Promoting enlightened engagement between Africa and
America through education, training and dialogue.

The Africa-America Institute (AAI) was founded in 1953 to help Africans build human capacity through education and training programs. Today, AAI continues to pursue this vision through a portfolio of programs aimed at both educating Africans and educating Americans about Africa.

For over fifty years, AAI’s African Higher Education and Training programs have provided university, graduate-level, and professional training scholarship programs for Africans in fundamental capacity–building fields, including agriculture, business and finance, education, government, health care, science and technology. AAI’s Education, Outreach and Policy programs have created opportunities for policymakers, business executives, government officials, and opinion leaders from Africa and the United States to gain a more complete understanding of each other and to explore, debate and work collaboratively on issues of mutual interest.

To date, over 23,000 individuals from Africa and the United States have benefited from AAI’s education and policy programs.