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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

In the Field

USIP experts are more than analysts—they are practitioners that can often be found far outside Washington, D.C. putting conflict resolution methods into practice and aiding in the rebuilding and stabilization of communities that have experienced conflict. This series summarizes recent examples of USIP efforts to resolve conflicts around the world.

September 19, 2008
Haiti's minister of justice and public safety recently invited a USIP-based rule of law team to discuss reforming that country's criminal code—parts of which have not been updated since 18
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September 12, 2008
Senior Program Officers Keith Bowen and Nina Sughrue, in conjunction with a local partner, recently conducted a training workshop in conflict resolution in Kabul for 34 Afghans from across the NGO spectrum. The objective was to synthesize traditional Afghan and USIP-based methods of conflict resolution.
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July 24, 2008
Approximately 20 percent of Iraqis are displaced and not sure how to reclaim their property when they return home. In Jordan, USIP and the World Bank recently convened a workshop for displaced Iraqis to address this issue.
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July 9, 2008
To assist Liberia's recovery after a 14 year civil war, USIP has led an unique program based on both formal institutions and local practices of justice.
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March 17, 2008
Senior Fellow Barbara Slavin has been senior diplomatic reporter for USA Today since 1996. Now on her seventh trip to Iran, Slavin interviewed veteran political figure and newly elected member of parliament, Ali Larijani.
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October 24, 2007
As part of the Iraq program, USIP has maintained a small office in the Green Zone in Baghdad since early 2004. USIP's Chief of Party in Baghdad, Rusty Barber, offers weekly dipatches that capture a lively and sobering insider's view of the promise and peril facing U.S. efforts in Iraq.
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October 3, 2007
USIP staff members are privileged to be able to travel and work in many places that are not on the beaten track. For the first time, USIP shares photos from the field in an organized online exhibition.
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June 8, 2007
Senior Fellow Betty Bigombe is world renowned as one of the lead negotiators in the 20-year conflict between the government of Uganda and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels in the north of the country. Follow her on her recent trip to northern Uganda in early 2007 as she works to urge the LRA rebels back to the negotiating table.
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