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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service


CONTACT: Anthony P. de Bruyn
The University of Texas System
Phone: 512-499-4363


Students, Faculty, and Staff Participate in Annual Volunteer Initiative “United to Serve”


AUSTIN – The University of Texas System Administration and all 15 of its campuses will participate in volunteer activities in their respective communities across the state in honor of National Volunteer Week (April 23 - 29).

The system-wide initiative – "United to Serve” – involves students, faculty, staff and administrators throughout the UT System. This is the third year members of the extended UT family will give their time and talent to help better their local communities.

“The UT System is proud of the volunteer work and community service done by students, faculty and staff everyday,” said UT System Chancellor Mark G. Yudof.

Yudof, a member of the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation, noted that, “All across the nation, more university communities are giving generously of their time and effort. United to Serve gives the UT System a chance to contribute together and to showcase the people who understand the importance of helping those in need.”

A special website highlights the various volunteer events that have taken place or are scheduled to take place in each community. For more information concerning the volunteer activities please visit the website at

The UT System is one of the nation's largest higher education systems with 15 campuses, including nine academic and six health institutions, and an annual operating budget of $9.6 billion (FY 2006). Student enrollment exceeds 185,000 in the 2005 academic year. The UT System confers one-third of the state's undergraduate degrees and educates three-fourths of Texas health care professionals. With more than 76,000 employees, the UT System is one of the largest employers in Texas.


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