal complaints and other disputes quickly and successfully. One example is the agency's RESOLVE program, a one-stop, informal program for settling all types of workplace disputes within the EEOC. It is an Alternative Dispute Resolution process available for equal employment opportunity complaints, as well as grievances and unfair practice claims. The program uses mediation or facilitation to resolve disputes brought to the program by our employees.

Measure 3.1.7 tracks employees' acceptance of the RESOLVE program by looking at their willingness to use the program again. Employees who completed a mediation or facilitation through RESOLVE are asked to complete a participant satisfaction survey. Of the employees who completed the survey, 92% indicated that they would use the program again, exceeding the FY 2005 target of 90%.

Also, as illustrated by Measure 3.1.5, the agency is on track to successfully implement the Federal sector model EEO program. For this fiscal year, our target was to meet or exceed 75% of the identified attributes for a Model EEO Program and implemented 79% of the attributes. By the end of FY 2006, our goal is to implement all identified attributes in order to serve as a model for other Federal agencies.

President's Management Agenda: The PMA identifies five areas that require improvement throughout the Federal Government. The five-part agenda is an integrated set of management reforms designed to create a more results-oriented, customer-focused, and market-based government. Since FY 2003 the agency's Inspector General has rated the agency in all areas. Our ultimate goal is to achieve a green rating in all PMA scorecard categories. Our efforts to get to green are discussed in the following sections.


An evaluation of EEOC's management controls and financial management systems revealed that the agency had no material weaknesses and seven financial non-conformances. The agency corrected one financial non-conformance first identified in FY 2004, corrected four of the non-conformances identified in FY 2005, and developed corrective action plans to resolve the remaining two non-conformances during FY 2006.

Based on a review of agency-wide information and the assurances of the agency's senior managers, we conclude that our systems of management and financial controls were effective in FY 2005 and that agency resources were used in a manner consistent with our mission, in compliance with laws and regulations, and with minimal potential for waste, fraud, and mismanagement.

This page was last modified on December 2, 2005

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